Back in the house, Fusu saw that the women of the Yin and Yang family had not yet come out.

Suddenly speechless, didn't he go back to his mother's house, and he could dress up for so long?

When he came to Dasimei's residence, Fusu still used light and dust to penetrate the wall.

But the scene that came into view stunned him.

A starry sky pattern appeared on the roof.

The four people of Daishimei, Shaoshimei, Luna God, and Chitaki each occupied a position and were peeping into the heavenly machine.

Seeing Fusu come in, Nuying hurriedly came to him and said, "Husband, don't disturb them."

Fusu asked with a little interest, "What are they doing?"

"Didn't the young master and sister Chitaki not divinate Xiang Yu's position before? The four of them united, intending to see if they could divination.

Fusu raised an eyebrow.

Are you trying to change your life against the sky?

Aren't you afraid of attracting heavenly punishment?

No, this divination technique, they must use it less in the future.

If something happens one day, you will regret it.

Fusu held Nuying and sat next to several people, carefully watching their situation.

If something goes wrong, you have to save them.

Fortunately, several people did not trigger any divine punishment.

Half an hour later, the women received the credit.

Obviously, the internal strength of several people is almost consumed.

The moon god said: "Husband, we have discovered something incredible. "

Huh? What's going on?

Fusu was surprised.

Can they still discover their secrets?

"Someone is changing their lives against the sky."


Aren't the four of you just changing your lives against the sky?"

Are you sorry to say someone else?

"What is this, changing life against the sky, it shows that life is not hard enough."

"Husband, Liu Ji's luck has already come to an end, but just now, it has changed."


Fusu suddenly became alarmed.

Liu Ji's luck has changed, does that mean that the farmer has lost people?

"Husband, someone ransacked Daze Mountain, and then rescued Liu Ji."

"What people?"

Fusu was surprised that there were still people with such abilities.

Could it be the remnants of the Six Kingdoms?

However, if they do this under their noses, can they escape?

"Xiang Yu!"

"So where are they now?"

The women shook their heads.

"The two of them carrying luck are united, and our strength is not enough to detect their whereabouts."

Chitaki said, "However, we found the person who changed his life against the sky. "


"Xu negative!"

Fusu raised an eyebrow.

It's a good loss, wait until I catch you, see how you still change your life against the sky.

"Can you find out where she is?"

"She's on her way here."


are you doing here?"


Last time in Hengshan County, she slipped away.

Don't try to escape this time.

After being caught, the small whip waits.

Dare to help the rebels of the Six Nations.

"You guys recover your internal strength first, and we'll leave after dark."

Taking advantage of the efforts of several women to meditate, Fusu came to Duanmu Rong's residence.

"Girl Rong, can you use the Fusang Divine Wood to refine the elixir that prolongs life?"

"I heard my master say that since the Fuso Divine Wood is a heaven and earth spiritual object, its medicinal effects are unbearable for ordinary people."

Duanmu Rong knew what Fusu meant when he asked this.

He wanted to refine the Immortal Pill for Ying Zheng.

This is simply impossible.

"Can ordinary people eat it directly?"

"Unless you want to die."

"What kind of strength can I eat this thing?"

"Has Your Highness ever heard of mutual survival."

"What do you mean?"

Fu Su looked at Duanmu Rong with a puzzled expression.

The appearance of heaven and earth spirit objects will inevitably be accompanied by the emergence of guardian beasts.

Fuso Shenmu must have a guardian beast guarding it.

"But I haven't seen anything other than the three-legged golden crow?"

"Isn't the three-legged golden crow still a guardian beast?"

Duanmu Rong was speechless for a while.

It was a legendary beast.

However, the question arises, since Fusu has seen the three-legged golden crow, then how did he remove the branch?

"Why didn't the three-legged golden crow attack you?"

"Don't you know that the three-legged golden crow will recognize the Lord?"

"What..." "

You, you were recognized by the three-legged golden crow?"

Duanmu Rong looked incredulous.

No wonder Fusu's strength is so strong.

It turned out that with the help of the three-legged golden crow, he became a peerless master.

"I finally know why you're so powerful."

Fusu explained: "You are wrong, I have nothing to do with the three-legged golden crow, before I saw it, I was able to defeat the alliance of Xiaoyaozi and Gai Nie." "


It's okay to cover Nie in front of me, what is it for....

"Oh yes, in your body, there is also the bloodline of the three-legged golden crow."


Duanmu Rong was very sure that she had nothing to do with the three-legged golden crow.

"How is it impossible, when you were seriously injured, I used my blood to save you."

"This... Shouldn't this be the Jade Leaf Flower?

"That's just a cover-up."

How so....

In order to save himself, Fusu actually used the blood of the three-legged golden crow.

"You're not far from death."

Duanmu Rong's cold words shocked Fusu.

What is called not far from death....

"What do you mean?"

"If people know that after you fused the three-legged golden crow, you have the ability to speak white bones of life and death, and you will definitely be delayed."

Fusu smiled, looked at Duanmu Rong and said, "Will you say it?"

Duanmu Rong kept silent.

Will she say it?

This question is so tangled.

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