After arranging Yangzhou's affairs, he rushed back to Xianyang.

This time to go to the Northland, I must take the two Hu people, Nuo Min and Hu Ji, with him.

With them here, at least they won't get lost in the prairie.

"The papermaking technology learned by Ah Yan and the peasant disciples is already very mature."


"Then start mass production, but I promised all the children and hundreds of families that I must prepare a batch of paper for them when the spring of next year begins."

"I will definitely urge the farmers to do this well."

"Give all the paper stored now to the Confucianists, and let them send someone to the Taoist to copy the books!"


"In addition, I will leave the Six Sword Slave and Lin'er to you, and you will help me investigate a matter."

"What's the matter?"

Tian Yan looked puzzled.

"Zhao Jie's death is very strange, you need to help me investigate the real murderer, Bai Feng wants to know something, in exchange for me saving Weizhuang, quicksand needs to help us do things."

"Just the white phoenix and the hidden bat?"

Chi Lian was directly ignored by Tian Yan.

She is a waste now, and she can't help at all.

And there are many people who offend Chilian in the rivers and lakes.

"At present, just the two of them, whether Chi Lian's strength can be restored is unknown."

Tian Yan frowned and said worriedly, "What if someone takes advantage of your absence to sneak up on Yangzhou Mansion again?"

"I will let Mirage and Xuanwu follow, stop in Liaodong County first, and take all the people here."

"Then my mother should stay?"

"Yes, but I want to take Mei Sanniang and Dianqing, and you have to pay attention to the Ghost Valley Sect, I always feel that their thinking is not simple."

Tian Yan analyzed: "They tried hard to get Wei Zhuang before, was it because Wei Zhuang had what they wanted? "

As far as I know, the current Ghost Valley faction commands longitudinal swordsmanship instead of horizontal swordsmanship, which shows that Xu Rang was originally longitudinal, and Ma Shuijin learned a full set of Ghost Valley heart techniques and sword techniques after succeeding Ghost Guzi."

"Wei Zhuang, do you want to take it too?"

"Don't bring it."

Early the next morning, Fusu's soldiers and horses marched in two ways.

Yuejin took Mirage and Chitaki took Xuanwu by water to Youzhou Liaodong County, where he was waiting for him.

Fusu returned to Xianyang with a large group of men and horses, and then entered Hezhou from Guanzhong.

"Sister Rong, what's the daze."

The snow girl came to Duanmu Rong's residence and saw Duanmu Rong standing in front of the window, looking into the distance.

Following Duanmu Rong's gaze, she found that Duanmu Rong was looking at the Bird Tower in the Assassin History Mansion opposite.

"No, nothing."

"Sister Rong, do you like Fusu?"

The snow girl sighed.

Recently, Duanmu Rong has changed a lot.

The smile on my face is also a lot more.

What Fusu sent earlier, she said that she would return it.

The result is just lip service, but never action.

Jasper leaf flowers are at her bedside every day.

And Duanmu Rong has not mentioned Gai Nie again for nearly half a month.

As long as she introduces this topic, Duanmu Rong's face will be very ugly.

Duanmu Rong still looked into the distance, neither denying nor affirming.

"Alas, you said that when he left, why didn't he say hello to you."

The snow girl said for a long time, but Duanmu Rong did not reply a word.

The snow girl, who felt bored, was about to leave when Duanmu Rong suddenly said: "Xiao Gao has come." "


The snow girl looked stunned.

Why does Duanmu Rong know, but she doesn't?

"When you were in the Assassin Palace, he couldn't get in, so he came to me."

"Sister Rong, why didn't you send someone to inform me?"

The snow girl's face was a little ugly.

As Duanmu Rong, sending someone to inform her will definitely be able to bring her out.

In the face of the snow girl's questioning, Duanmu Rong did not answer positively.

"He left you something."

"What? Where is it?

Duanmu Rong walked to the locker and took out a four-foot-long wooden box from it.

Then he instructed: "From now on, you will be the giant of the Mo family." "


The snow girl exclaimed.

Is he a giant of the Mo family?

Although Fusu told her about this before.

But suddenly became a giant of the Mo family, which made her a little overwhelmed.

Her strength is not worthy of the Mo family giant.

"Sister Rong, this, this me, how can I be a giant, I'm afraid I'm not even as good as Tianming."

"Have confidence in yourself, the Mo family's mechanics have long been made into books, when you are fine, you can study it, with your ice and snow smart mind, you will definitely learn faster than Tianming."

Compare yourself to Tianming's little clever ghost?

The snow girl really doesn't have that confidence in her heart.

Tianming's talent is very strong, which is recognized by the Mo family.

Although before they looked down on Tianming.

But after a period of contact, they found that Tianming's growth rate was very amazing.

Especially after Yue'er became the crown prince, Tianming suddenly became mature.

"Sister Rong, did Xiao Gao say anything else?"

"He said, I hope you will be happy in the future, and you don't have to worry about him."


snow girl's eyes suddenly turned red.

What does it mean to be high and detached?

"Sister Rong, Fusu is not here, I can..."

"You can't leave, you have to think about them, once you are out of his control, maybe you are nothing, but others will suffer."

[Another busy day, no time for codewords in the morning..................

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