In an inn in Yangzhou Mansion.

Several disciples of Ghost Valley stood in front of Xu Rang and reported the situation in the city to him.

"Master, according to our investigation, Fusu has already left here, and the entire inner courtyard of the Assassin History Mansion, except for a person named Xuenu who lives here permanently, only Wei Zhuang and Chi Lian are left, and Duanmu Rong, who has a close relationship with Gai Nie, has been living in Jishitang."


Xu Rang has already sent someone to investigate.

Here is Fusu to Duanmu Rong.

Although this person has a good relationship with Ganie.

But they can't move.

After all, this is the person covered by Fusu.

It is also possible that Fusu is interesting to her.

The snow woman is an irrelevant person.

At the beginning, Wei Zhuang destroyed the Mo family's organ city.

This person will definitely not get in the way of his plans.

You can even take advantage of it.

"How is Wei Zhuang doing lately?"

"Duanmu Rong healed him, it seems to be much better, but the one named Chi Lian has never gone out, and I don't know what the situation is."

Xu Rang squinted his eyes and said, "Find a way to lure Wei Zhuang away, and then take that Chi Lian away." "

Lead away Wei Zhuang?

These Ghost Valley disciples were speechless for a while.

The four rays of the Oniya are not there.

The left and right protectors died.

The other is Gai Nie, the watcher in the Ghost Valley.

With them alone, can Wei Zhuang be lured out?

"Master, Wei Zhuang's skill does not know how many percent it has recovered, how can we test it?"

Xu Rang's face sank, pointed at the two people, and said: "Zhao Yu, Wang Feng, you two go to assassinate Wei Zhuang tonight to see how his strength is." "


the left and right protectors dare not do."

Let them do it with ordinary disciples?

"Hurry up and prepare, only if you know how much strength he has recovered, can you respond."

Xu Rang has now stood on the side of the empire.

As a last resort, he absolutely cannot make a move.

Once caught by Fusu, I am afraid that the entire Ghost Valley will be finished.

They don't have the strength to compete with Fusu now.

Duanmu Rong came to the Assassin History Mansion, looked at Wei Zhuang's residence, and after doing a moment of ideological struggle, he still walked in.

She didn't want to treat Chi Lian.

However, as the head of quicksand, Fusu did not want her to die.

And Fusu did not come to beg himself.

After all, his status is special.

She walked to Wei Zhuang's door and found that the door was open.

"Bang bang!"

Duanmu Rong knocked on the door.

After a long time.

But there was no response inside.

Duanmu Rong walked in cautiously.

Seeing that Wei Zhuang was healing Chi Lian's injuries, he hurriedly asked: "Wei Zhuang, she is an ordinary person now, if you want her to die quickly, continue."

Wei Zhuang was shocked in his heart and hurriedly stopped healing Chi Lian.

After Chi Lian gave him the inner dan of the Chilian King Snake, the poison on his body healed.

However, Chi Lian put a body into it.

And her physique is getting weaker and weaker.

"Can you save her?"

Wei Zhuang looked at Duanmu Rong with a worried expression.

"I can only let her die a little slower."

"Die slower?"

Wei Zhuang was shocked.

Is it really just coming?

"If I give Neidan to her, will it make her better?"

"That inner dan was crushed by the little obedient, and then fused into your blood."

"The little one is crushed..."

Why do you have to crush Neidan....

Wei Zhuang didn't expect that he actually hurt Chi Lian.

The hateful Xu Rang, the abominable Bai Qianhong.

The next time we meet, we must kill them all.

"Wei Zhuang, I'm going to give Chi Lian a needle."

Half an hour later.

Duanmu Rong wiped the sweat from her forehead.

"I'll give her some medicine every day."

"I'll do it myself."

Duanmu Rong wanted to say something more, but seeing Wei Zhuang's look of not wanting to deal with people, she walked out.

She didn't expect that Wei Zhuang still had such a tender side.

But just as she walked to the door.

Wei Zhuang suddenly stopped her.

"Duanmu girl, my senior brother was arrested by Xu Rang."

Duanmu Rong paused slightly at his feet and walked out.

Life and death are safe, and she can't help it.

Go to help Su save people?

She wouldn't do that.

Just go with the flow.

After Duanmu Rong walked out of the Assassin Mansion, suddenly two guards followed behind her.

"What are you going to do?"

Duanmu Rong looked at the two with a wary expression.

But when she saw the eyes of one of them, she was stunned.

Her whole body was shaking.

"You..." "

Duanmu girl, our Highness let us two protect you."

Duanmu Rong was slightly stunned.

I understood what he meant.

With them, he came to his own Medical Immortal Pavilion.

Duanmu Rong looked around, and after finding that there was no one around, she took them into her room.

"Your Highness, why haven't you left yet?"

Duanmu Rong's voice trembled a little.

When Fusu left, he didn't say hello to her.

But her heart was broken.

Fusu removed the helmet on his head and said with a smile: "I haven't said goodbye to you yet, how can I leave?"

Duanmu Rong threw herself into Fusu's arms, and tears flowed down her eyes.

"Lin'er, you on the first floor guardian don't let anyone near here."


"I obviously watched you leave that day."

"Haven't you seen Xi Yan in Baiyue."

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