"Duanmu girl!"

Wei Zhuang saluted Duanmu Rong.

Since Duanmu Rong saved Chi Lian's life, Wei Zhuang's too much to Duanmu Rong has undergone a earth-shaking change.

"Is there something going on with Wei Daxia?"

"Wei Zhuang has something to ask for."

"What's going on?"

Duanmu Rong frowned.

Can let Wei Zhuang ask people to do things.

I'm afraid she's still the first.

"I want to give something to Fusu, but I can't leave here now, and I don't have someone I can trust."

Duanmu Rong smiled bitterly and said, "How do you know that I can deliver things."

"I have already observed, there are masters inside and outside Jishitang, including Luo Net's people, Luo Net's current power is Tian Yan, I think you should be able to contact Tian Yan."

"What the hell is it?"

Duanmu Rong looked at Wei Zhuang suspiciously.

Could it be that Xu Rang is something he wants to get.

Wei Zhuang took out a brocade silk from his arms and placed it on the table in front of Duanmu Rong.

Duanmu Rong opened it and took a look.

It was found to be a very delicately crafted white fish jade pendant.

"Is this a token or what?"

"In the treasure pavilion of the ghost valley, there is a plum blossom black box, which is the key to open the box, and only by carrying this key and holding the seven boxes of the Azure Dragon Seven Lodges can you enter the treasure pavilion."

"What is in the plum blossom black box in the treasure cabinet? It actually took the Azure Dragon Seven Lodges to open.

Wei Zhuang shook his head.

Although he had jade pendants, he didn't know where the seven boxes were.

"The Treasure Pavilion is protected by a legal array, and no one in the world can break it."

Duanmu Rong asked, "Why did you give this to Fusu?"

"Because I can't protect it, it's better to give it to the destiny than to let it fall into the wrong hands."

"Is this what Xu Rang wants to get?"


Duanmu Rong's brows couldn't help but frown.

If you let Xu Rang know, Wei Zhuang gave this to himself.

Wouldn't that be dangerous yourself.

It's good that Fusu is here.

It's just that Concubine Yan said that Xu Rang hid his strength and didn't know if Fusu could deal with it.

Since it was related to the secret of the Azure Dragon Seven Houses, she had to subordinate.

"I'll let Tian Yan come in person."

After Wei Zhuang left.

Duanmu Rong returned to the Medical Immortal Pavilion.

Described what Wei Zhuang said.

Fu Su frowned and said, "There is something wrong with this white fish Yupei. "

What a problem."

Duanmu Rong picked up the jade pei and looked at it carefully, but did not find anything abnormal.

"It is associated with the Azure Dragon Seven Accommodations, which is a very unusual object in itself, but the Yin Yang family tempted the father to build a mirage, it is to find the elixir, of which the Azure Dragon Seven Places is the key, how can the Ghost Valley be connected with the Azure Dragon Seven Accommodations."

If it wasn't for Wei Zhuang lying, it was that he was deceived.

Take the seven boxes of White Fish Yupei and Azure Dragon Qijuku, and go to the Ghost Valley to open the Dharma Formation...

I'm afraid this is not a trap.

When the time comes, come to a pot and end it once and for all.

Did Xu Rang think so?

Or is it that the person who gave Wei Zhuang Yupei thought so.

"Rong'er, have the opportunity to ask Wei Zhuang who told him this news."


Fusu always felt that the problem in the middle was very big.

If Xu Rang just wanted to get this white fish jade pei, he would have already succeeded.

Want to put a long line to catch big fish?

Fusu suddenly thought of a funny one.

He reached out and touched the jade pei on Duanmu Rong's waist.

"Your Highness, what are you going to do."

"Give each other a little motivation."

Fusu directly tied the white fish jade pei to Duanmu Rong's jade pendant, and then tied it back to her again.

"Your Highness, are you trying to lure me into the enemy?"

Duanmu Rong looked at the jade pei on her waist with a worried expression.

If Xu Rang suddenly attacked her, would Fusu be able to rescue her in time?

"Rong'er, can Fuso Shenmu improve his skills."

"Yes, I learned from Yunzhong Jun's alchemy secret book that adding the leaves, branches, and roots of the Fuso Divine Tree when refining the pill can improve the medicinal effect, and there are also added to the formula of the poly-immortal pill."

Fusu said: "Then you eat all the few Fuso divine trees that I gave you." "


Duanmu Rong was speechless for a while.

Can that thing be eaten?

"Are you a cow or sheep?"

"Crush into powder!"

Duanmu Rong smiled wickedly and said: "I heard that Fujun's sword technique is superb, and his light skill is even better than the white phoenix and thief who are known for their speed, and you should be able to catch this Fusang divine wood with a sword."

"I'll cut you into powder first and let you fuse together, so that the medicine is more effective."

Fu Su picked up Duanmu Rong and walked towards the second floor.

"Your Highness, that Fuso Shenmu is at the end of my bed."

"I'll go pick a few medicinal herbs."

Fusu took a dozen medicinal herbs from downstairs that could enhance his strength.

Then carried Duanmu Rong upstairs.

"Eat the Juxian Pill first, and I will lead you to absorb the medicinal effect."

"Your Highness, you are sharpening your gun."

"Sharpen the gun, sharpen the gun, as long as you can resist it a little."

The next morning.

Under the guidance of Fusu, Duanmu Rong directly absorbed the medicinal effects of all the medicinal herbs.

"I give you the Taoist Getaway, you just need to practice a lot of light and dust and dream butterfly escape."

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