"Lin'er, these days you dress up as Rong'er, move around more."


As long as Lin Er does not practice medicine, she can generally cope with it.

Now several of Duanmu Rong's newly recruited disciples have all been sent by her to treat their illnesses, and they can't come back for three or five days.

Majiapu in Luling City, Lujiang County, Yangzhou.

In the lobby of the Ma family, there was an old man and four middle-aged people.

The elder's name was Ma Liang, the owner of Majiapu.

The four middle-aged people are Ma Shaowei, Ma Dasheng, Ma Xianxing, and Ma Shaowei's husband, Gao Shiran.

The eldest sister Ma Shaowei looked at Ma Liang and asked, "Father, recently there have been rumors in the rivers and lakes that you went out of the mountains to contact the Four Gates Sect in Jiangnan to assassinate Weizhuang of the Ghost Valley Sect, but is there such a thing?"

Ma Liang frowned.

"I just got out of customs, where have I been out of the house."

Fifteen years ago, Ma Shaowei's daughter Gao Ke showed extraordinary talent.

In order to make her grow into a peerless master, Ma Liang took her to retreat and cultivate when she was five years old.

This cultivation is fifteen years.

In the past fifteen years, Gao Ke has comprehended the essence of his lifelong study.

The Linyuan Sword Art had surpassed itself.

The Nine Nether True Palm created by her maternal grandfather had also been practiced to the point of pure blue.

The current strength is no weaker than the heads of the various major factions.

With such a genius, it is absolutely no problem for them to revive the rivers and lakes.

But Ma Shaowei suddenly said that she contacted the Four Gates to assassinate Wei Zhuang, which made him a little puzzled.

Wei Zhuang was one of the two apprentices his father took after sitting on the ghost valley.

Although they had never met, his father had sent information about the two to Majiapu fifteen years earlier.

Ma said loudly: "Father, it seems that someone wants to cause trouble for our Majiabao.

"If the trouble is provoked, if the descendants of Oniyako are really so easy to kill, he will not live now."

Ma Liang is very casual.

Isn't it just sending someone to kill Wei Zhuang?

It's not a big deal.

As long as Wei Zhuang is okay.

As for who is instigating behind his back, he has already thought about who to investigate.

"Father, these people went to Yangzhou Mansion to assassinate Wei Zhuang, this is a big deal."

"Yangzhou Mansion? What is that place? "

When Ma Liang was in retreat, it was a year after the fall of Korea.

This Yangzhou Mansion, he heard of it for the first time.

Ma Shaowei quickly explained to Ma Liang the current layout of the world.

No matter how calm Ma Liang was, after hearing that the Qin State unified the six countries, he was also terrified.

The seven countries were unified.

This made him really not expect that the Qin Kingdom would destroy the Six Kingdoms in such a short time.

Fusu, the crown prince of the Qin State, he also had the privilege of meeting once.

However, it was all years ago, and he couldn't remember exactly.

Gao Shiran said: "Father-in-law, Yangzhou Mansion can't break in, that Fusu's strength has surpassed our understanding, and it is rumored in the rivers and lakes that even the Taoist Beiluzi seniors are not necessarily his opponents."

"How is that possible?"

Ma Liangke remembered that Fusu was only in his twenties.

How could he surpass Bei Hazi.

"How can you believe the rumors of the rivers and lakes?"

Ma Xianxing said seriously: "Father, whether Fusu surpassed Bei Yuzi, this cannot be verified, but it is a fact that he was able to defeat the alliance between Gai Nie and Xiaoyaozi, and this person destroyed the net with one hand, and among the hundreds of families, no one dared to oppose him."


Liang was stunned.

I didn't expect that after fifteen years of retreat, so many changes have taken place in the world.

Ma Shaowei said: "Grandpa has disappeared now, once our Ma family is remembered by Fusu, I am afraid that it will cause trouble."

"Mother, let me go to the meeting for a while."

A beautiful looking, slender figure, and a white complexion like jade.

A black hair was tied into a ponytail, and it was almost to the soles of the feet.


Ma Shaowei looked at Gao Ke with a kind face.

Unexpectedly, my daughters have grown into big girls.

When it was decided to let her practice in retreat, she cried for a month.

"Mother, don't cry, I'm not good, my current strength, even my grandfather is not my opponent."

"Then you can't go to the trouble of Fusu."

It was no one else who dissuaded, it was Ma Liang.

Through the introductions of several people just now, he has a certain understanding of Fusu.

This person must not be offended.

Their Ma family wants to restart the Iron Blood Alliance and cannot offend Fusu.

The rebellions of the six countries were almost cleaned up by Fusu.

How can they go against the sky?

"Grandpa, you don't have confidence in me."

Gao Ke pouted, looking displeased.

Her strength is not afraid even if the people present are together.

Not to mention a prince of Daqin.

Even if he is superior in martial arts, it is impossible for him to beat her after fifteen years of retreat.

"You have been in retreat in the mountains for so many years, and you are not clear about the outside world, I will definitely take you to see the world."

Ma Shaowei said in horror: "Father, you are old, how can you accompany Ah Ke out far away, or I will accompany her."

"It's okay, Nangong can shake around, I can't be inferior to him."

Chu Nangong's age is less than three hundred years old, but he is not yet a hundred years old, or even eighty years old.

The three siblings couldn't resist this old and young, so they had to let them go out together.

[Today's last chapter, want to get on track, zero on time, I expect it will take three days to complete...].

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