Five days later, late at night.

Fusu and Duanmu Rong changed into a very ordinary warrior costume.

Fusu was dressed in black, and Duanmu Rong was dressed in white.

"Your Highness, where are we going?"

"Black and white are impermanent, hooking the soul, let's go to Jiangnan to take a look."

Fusu transferred Lin'er back from Jiangnan and asked her to continue to pretend to be Duanmu Rong.

And he took Duanmu Rong and went to Baguamen, one of the four major sects in Jiangnan.

The Cangsong Sect and the Qingxiao Sect among the Four Great Sects have already been slaughtered.

But Tian Yan's actions were also exposed.

Let the Bagua Gate and the Danyue Gate be guarded.

When Luo Wang attacked the Danyue Gate, the loss was a little big.

Fanyang City, Lujiang County, Yangzhou.

A black and a white, a man and a woman, came to the largest restaurant located in the west gate of Panyang City.

"Senior brother, why did we come to this Yang City, isn't the Bagua Gate in Lushan."

"Junior sister, Master asked us to come to find relatives, we can't rush into the Bagua Gate, now Luo Net is cleaning up the four main sects in Jiangnan, once we get involved, won't we suffer from the pond fish."

These two are Fusu and Duanmu Rong.

Their voices were not deliberately suppressed.

Guests who eat in the lobby can hear their conversation as long as they have the heart.

"Senior brother, look at the two of them, will they be the traitors of Luo Net."

A table of guests sitting in the corner secretly stared at Fusu and Duanmu Rong.

"Keep an eye on them first, don't act rashly, so as not to expose our whereabouts."

When Fusu and Duanmu Rong were talking, an old man and a young man, a man and a woman, and two beggars walked in.

"Stutter, my grandfather hasn't eaten in days."

The girl's voice was low and hoarse.

If you want to put it on hold as usual, the shop Xiaoer will definitely blast them out.

But although this girl's face is dirty, from the outline of the opening, it can also be regarded as a small beauty billet.

The shopkeeper asked with a bad smile: "It's okay if you want to eat, can you dance or play the piano?"

"I, my grandfather can play the drums."


Shop Xiao Er frowned.

Just this weak and uncontrollable look, I am afraid that you will flash your waist.

A few young people from the next table came over and said, "Come, accompany the young master and I have a drink, and I will give you a few bites to eat." As

he spoke, several people moved their hands and feet, pulling and pulling at the girl.

"Don't move!"

Duanmu Rong was about to go up and fight the grievances.

But he was pulled by Fusu.

With his skills, how many martial artists are here, he can see at a glance.

On the left and right sides of the doorway, a table of goods that is not easy to mess with is made.

They don't have to be nosy.

"Mixed accounts, under the public, they robbed the people and women."

A purple-clothed girl sitting on the right side of the doorway suddenly stood up, followed by a chopstick thrown over.

The chopsticks were like dark objects, directly inserted into the bodies of those youths.


Duanmu Rong gasped.

I didn't expect that there were still masters here.

Use chopsticks as a weapon and want to pierce the opponent's body.

She couldn't do it before.

If it was a silver needle, she could.

"What about Senior Brother? Junior sister made a move, should we go on? "

Eat your food."

Those young people have been scrapped.

If they go up, they can't kill people.

And there are two more unknown people here.

They can't expose too much.

"Thank you Lady for saving us."

The beggar girl hurriedly snapped her head at the lifesaver.

"It's okay, if anyone dares to trouble you again in the future, just say it's me Xin..."

Before the purple-clothed girl finished speaking, she was covered by her companion.

"Junior sister, don't reveal your identity."

"Senior sister, this is ours..." The

purple-clothed girl's senior sister shook her head.

The girl thought about it and said no more.

She took out a money bag from her arms and said: "Find a mountain village to live in, now the army is in chaos, you look like this, don't run around."

Duanmu Rong frowned when she heard this.

What a mess.

Yangzhou has not moved troops for a long time, okay.

It is so abominable to dare to smear his husband.

"Hurry up, surround here, the people of the gossip gate are here."

After the old man and the young left.

Suddenly, more than a dozen killers dressed in black rushed in.

Fusu looked at them and couldn't help frowning.

These people....

The net operation should have stopped.

The purple-clothed girl shouted angrily, "Luo Net's lackeys, kill them!"

"What about Senior Brother Lu..." These

killers are not weak.

And the girl in purple has only two people.

Clearly on the downside.


Senior Brother Lu chose not to go up to help.

He wanted to see if the two swordsmen, one black and one white, would make a move.

"What about Senior Brother Su? Shall we help Luo..." Before

Duanmu Rong could finish speaking, he was covered by Fusu.

"They're not net-grabbing people."

Fusu has already seen that these people's sword techniques are very unified, like a teacher's inheritance.

And the killers of Luo Net are all jianghu warriors, each with their own kung fu routines.

"Shall we help?"

"I'll go up and help."

Fu Su looked for a long time and found that there was a flat dan carrying water not far away.

He walked over and picked up the flat burden, and rushed forward.

The long-lost Hundred Birds Towards the Phoenix Shooting Method, made out with a flat burden, is still extremely powerful.

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