"Bang bang!"

Two quarters of an hour later.

More than a dozen killers were all thrown to the ground by Fusu and those two junior sisters.

The restaurant is also a mess.

Fusu is very strange.

The strength of these killers can definitely rank high in Luo Net.

It is between the ground level and the killing level.

In the net, he couldn't find so many people.

So many masters came out at once.

Makes him a little uneasy.

Behind these people, there must be a more powerful existence.

"Thank you Shaoxia for your help."

The girl in purple bowed to Fusu.

Fu Su said with a smile: "Fighting unevenness is my hobby, and these killers of the net are really rampant."

"In Xiaxin Yanyan, a disciple of the Bagua Sect, I don't know what to call the young man?"

"Are you a disciple of the Bagua Sect?

Fusu looked at each other in surprise.

"What's wrong? Do you still know people from our gossip gate?

"In Xiahei Impermanence Sufu, entrusted by my master Song Xieshan, to report the message to the Bagua Gate."

"Song Xieshan? Are you a disciple of the Cangsong Sect?

"The family master is the head of the Cangsong Sect."

Senior Brother Lu, who was sitting in the corner, stepped forward and said coldly, "You are a disciple of the Cangsong Sect? I remember that the Cangsong faction did not escape alive. "

Black Impermanent Sufu, he has never heard this name at all.

It is doubtful that there is a title but no fame.

"No one escaped? So how did you get the news.


Senior Brother Lu looked embarrassed.

After the Cangsong faction and the Qingxiao faction were destroyed, they quickly received the news.

Otherwise, like them, they will be directly attacked by Luo Net and successfully destroyed.

Senior Brother Lu was still asking questions again, and went to be reprimanded by Xin Yanyan.

"Senior brother, how can you question Big Brother Su so much, he saved us, why didn't you help just now."

Faced with Xin Yanyan's questioning, Senior Brother Lu smiled and said, "Junior sister's skills, do you still need me to help?"


Xin Yanyan glared at him and said, "Big Brother Su, this is my senior sister Zuo Shuang, and this is my senior brother Lu Yuanding. Several

people greeted each other.

Fusu said, "Can I meet your leader?" "

What's going on?"

Lu Yuanding looked at Fusu warily.

"I have an important object to give to Xin."

"Leave it to my dad?"

Lu Yuanding glared at Xin Yanyan.

She realized that she had said the wrong thing and hurriedly closed her mouth.

Fu Su said in surprise: "It turns out that Miss Xin is the head of the Bagua Gate, which is really disrespectful.

Lu Yuanding's face was livid.

I already knew that I shouldn't have come out with two junior sisters.

If this Su Fu is a person in the net, I am afraid that they will continue to be in trouble in the future.

"If you have something to give to my father, give it directly to me."

Xin Yanyan looked at Fusu curiously.

Fusu looked embarrassed.

Lu Yuanding on the side said in a strange manner: "It won't be that you want to disadvantage our master."

"Absolutely nothing."

Fusu hesitated for a moment, and then took out a piece of jade from his arms.

Xin Yanyan looked at it carefully, looking confused.

"Does this jade pei have any special uses?"

"My master gave this to me before he died, so that I would personally hand it over to Boss Xin no matter what, as for the use, I think Boss Xin should know."

He and Duanmu Rong had already been to the Cangsong Sect before they came here.

After controlling Song Xieshan through the corpse control curse, he learned that Na Xinqu Festival and Song Xie Shan still had an unknown secret.

Song Xieshan's daughter, Song Yuner, was a Taoist couple with Xin Qujie twenty years ago.

The two have been wandering together in the rivers and lakes for many years, and although they are not married, they are already husband and wife.

Later, Xin Qujie fell in love with Xin Yanyan's mother, Gu Lan of Danyuemen.

In a fit of anger, Song Yuner left Xinqujie and returned to the Cangsong Sect to cultivate hard.

Who would have thought that Song Yuna was pregnant.

Song Yuna hid from her father and gave birth to a son in the deep mountains.

Then he was fostered in the home of Su Yi, a disciple of the outer sect of the Cangsong Sect.

Song Yuna named him Sufu.

He also told Su Yi that when this child grows up, he must worship under the Cangsong Sect.

She will personally teach Su Fu and make him a generation of heroes.

After Luo Net attacked the Cangsong faction, all the important people had been killed.

Including Song Yuna and Su Fu.

Even if Xinqujie wanted to investigate, there was no way to find out.

If it was just this relationship, Fusu would not bother to use it at all.

It was too simple for him to kill all the people of the Four Great Sects.

But he learned from Song Xieshan that the white fish jade pei that Wei Zhuang gave to Duanmu Rong, the four main sects knew his role.

This had to let him personally come to investigate the origin of this white fish jade pei.

"This won't be my father's illegitimate son's keepsake."

Fusu and Duanmu Rong looked at each other.

This Xin Yanyan can really guess.

That's right, they just came to recognize their relatives.


Lu Yuanding and Zuo Shuang were embarrassed.

Song Xieshan's age can be the old son of Xinqujie.

Even if it is looking for relatives, it is also Xinqujie to recognize the father.


"Junior sister, or you send this back to the sect, I'm here to watch them."

Lu Yuanding coughed dryly twice, and then looked at Fusu with a wary face.

He always felt that this person was not a good person.

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