
Duanmu Rong burped, and her face turned red in an instant.

"Senior brother, I won't drink anymore."

"Rong'er, there are actually other ways to do this."

"What use."

Duanmu Rong looked at Fu Su's hand, there was still a foot long black zaki left.

I couldn't help but think of something.

Thinking of that, her pretty face blushed even more.

"This juice boils into a sticky consistency, which can be made into sugar."


Duanmu Rong looked embarrassed.

It turned out that she wanted to be crooked.

"Rong'er, are you cold, why is your face so hot."

Duanmu Rong closed her eyes directly in shyness.

"Let's live in this city today, I look at the people of the gossip gate, and they won't necessarily let us out of the city."

Fu Su put his arm around Duanmu Rong and found an inn and stayed.

He also didn't have to worry about the gossip people not finding them.

"Husband, you tap, what if someone hears it?"

"Don't worry, I've used my internal strength to help isolate you, and no one can hear you just shouting through your throat."


Fusu's voice just fell.

A mournful scream cut through the quiet night.

"My eyes!"

"My eyes can't see anything."

"Senior Brother Nine, what's wrong with you, aren't you peeping? How to poke blind. "

The ninth senior brother of the Bagua Gate, above his eyes, has two chopsticks inserted.

It hurt so much that he lay on the ground and kept rolling.

If it weren't for Fusu's subordinates, his head would have been directly penetrated.

"Rush in and kill the dog man and woman."

"Stop it all."

When the people of the Bagua Gate were about to make a move, the head of the gate, Xin Qujie and Xin Yanyan, walked in.

Xin Qujie glared at several people with an angry look and said, "Let me go back."

Lu Yuanding hurriedly said: "Master, that Sufu injured the ninth junior brother. "

Is it reasonable for you to eavesdrop on people's secrets?"

What else does Lu Yuanding have to explain.

But was stopped by Xin Yanyan on the side.

"Senior brother, you take someone back first."

After Lu Yuanding led people to leave.

Xin Qujie looked at the upstairs room, and then called the boss over.

"Is there anyone else in the inn?"

"It's gone, Senior Brother drove all the people away."

"All out, don't disturb them."


Xin Yanyan followed Xin Qujie to the courtyard and asked with a puzzled expression: "Dad, do you know that Su Fu."

"I don't know, but that Yupei... Alas..."

Xinqujie sighed and looked up at the sky.

I remembered what happened between him and Song Yuna back then.

"Yan Yan, this jade pei was given by me to an old man."

"Huh? Did you know your mother before?


"Daddy, can you tell me about it?"

"Don't mention the old past, lest your mother know and be angry."

Xin Qujie did not explain to Xin Yanyan.

But he kept thinking in his heart why Su Fu had this jade pei.

Why did Song Xieshan send this to Su Fu before he died.

Could it be that Song Yuner was hiding something from herself in the Cangsong Sect.

This answer can only wait for tomorrow morning, go and ask Su Fu personally.

"Dad, what does the yin and yang pattern on this jade pendant mean?"

"On behalf of the Yin Yang family."

"Yin-Yang family? Dad, do you still know people from the Yin-Yang family?

"This was given to me by my master, and he exchanged it for another jade pendant from me."

Xin Yanyan was confused when she heard this, "Dad, is your master a woman?"

Xin Qujie said with a dark face: "My master is a man, his name is Feng Puzi, he is the heir of the head of the Yin Yang family, but unfortunately an accident has separated him from the right Yin and Yang."

"So, daddy, are you still a disciple of the Yin-Yang family?"

"Our Bagua Gate and Danyue Gate are originally vassals of the Yin-Yang Family."

Xin Yanyan asked curiously, "Then why did he exchange jade pei for you?"

"Because I couldn't protect that white fish jade pei, so he used his token plus a Qi Gathering Pill to exchange for the white fish jade pei, as long as I take his jade pei to the Yin Yang family, the Yin Yang family has everything you need."

Xin Yanyan said depressedly: "People are dead, how can they respond to requests, besides, the current Yin and Yang family is about to be adopted by Fusu, what is the use of this jade pei." "

It is rumored in the rivers and lakes that the right protector of the Yin-Yang family, the moon god, the water minister Lao Xiang's wife, the fire minister's boss Simei, and the wood minister's old and young Simei, are all already Fusu's women.

The daughter of Concubine Dongjun Yan of the Yin-Yang family, Ji Ru Chitaki, is expected to take over the position of Dongjun, but now she is also a woman of Fusu.

The Yin-Yang family can no longer become a climate.

Still counting on a jade pei to respond to your needs?

I'm afraid that their current newcomers know whether they know Feng Puzi or not is a problem.

Xin Yanyan took the jade pei in her hand and sighed.

"Dad, don't give me this jade pei, anyway, the Cangsong Sect has no living people except for the two senior brothers and sisters."

"If you want, daddy will find you another better one, this can't be given to you, because your mother knows this."

Xin Qujie took it from Xin Yanyan's hand and put it in his arms.

Song Yuner is already dead, so there is no need to let Gu Lan follow suit.

As long as Su Fu did not have a close relationship with the owner of this jade pei, he planned to let these two leave here as soon as possible.

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