"Dad, what is that white fish Yupei used for? We can't protect the gossip gate.

"Don't inquire about this, it will lead to disaster."

"Father, Luo Wang has already set eyes on us, and if we don't say it, we may not be able to say this for the rest of our lives."

"I can't say it for the rest of my life, and I don't want you to know about it."

The next morning.

Fusu walked out of the inn.

I saw the father and daughter of Xinqujie meditating in the courtyard.

A smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

If only the lady in charge of the Bagua Gate knew that Su Fu was the son of Xin Qujie.

I don't know if it will be a direct rage.

Gu Lan's temper is not as gentle as Song Yuner.


Fusu coughed dryly twice.

Symcalyptus slowly opened his eyes.

When he saw Fusu's appearance, he froze.

Like, really too similar.

I didn't expect that there were people as similar to Song Yuna.

Xinqujie couldn't help but get excited.

Could it be that this Su Fu is Song Yuner's child?

And who is his father?

"Brother Su, this is my father, the head of the Bagua Gate, Xin Qujie."

"Junior Su Fu has seen Xin Zhangmen."

"Nephew Su Fuxian, I don't know who your father is?"

"Sujia Village Su Yi."

Sujia Village?

Su Yi?

Xin Qujie couldn't help but frown.

He seemed to have heard of this man.

He is an outer disciple of the Cangsong Sect.

Su Yi and his wife Zhao Min were saved when he and Song Yuner were wandering in the rivers and lakes.

Later, Su Yi moved to the foot of the Cangsong Sect and settled down.

How could Song Yuna marry him?

That Su Yi can be her father at her age.

And he doesn't look like his own jade tree, and he is amorous.

Even if you marry casually, you have to find a disciple in the sect.

After all, he broke her heart and let her marry someone casually.


Creation and manipulation.

Xinqujie's heart was full of self-remorse.

"Your mother is Song Yuna?"

"No, my mother's name is Zhao Min, and the eldest miss of the Cangsong Sect, Song Yuner, is my master with my junior sister."

Xinqujie raised an eyebrow.

How could it be his master.

His appearance is similar to Song Yuner's.

Absolutely can't be wrong, he has the blood of the Song family.

"Song Yuner is your master, so can you know the Fuyang sword technique?"

"What my master taught me was the sword technique of the Cangsong Sect, not the Fuyang sword technique."

Xin Yanyan on the side suddenly said: "Dad, I heard my mother say that you have the name of Fuyang Shuangxia, could it be that the Fuyang sword technique was created by you and Aunt Song?"

Fusu raised an eyebrow.

This Xin Yanyan is really not a big deal.

Dare to say anything.

If you let your mother know that you are a Aunt Song, you must be angry with her.

Xin Qujie's old face turned red, and he said in a deep voice: "Yan Yan, don't mention this in the future."

"If you don't mention it, don't mention it, I'll ask my mother."


Xinqujie is going crazy.

He came out to hide it from Gu Lan.

If he let Gu Lan know that he came to see the people of the Cangsong Sect, he would definitely have to say something again.

"Su Fu, can you tell me your birthday?"

"In the autumn of the eleventh year of Qin Wang Zheng, my parents did not tell me the specifics."

Xinqujie trembled.

Wasn't that twenty years ago, he and Song Yuna were separated for less than a year...

How could it be so coincidental.

Right at this moment.

Duanmu Rong, dressed in white, walked out of the inn.

Came to Fusu's side and stared at Xin Yanyan for a long time.

Seeing Xin Yanyan's heart bristled.

"This sister, what are you staring at me for?"

"I didn't pay attention yesterday, I found that you look very similar to my senior brother."


Xin Yanyan was speechless for a while.

How can I look like your senior brother..."

However, the speaker has no intention, and the listener has a heart.

When Xin Qujie heard this, he immediately looked at the two carefully.

"This..." The

two of them really have some similarities.

Sideburns, bridge of nose, eyes....

Xinqujie thought about something.

Suddenly held Su Fu's hand.

"Child, is your birth mother Song Yuna."

"Head Xin said and smiled, the mother is not Song Yuner."

"Impossible, impossible, you are really too similar to her."

Duanmu Rong on the side forced a smile.

This human leather mask is certainly like.

Xin Yanyan also seemed to understand something.

She looked at Su Fu carefully.

And then look at your dad.

It won't be....

So like.

Could it be his own half-brother....

Did he come to ask his daddy for a debt?

"Dad, when you separated from Aunt Song, was she pregnant?"

"How do I know this?"

Duanmu Rong said with added to the vinegar: "Oh, I remembered that Master often took advantage of Senior Brother's sleep, sitting alone on the edge of his bed and crying, and his mouth kept chanting, 'Child, you have suffered'

" Xin Qujie hurriedly asked: "Then your master has said anything else?"

"This, this Xin boss still doesn't listen to it."

"The girl has something to say, the old man has lived most of his life, and he has not experienced anything."

"My master often stares at my senior brother's sword in a daze."

"Your senior brother's sword?"

Xin Qujie hurriedly looked at the sword in Fusu's hand.

His whole body froze.

This is his sword back then.

After separating, he went to the Cangsong faction to find Song Yuner, but Song Xieshan did not let him see anyone, and he left this sword in the Cangsong faction.

"My master often had nightmares and chanted a person's name."



Xinqu was blinded.

That Jie Lang is not what Song Yuna calls herself.

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