The women never expected it.

As a supreme master, Donghuang Taiyi can actually play sneak attacks.

He avoided the Ten Thousand Leaves Flying Flower Flow of the Young Commandery, and then skipped over the bodies of the Great Commander and the Moon God, and rushed towards Duanmu Rong.

"Sister Rong, step back."

Xin Yanyan suddenly stopped in front of Duanmu Rong, waiting for death to come.

Donghuang Taiyi's speed was very fast, and she could only choose to block Duanmu Rong with her body.

Duanmu Rong's heart was bitter.

Such a strong internal force fluctuation, you don't run the internal force to resist, what is the use of standing in front.

At such a close distance, it can penetrate....

"Blood weeps and remnants of the sun."

Fusu's voice sounded from behind Duanmu Rong.

A sword stabbed straight at it.

When Donghuang Taiyi saw Fusu, he was so frightened that he hurriedly withdrew his hand and retreated into the distance.

Brush brush brush.

The three people of Dasimei, Shaoshimei, and Luna quickly came to Duanmu Rong's side.

Protected several people behind him.

Donghuang Taiyi squinted and looked at Fusu.

He noticed something was wrong.

I was so nervous just now that I didn't pay attention.

That sword was not powerful at all.

He was frightened back by Fusu's voice.

"You're not Fusu!"

"I didn't say I was."

The corner of Xi Yan's mouth smiled slightly.

Fortunately, she was witty and scared off Donghuang Taiyi in a hurry.

Donghuangtai's face was livid.

Unexpectedly, he was frightened by Fusu's name.

It's unforgivable.

"You're all going to die!"

Donghuang Taiyi suddenly gathered ten percent of the gathering qi into a blade.

And rushed over.

The three of Dasimei, Luna God, and Shaoshimei knew that none of them could face Donghuang Taiyi alone.

So they began to join forces against him.

Just when the four of them were playing inextricably.

Suddenly, a dozen soldiers ran over.

Duanmu Rong was shocked in her heart, "Stop them quickly." A

few disciples of the Taoist family rushed forward.

However, these disciples were in their hands and were solved in less than ten rounds.

Duanmu Rong was surprised.

The strength of those few Daoist disciples is not weak.

I didn't expect to be defeated by the other party so easily.

"My goose woman is coming to meet you!"

After Xin Yanyan ate the Juxian Pill, his strength also increased greatly.

It's just that she doesn't have much real combat experience.

Facing a master like Donghuang Taiyi, he was at a loss for a while.

But in the face of these small soldiers with an obvious gap in strength, she can still cope with it.

Duanmu Rong reminded: "Yan Yan be careful, they are disciples of the Yin Yang Family, be careful not to be hit by their Yin Yang spells. "

Xin Yanyan was entangled by more than a dozen disciples of the Yin-Yang family, and the Great Si ordered them to be entangled by the Eastern Emperor Taiyi.

Around Duanmu Rong and Xi Yan, there was no one to protect them.

At this moment, a figure appeared on the tent behind them.

Xi Yan sensed the crisis and quickly turned around and stared at the man on the tent.


At this moment, Gai Nie's eyes were blank, and his face did not have the slightest emotional wave.

When Duanmu Rong heard Gai Nie's name, he couldn't help but turn his head and glance at it.

It's really Ganie.

How could he be here?

"Gai Nie, do you want to help the Donghuang?"

Facing Duanmu Rong's questioning, Gai Nie didn't want to hear it.

"Young Master Order, you go and stop Gai Nie."

Dasimei hurriedly looked at Shaoshimei.

The young master wanted to leave the battlefield, but Donghuang Taiyi did not give her this opportunity at all.

"Ganie, arrest someone and leave immediately."

In a hurry, Xi Yan reprimanded and took out a signal flare made by a public loser and threw it out.


A shrill sound shot straight into the sky.

Xiaomeng, who was cultivating not far away, received this signal and immediately ended his cultivation.

She was about to leave with a ripple when a voice stopped her.

"Where is Xiaomeng's head? I've been waiting for you for a long time. A

short figure appeared not far from Xiaomeng.

"Star Soul!"

"Xiaomeng, I heard that your strength has risen sharply recently, and it just so happens that I have also been lifted from the restrictions, how about we fight?"

"It seems that you have a very good plan!"

Xiaomeng said coldly: "After lifting the restrictions, and then your self-confidence swelled?" "

Swell? You are a genius that the Taoist has not met in a hundred years, and I am a genius that the Yin-Yang family has not met in a hundred years, and we are just comparing a high and low.

"Are you sure you want to help the abuse all the time?"

Xiaomeng's tone became heavier and heavier.

"Fusu destroyed the Yin-Yang family, of course I want to take revenge and come back."

"Why didn't you go to him?"

"He naturally has someone waiting for him, and he will wipe you all out today."

Xiaomeng flashed and rushed towards the Star Soul.

Star Soul couldn't help but frown.

Such a strange body, I can't see the route clearly.


Xiaomeng's nearly thirty moves of a series of strong attacks, the two hands of the star soul trembled.

"This is what you call lifting restrictions?"

"Don't be proud, look at my ten successes of gathering qi into a blade."


Star Soul shouted, directly invoking all his internal force, and combined his hands into an air blade.

"Go and die!"

"Heaven and earth have lost their color!"

Xiaomeng uses the restriction skill.

As a result, Star Soul ignored it directly.

Xiaomeng's eyes narrowed, and then he continued to use the same dust as light, directly came to the back of the star soul, and stabbed it with a sword.

The corner of Star Soul's mouth hooked a slight arc, and then suddenly turned around and fought hard with Xiaomeng.


A loud bang.

Xiaomeng took a few steps back.

And the star soul flew out directly upside down, fell at Lianxin's feet, and vomited blood in his mouth.

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