Xiaomeng said coldly: "Star Soul, you don't think that our Taoist family has stood for nearly hundreds of years, so it's not as good as your Yin Yang family. "

Star Soul never expected that he would not be able to force Xiaomeng to exert his full strength.

The gap between them is too big.

The Taoist heritage is indeed very strong.


He came here for another purpose.

That is to see the opportunity to tie Lianxin, so that he can contact the old general of the Chu State.

Star Soul looked up at Lianxin beside him, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

What a godsend.

Star Soul got up and rushed directly towards Lianxin.

In the distance, Xiaomeng's face showed horror.

"And slow down!"

But how could Star Soul miss this opportunity.

His hand directly clasped Lianxin's neck.

However, Star Soul could not have imagined anything.

Lianxin would actually fight back.

The Qiu Li Sword in her hand was so fast that the Star Soul didn't react.



Star Soul Pain cold sweat flowed.

Xiaomeng teased: "Gathering all the resources of my Taoist and cultivating a Taoist successor, you won't think she is a weak and deceivable child, right?"

"I have already told you not to do it, and you even went up to die."

Star Soul looked at Lianxin in horror.

This is a terrible person, less than ten years old, can already hurt him.

Lianxin's qualifications are not worse than Xiaomeng's.

I didn't expect that I was actually yin.

"Senior Sister Xiaomeng, this person is handed over to me, you go and help."


Star Soul was even more shocked.

She also worshiped under the door of Bei Hazi?

Isn't Xiaomeng a closed disciple of Bei Hazi?

Why is it that now that he has taken in another disciple, how many times does this closed disciple have to be closed?

A series of questions surfaced in Star Soul's heart.

But Lianxin's next action made him understand.

The Qiu Li in Lianxin's hand stood in front of him, and then began to write the getaway.

The speed was so fast that Star Soul was shocked.

This is much faster than the getaway.


A big bird passed over the head of the star soul, and Xiaomeng lost his figure.

Star Soul looked at Lianxin with a solemn expression.

Her internal strength is very strange.

It is impossible to reach the level of the head so small.

There is only one explanation, and that is to be directly initiated.

After Lianxin's getaway was written, he muttered to himself, "Several elders of the Human Sect, thank you for your efforts. "


Lianxin slashed a sword towards the Star Soul.

Star Soul wanted to resist, but the speed was so fast that he couldn't even raise his hand.

A sword seals the throat.

Even the woods behind Star Soul were cut off in large areas.

"Whoever goes against my brother will die."

After Star Soul died, an old man appeared behind Lianxin.

"Your power, you still haven't absorbed all of it, and you will retreat for another month."

"Yes, Master!"

In the camp of the new city.

Duanmu Rong looked at Gai Nie in front of him, and his heart was shocked.

He has been controlled.

Reasoning with him now is definitely not an option.

Xi Yan stopped in front of Duanmu Rong and said in a low voice: "Wait until you are ready to slip away, I will drag him."

"No, even if he loses his mind, you are not his opponent."

"Ganie, take them down as soon as possible."

Donghuang Taiyi was about to be unable to stop the Great Commander and ordered them.

Duanmu Rong must be arrested as soon as possible.

This is his condition with someone.

As soon as Gai Nie suddenly moved, he skipped Xi Yan and came to Duanmu Rong's side.

When his hand was about to grab Duanmu Rong, Xi Yan's careless sword directly stopped in front of Gai Nie.

Although Gai Nie is controlled inside, his sword skills are still there, and his basic coping ability is still there.

Xi Yan's sword seemed very casual, but it surprised him.

"You still have internal strength?"

Gai Nie looked at Xi Yan incredulously.

"Did Gai Daxia forget that I was arranged by His Majesty by His Highness's side since I was a child."

"You think I'm just a maid serving tea and water?"

"It's so deeply hidden!"

Everyone present was stunned.

Xiyan will martial arts....

They never expected it.

That Xi Yan, who delivered water to Fusu Duan tea every day and was protected by Fusu whenever there was danger, turned out to be...

Xi Yan's sword technique and Fu Su's sword technique are not the same number at all.

But after such a long period of cultivation, her strength had already surpassed everyone present.

Gai Nie and Xi Yan fought for a hundred and ten rounds, regardless of victory or defeat.

This surprised everyone even more.

What kind of sword technique is this, it can actually fight with Sword Saint Ganie.

Although Ganie is controlled, it is not really strength.

But it's also quite remarkable.

However, there are still discerning people among these people.

Recognized Xi Yan's sword technique.

"Hoof Fall Sword Technique! This is Gongsun Yu's Hooffall Sword Technique! Donghuang

Taiyi looked at Xi Yan incredulously.

What is the relationship between this woman and Ligitte?

It turned out to be the sword technique of the Gongsun family.

Back then, Jing Ke evolved from the Hoof Falling Sword Technique, and the eighteen earth-shattering swords fought with Gai Nie up and down.

Later, in order to protect Li Ji, Jing Ke bent on death, only to be killed by Gai Nie.

I didn't expect her to know this set of sword techniques.

No one expected that there was such a master hidden around Fusu.

Xi Yan said: "In order to let Jing Ke's whole corpse, Li Ji gave me everything she had learned in her life, and at the same time gave me the sword spectrum of Jing Ke's shocking eighteen swords. Gai

Nie looked at each move of the Shocking Eighteen Swords that Xi Yan unleashed.

The picture of him fighting with Jing Ke, suddenly came to mind.

The Yin-Yang family's mind control spell was automatically unlocked.

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