"Little boy, are you really going?"

The little boy glared at Fusu with a dissatisfied expression.

"I'm now the Eastern Emperor Taiyi of the Yin-Yang Family, you can call me Taiyi."

"As a leader, I am called obediently by you every day, I don't want face."

"Also, why is my little boy so similar to other people's little turtles."

"You are so bad in front of outsiders, can you call my name!"

"You can call it whatever you want at night."

"Okay, then call you Donghuangxing, it's dangerous under the water, I'll go see it first, and then take you down."

Donghuang frowned and said, "Will you break the formation?" Do you know how to activate formations? Do you know where the formation is? I don't go and you won't find anything. In

desperation, Fusu took Donghuang and dived under the water with a small turtle.

"Frost, how many years have you been this turtle?"

"This is the pet of the first generation of saints in our clan, let alone five hundred years."

"Do you know what the result of marrying Emperor Xuanwu is?"

"That's the Emperor's wife."

Donghuang laughed and said, "What great emperor lady, only death will greet you."

"How is it possible!"

"You're jealous of me!"

"Jealous of you? With your humble strength, have you reached the threshold of the Great Emperor's Lady? "


Xia Shuang was squeezed and speechless.

She really couldn't figure out why she needed such a high threshold to be a lady of the Great Emperor.

"Husband, have you noticed that the aura under this is much richer than above."

"It's not the problem of the bottom water, it's the problem of that small mountain, the pumice stone will emit aura, I felt it before, this may be the problem where the Xuanwu tribe can cultivate quickly."

At the speed of this old turtle, it took them half an hour to reach the bottom.

It was pitch black, and nothing could be seen.

"Shuang'er, can you see the situation under the water?"

"It's very vague!"


Donghuang was surprised.

I can't see clearly, I can only feel it with internal force.

I didn't expect Xia Shuang to be able to see it.

"It's ahead!"

Shuang'er pointed ahead.

Donghuang looked in the direction of her finger.

I found that there was a bright light there.

"Frost, do you know what those glowing stones are?"

"I don't know, but that's the hill that surfaced!"

Fusu thought about it, there are several kinds of stones in nature that can absorb light.

Then it shines in the dark night.

That hill often surfaced and absorbed a lot of light.

"Husband, I'm so cold!"

When they approached the hill, Donghuang was shivering with cold.

With her cultivation, she could actually feel the cold.

This made her never expect.

"Husband, I can't resist the cold here!"

The Fire God Sword in Fusu's hand immediately turned into Flame Lingji, and then held her hand.

Donghuang soon felt a hint of warmth.

"Shuang'er, will this hill float up regularly?"

"It floats up every seven days, in the morning at sunrise, automatically back at sunset, and at other times, if it passes directly above, this hill also floats."

Fu Su was surprised: "You came here and were not attacked by the pit beast?"

"They're afraid of the cold!"

Fusu was overjoyed.

It's good to be afraid of the cold, isn't this the opportunity to kill them?

Just removed the internal force barrier, felt it.

The surrounding temperature is at least minus 30 degrees.

At such temperatures, most animals fall asleep.

Fusu stood in front of the hill and touched a glowing stone with his hand, and there was a hint of warmth on it.

He couldn't help but frown.

This temperature does not match the water temperature at all.

"Shuang'er, can you go up and inform my people, let them patrol directly above the hill, and float this hill."

"Are you all right underwater?"

"No problem."

After Frost left.

Donghuang said: "It seems that none of us have the internal power of the water system, if you go to the volcano in the future, what will you do?"

"What do you want to say?"

Fusu looked at Donghuang suspiciously.

"Husband, what do you think of this holy girl? Don't be afraid of the heat in the future, besides, sacrifice means death, such a lovely person, if it is a pity, even if it is for me. "

Let's finish here!"

The three waited under the water for a long time, and the hill slowly rose up.

From the cave below the hill, the water gushes out, freezing cold.

The Eastern Emperor hugged Flame Lingji again.

"Husband, I can't bear it a little, I want to use flames!"

"It won't!"

Fusu was surprised.

Flame Lingji couldn't bear the cold here.

"My strength is greatly reduced in the water."

"Then you go back!"

Fusu protected the Donghuang with internal force, and then rushed directly into the cave.

I don't know how long it took, Fusu felt that the line of sight in front of him suddenly lit up.

A palace of tens of thousands of square meters was displayed in front of the eyes of the two.

"Ah, such a big palace, is there really a Xuanwu Emperor here?"

"No, the palace here is exactly the same as the Hall of Elders of the Xuanwu Clan."

Fusu sensed the key to this.

"Hey, it's getting gentle here."

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