Fusu looked at the surroundings carefully.

I found that the warm current here actually came from a room directly in front of the palace.

"Husband, there are more than a dozen rooms here, do we have to look for them one by one?"

Fusu said, "You follow behind me. He

summoned Flame Lingji as well.

If there is any emergency, it is good to take care of it.

There are two rooms directly in front of the palace, eight on the left and right sides of the two rooms.

Fusu came to the first room on the left and searched for a long time before discovering the mechanism that opened the door.

The moment the giant stone door opened, a chill hit instantly.

Fusu quickly retreated with the second daughter.

Donghuang said with a look of excitement: "Husband, can you see clearly the things in the room?" "


At the moment when the door was opened, Fusu saw what was inside.

A giant Northern Turtle.

"Husband, I also see something different, those Xuan turtles are bound by the Law Array."


Fusu was surprised.

He thought that these turtles just lived here.

Unexpectedly, they were caught.

This is interesting, to catch, there must be something more powerful than them.

And there is also a legal formation, which means that it is inhabited.

Fusu's first thought was, Emperor Xuanwu.

However, it stands to reason that these Northern Xuan Tortoises are his close relatives, and Emperor Xuanwu should not imprison them.

"You two follow behind me, I'll go in and take a look."

Fusu carefully walked into the room, and the temperature inside plummeted.

The bound Xuan Tortoise was spitting into a hole.

Flame Lingji said, "I see, the water at the mouth of the cave is what it spits out. Donghuang

was speechless: "Sister, are you mistaken, although this Xuan turtle is very large, the flow of water at the mouth of the cave is obviously not its doing." "

There are so many rooms around

..." "Uh..." Donghuang

meant the seriousness of the problem.

On one side are eight rooms, and that's sixteen heads.

If it was really as Flame Lingji guessed, every room had it.

This can explain clearly, Xia Fu said, there were many problems with the Northern Xuan Tortoise before.

To test the idea, Fusu opened the second one.

As a result, it was also a Northern Xuan turtle inside.

And then the third, the fourth....

Keep opening eight doors, and inside are all Northern Xuan Tortoises.

The room on the right does not need to be seen, it must be the same result.

Each room has two holes, and the turtle uses the hole below to absorb water and the hole in front to spit water.

According to his guess, the cold water must have been sucked out of the hole underneath.

But what he couldn't understand was that the water, below zero degrees, did not freeze.

This means that there must be something special in the middle to prevent the water from freezing.

Unfortunately, he did not have the chemical instruments to test the composition of this water.

"We have a problem now, judging from the scale of these eight rooms, the two rooms in the middle are definitely not small."

Fusu stood in front of the door of the room on the left in the middle, and started to observe the words, but he looked lonely.

Observing words and colors cannot see through the situation inside.

Fusu gripped the mechanism in front of the door, hesitated for a long time, and did not turn.

"Husband, what's wrong?"

Flame Lingji and Donghuang looked at Fusu suspiciously.

Fusu said with a solemn expression: "I sense a trace of danger.

"Even if there is a saint living inside, the three of us have the power to fight."

"Is it easy to break the magic formation that imprisons the Northern Xuan Tortoise?"

"Does the husband want to release them first?"

"Maybe you can help us if necessary!"

These things don't know how many years they have lived, they are spiritual.

If they know how to be grateful, they will definitely repay them.

Once the three of them are in danger, one of these sixteen has a little conscience and can help them.

"I'll try!"

Donghuang Taiyi casually found a room, studied it for less than a quarter of an hour, and then studied the method.

"It's broken!"

The moment the magic array broke, the Xuan Tortoise suddenly became agitated.

The three of them quickly retreated.

The turtle rummaged around the room for a while before crawling out.

Coming to the three people, his head, which resembled the dragon's head, fell to the ground, as if he was buttoning his head.

After a long time, the Xuan turtle raised his head, and then looked at the hole that he left in the distance.

Fusu said: "You leave, we still have business, I will release all your companions later."

The turtle nodded slightly, and swam towards the entrance of the cave.

"It's amazing that that Xuan Turtle can understand your words."

"I learned this from Xia Shuang, and when I came, she taught me some ways to communicate with these Xuan turtles."

"How did I not know?"

Donghuang squinted at Fusu, and then walked to the other rooms.

When the Eastern Emperor broke all the magic arrays in the sixteen rooms.

None of these Xuan Tortoises were ungrateful.

They don't know how long they've been holding back here.

They must be grateful to be able to regain their freedom.

"Husband, there are two rooms left, I guess one of them must be inhabited by people."

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