"Do you still need to guess?"

Fusu raised an eyebrow at one of the rooms.

Donghuang and Flame Lingji immediately became vigilant when they saw the door that was slowly opening.

The room on the right actually opened from the inside.

That means, there's someone inside.

"What kind of person dares to make trouble here in this Great Emperor."

A voice that said it was difficult or not, saying that it was not a woman or not, was changed from the room.

"Emperor Xuanwu?"

The faces of the three were full of surprise.

I didn't expect that there was really a Xuanwu Emperor here.

This person has a beautiful face, but he has two fleshy feet on his head, the corners of his eyes are slightly raised, and his eyebrows and hair are combed together.

What's more, he didn't wear anything....



Flame Lingji directly transformed back into the Fire God Sword.

Donghuang Taiyi hid behind Fusu.

Fusu squinted and looked up and down.

There is no bulge on the chest and nothing special underneath.


Is it male or female?

Is it hermaphroditism?

"I am the Emperor of the Pit Viper."

Fu Su was shocked.

The Pit Viper the Great.

Isn't that the leader of the group of pit pit beasts.

Fighting him underwater is definitely a very unwise choice.

This person's strength is already close to the Saint level.

"You lowly human beings dare to sabotage the plans of this emperor, I want you to become my emperor and cultivate descendants for me."

The Emperor of the Viper pointed to the Eastern Emperor behind Fusu and roared.

Fusu's face turned cold.

He actually let his woman be his empress...

Think beautiful!!

"I have a question, I wonder if you can answer it!"

"The dead have no say."

The Pit Viper Emperor had a mouth, a tongue more than ten meters long, and directly stretched out.

The tongue also emits a looming black air stream.


Fu Su snorted coldly, pulled out the Fire God Sword, and slashed it with a sword.


The Vulcan sword slashed at his tongue as if it had slashed at steel.

"Husband, let's withdraw, it's not wise to fight here, you still have to take care of me."

"Blood weeping remnant yang!"

Fusu will not retreat easily.

The other party did not shoot them for a second.

That means he has the power to fight.

"Don't measure yourself!"

As soon as the Emperor of the Pit Viper stretched out his hand, he directly took Fusu's move.


The mountains shook for a while, and the water rippled.

Fusu took a step back, while the Emperor of the Pit Viper directly took more than ten steps.

However, Fusu is not comfortable this time.

The opponent's internal strength is not much different from him.

He took his sword and attacked again.

Fought with the Emperor of the Pit Viper for more than a dozen rounds.

He found a problem.

This problem was not only discovered, but also discovered by the Donghuang.

Fusu retreated to Donghuang's side and isolated some air for her.

Donghuang said: "Husband, it seems that he can't do tricks.

"That's when he dies, see how I kill him!"

A strong person who is close to the Holy Realm only knows how to fight hard.

It seems that his strength is extremely dishonorable.

Fusu's set of Yue Nu swords came down, leaving countless wounds on the body of the Emperor of the Viper.

If he hadn't recovered too quickly, he would have fallen to the ground and couldn't get up.

"Give me death!"

The Emperor of the Pit Viper roared, and from another room, more than ten Pit Viper Beasts rushed out.

The strength of these pit beasts is obviously not as high as those on the hill.

"Husband, I have mastered the trick of isolating the flow of water, I will deal with the small one!"

Fusu nodded, and then rushed towards the Pit Viper Emperor again.

"Elder, it's not good, there is an earthquake on the mountain!"

Xia Fu looked at the constantly shaking mountain, and was immediately shocked.

Are they going to be punished by Emperor Xuanwu?

Xiaomeng, who was cultivating, suddenly reminded: "There are internal force fluctuations, and there is a fight under the lake.

Dasimei asked, "It won't be Fujun fighting the Eastern Emperor underground."

"The strength of the other party is extremely similar to that of the husband!"

"Shall we go down and help?"

Since the strength of Fusu is similar.

Then it can't be the Donghuang.

Xiaomeng looked at the water in the distance and said, "It's really strange, if you are fighting underwater, why is there no movement in this lake, but the mountain is so huge."

"Could it be that the hole that Xia Shuang said leads to the bottom of the mountain?"

"Go to the Xuanwu Clan's station!"

Xiaomeng took everyone and hurried to the Xuanwu clan's station.

"Elder Xiafu, I want to ask, what is under this mountain?"

Xiaomeng looked at Xia Fu eagerly.

Xia Fu thought for a while and said, "That is the residence of our ancestors, Xia Yao, and since he became holy, he has never been able to enter there.

"Where is the entrance?"

"Just below the palace where we live."

"Take me quickly!"


Xia Fu looked embarrassed.

For them, it's a holy place.

Outsiders must not be allowed to enter casually.

Xiaomeng frowned and said: "We are now a cooperative relationship, my husband is fighting below, it is very likely that he will need help, if you don't help, we can only send troops over."

Xiaomeng also knew that with their strength, they simply could not face five or six half-saint-level powerhouses at the same time.

She can only threaten the other side with the army.

Xia Fu thought for a while and said, "Okay, I'll take you inside!" "

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