When Xiaomeng was about to leave, he found that the hill suddenly sank.

"Not good!"

If the hill blocks the entrance to the cave.

Fusu how did they get out?

Once the pit beast on that hill joins the battle circle, it is also extremely dangerous for Fusu.

"Nuo Min, you and Yu Ji stay and attract that little mountain out."

Xiaomeng was not at ease, and stared at it again, "No matter what, you can't let it sink again!" "

Chitaki is the most skilled in driving Suzaku.

But Chitaki also has to help them find a mechanism.


The second daughter also understood Xiaomeng's thoughts.

Then he drove Suzaku and flew towards the center of the lake.

Xiaomeng followed Xia Fu to the palace.

So he was busy looking for the entrance.

Underwater in the palace.

Fusu is fighting with the Emperor of the Viper.

The hill suddenly blocked the entrance to the cave.

Without the influence of the cold snap, the pit beasts on the hill soon poured into the palace.

Fu Su quickly retreated to Donghuang's side, and said with a wary face: "The level of these pit pit beasts is not low, the speed is extremely fast, you have to be careful."

"Husband, you solve that big one first, he is already the end of the strong crossbow."

"You come to deal with the Emperor of the Pit Viper, and I will deal with these difficult subordinates."

The Pit Viper Emperor was already very weak, and he would not cause any substantial harm to the Eastern Emperor at all.

But these pit pit beasts are different.

They are now very cranky.

It is estimated that he felt the weakness of the Emperor of the Pit Viper.

"Boys, kill the man for me, keep the woman for me!"


Fusu was speechless for a while.

This bastard even dared to hit the idea of the Eastern Emperor.

Fusu fought with them here for almost four hours.

Just over a dozen bodies were left around.

And there were quite a few wounds on his body.

The Pit Viper Emperor hid behind his 'children' and did not dare to come out.

"It's abominable."

Donghuang Taiyi's Yin and Yang Spell Seal does not work for these things.

It can only be used with offensive, such as the Sleeping Sealing Spell Seal, the Six Souls Fear Spell, etc.

In such a consumption, I may have to account for it here.

Fusu used the corpse control spell, and those little green insects turned into the body of the pit beast, and there was no reaction at all.

Fusu was speechless for a while.

Dead can be immune to his worms.

At this moment, Donghuang Taiyi felt out two small bottles from his arms.

"Husband, there are more than a dozen Condensing God Pills in this, which can allow you to slowly recover your internal strength."

Condensing Pill?

That's a scarce elixir.

I can't buy this thing.

Gathering Immortal Pill to eat one has an effect, but this Condensing God Pill can be eaten indefinitely.

It is said that only a few relatively large sects in the hundreds of families have this elixir.

Fusu only took one bottle and ate it all.

However, these pills are protected by his internal force, and they will not all be digested and absorbed for a while.

With a steady stream of internal force to provide.

He suddenly came to life.

Another two hours passed.

Of those pit pit beasts, there were only three or two left.

The Pit Viper Emperor, on the other hand, disappeared.

However, Fusu kept an eye on him when he was fighting.

Now he has fled back to his room.

"Husband, I'll deal with the three, you rest first!"

Fusu nodded, sat down on the ground and began to meditate.

Half an hour later, Fusu's injury had recovered.

The damage caused by those pit pit beasts is limited, and most of it is skin trauma.

At this moment, Donghuang Taiyi has already solved those three.

"Husband, you look at that gate, don't let the Emperor of the Pit Viper come out, I'll arrange a magic array."

"Dharma Formation?"

"What formation?"

Fusu was surprised.

She was even able to arrange the Dharma Formation.

"Of course, it's the Prisoner Dragon Array used by Shang Shan Sihao."

Prisoner Dragon Formation....

Fusu raised an eyebrow.

This stuff wasn't in his plans at all.

He dares to do it here, of course there is something to save his life.

Unexpectedly, in just a few days, the Donghuang learned the Prisoner Dragon Array of Shangshan Sihao.

After the Donghuang arranged the formation, he clapped his hands and said, "The entrance is at the door of his room, you just need to seduce him out."

Fusu said, "I'll go and seduce him out!" Fusu

directly turned the mechanism on the wall, and the door was slowly opened.


The four figures rushed out directly.

And an ambush?

Fu Su was shocked.

Fortunately, he didn't take advantage of the moment he opened it just now to rush in.

Those four figures rushed directly into the formation.


"These won't be the children of the Pit Viper Emperor, they look like him, but they are a little short."

"Can't be wrong, the strength of these four people, although not as good as the Emperor of the Pit Viper, has also entered the threshold of the Half-Saint, but it has not been long since they entered."

"Husband, leave it to me!"

There is the comfort of the formation, these little pit viper emperors, she does not put them in her eyes at all.

Consumption doubled and damage was reduced to one percent, and with her rich combat experience, she was not afraid of these at all.

Fusu was worried that something was wrong with the Eastern Emperor.

So he asked Flame Lingji to go up and help.

And he isolated the entire Dharma Array into a waterless space.

These little pit pit emperors, in an environment without water, were obviously affected.

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