"Sisters, I have discovered the mystery of the mechanism here."


Several women looked at Chitaki in unison.

It is worthy of being a person who has stayed in the Mo family.

The organ was sent out so quickly.

"There are eighteen rooms in total, eight on each side, two in the middle, and in addition to the middle two, each of the sixteen rooms has a mechanism, and turning it at the same time will open these two doors."

"Elder Xiafu, please find a few people to come and help us."


Xia Fu also wanted to see what was different about their ancestor's room.

Natsuo found ten helpers and, under the unified command of Chitaki, turned the mechanism at the same time.


The two doors in the middle opened directly.

The room on the left is very wide, while on the right is a downward staircase.

Standing at the entrance of the stairs, you can clearly hear the sound of fighting below.

The moon god suddenly said: "Look at it, there are murals here, I want to record the origin of those pit pit beasts." The

young master said: "I and Chitaki, the great commander ordered to use the soul dragon to swim to see what is going on underneath, you are studying the mural here, and we will inform you if you need help below." "Good


Studying the content of the mural is not a problem for Luna at all.

Their Yin-Yang family originally had a study of ancient legends.

Luna watched for a while and explained to everyone.

In ancient times, there was a man named Cang, and his wife Shumi was next to Osawa and met two dying Northern Xuan turtles and pit beasts.

Out of kindness, Shumi brought them all back to the station.

It didn't take long for the Northern Xuan Tortoise and the Pit Beast to recover from their injuries.

However, what Shumi didn't expect was that the pit beast actually asked for meat.

The tribe of the cangs did not have much food, and it was a little difficult to distribute it to the pit beasts.

So he released the pit pit beast into Osawa.

Hundreds of years have passed.

One day, Shumi came to the lake to fish, and suddenly met a handsome man.

The first time the man picked up Shumi, he fell directly to his knees.

"Thank you for saving me."

"You are?"

Shumi was surprised.

When did she save such a handsome man?

This northerner looks like five big and three thick, and this man is not a type of person at all.

"I'm the pit beast you saved back then!"

Shumi remembered that it turned out to be it.

I didn't expect it to be able to turn into human form.

The pit beast followed Shumi to their tribe.

At this moment, Cang and his clansmen had gone out hunting, and their son Xia Yu had also left for the Central Plains.

In the camp, only some old and weak women and children remained.

Shumi entertained the pit beast.

Later, the Northern Xuan Tortoise saw the pit pit beast in the camp, and one person and one beast wanted to fight again.

Under Shumi's persuasion, they did not make a move.

One night, the Northern Xuan Tortoise suddenly turned into a maiden, came to Shumi's room, and told her grudge with the pit beast.

This pit beast did not originally live in Daze.

I don't know when, I suddenly came here.

If pit beasts want to reproduce, they must find a host and lay their eggs inside them.

And the stronger the opponent's strength, the healthier the little pit pit beasts hatched from these eggs.

Later, the pit beast set its sights on their Northern Xuan Turtle clan.

However, the strength of the North Xuan Tortoise is stronger than that of the Pit Viper Beast, and he can only look for the one who is left behind.

It just so happened that she went out that day and was targeted by the pit pit beast.

Fortunately, he was saved by Shumi.

That night, when Cang returned, Shumi informed him about it.

Then Cang caught the pit pit beast.

In front of the Beilu Xuangui clan, he was killed, and then thrown into Daze.

But it wasn't long before many pregnant women appeared in the camp.

The bodies of these pregnant women are all small pit beasts.

Some have broken out and fled into Osawa.

Cang's son Dayu came back to visit his relatives, after hearing the news.

Tell Cang that when he traveled through the land of China, he had seen this thing, and they were brought by a pumice stone.

Later, Dayu brought the pumice stone to Daze and sealed it with a formation.

Then a palace was built at the bottom of the lake, and a defensive formation was laid out.

The Northern Xuangui clan came to look at the pumice stone.

"The story is like this, it seems that the pit pit beast that was killed at the beginning is very likely not dead."

Xiaomeng said: "Is there a legend of the sacrifice of the Holy Daughter of the Xuanwu Clan? "


"The Xuangui clan of the Northern Underworld, at the beginning, a holy girl in the clan married Dayu, and later a prince in their clan called Emperor Xuanwu was born, and Dayu married his daughter to him."

"The life span of the North Xuanwu Turtle is very long, and Dayu has set a rule, the Xuanwu tribe selects a woman every eighteen years to marry the Xuanwu Emperor, and if the Northern Xuanwu Turtle family has cultivated into a human form, it will also marry the descendants of Dayu."

Xiaomeng frowned.

It turned out that there really was Emperor Xuanwu.

"Let's go to the secret passage and see if the husband wants help, you continue to study here."

Just as Xiaomeng walked out of the room on the left.

The young master suddenly said: "There is danger there, we need to go down and help him!"

"Elder Xiafu, this is left to you, let's go down and help."

Xia Fu said: "With Xia Wu here, there will be no problem, I will go with you." "

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