"Your Highness... I haven't... Bathe.

"It's okay, I don't mind, if you mind, I can wash you with saliva."

The next morning.

The snow girl suddenly found that her skills seemed to have increased a lot.

"Your Highness, I finally know why Sister Rong's strength has grown so fast."

"Don't tell this secret."

"How can I tell anyone."

Fusu and the snow girl stayed in the room for a whole day.

Knowing that Li Si was looking for him, he got up with great interest.

"Lord Li, what are you looking for me for?"

"There was something going on, but..."

Lees looked at the mirage and said, "I suddenly want to visit this castle in the sky." "

Being able to make such a large mirage fly directly.

How many skilled craftsmen are needed to do that.

If you let Your Majesty know, Fusu has a mirage that can fly.

Would definitely not wait to visit.

It is even possible to live on it.

Before His Majesty, he had to look at the layout of the mirage so that he could explain it to His Majesty.

"Visit the mirage?"

Fusu was speechless for a while.

If you want to visit, just find someone to show you.

It's okay to bother me what to do.

"Nuo Min, you take Lord Li around, but don't go where you shouldn't."


Lees asked suspiciously, "What is the wrong place to go?"

"This is my womb, where do you say you should go and where not to go."

"Xiaguan understands."

Lees left with a helpless face.

Back to the mirage.

As soon as Fu Su walked to the door of his room, he was stopped by Flame Lingji.

"Husband, what's unusual in the past two days?"

"What abnormality?"

Fu Su looked at Flame Lingji with a puzzled expression.

"Not frozen?"

Flame Lingji looked at Fusu's whole body curiously.

Then I touched his face again.

"Strange, how is it still hot."

Fu Su was speechless: "Is it cool and breathable, you are satisfied?" "

Since the ice physique is fine, then my fire physique will be fine."

"So you..." "

There has to be a first come, first come, don't you."

Fu Su carried Yan Lingji into his room.

"There's someone else here."

Flame Lingji looked nervously at the snow girl lying in the back room.

"It's not your first time either."

"It's my first time."

"How can it be the first time, last time I was with Rong'er, you were around."

"What? Why didn't I feel it? "

How can you feel if you're hooked."

Fusu did not leave the house for ten days in a row.

Every day is spent in two heavens: ice and fire.

Until the first city in the Xiongnu territory was built.

Fusu left the mirage.

Meng Tian asked, "Your Highness, have you ever thought of the name of this new city?"

"You can give it to you."

Fusu's mind is not on this at all.

He was not far from the Holy Realm now.

Quickly get the Xiongnu's affairs done, and then go to the Mauryan Dynasty to upgrade.

There is not much in the Mauryan dynasty, that is, there are many people.

Compared with the number of people in Daqin, it is only a lot more.

Although they are still slave countries.

But there are already sound systems.

If you don't destroy it as soon as possible, you may bring many threats to yourself.

"Your Highness, how can I come up with a good name as a first-order martial artist."

"Then it's called Nanmeng City."


Meng Tian hurriedly dissuaded.

How can you take his last name.

If you want to bring it, you have to bring the surname Huan.

"Let you take you or not, I take you and I'm not satisfied, General Meng, so be it, I think Nanmeng City is very good."

No matter how much Meng Tian dissuaded him, Fusu just didn't agree.

In desperation, Meng Tian had to engrave the word Nanmeng on the head of the new city.

"Dongmeng City is five hundred miles west of Xihu City, and you immediately send farmers to build the city."

Meng Tian was speechless for a while.

How is there still Dongmeng City.

Could it be that there will be Simon City and Beimont City in the future?

Meng Tian thought so, and Fusu said so.

"General Meng, Simon City is located in the lower reaches of the Xiongnu River, and there is a lake there, just let me build a circle around the lake."


Meng Tian looked confused.

Where is the Hun River?

He didn't know.

"Does His Highness have a map?"

"No, just ask a Hun captive."

"Where we have prisoners, you let them all be killed."

"Really all killed? Why do you kill women, we need free quarrymen to build a city."

"Your Highness, this is your order."

"Did I say that?"

Fusu turned his head to look at Nuo Min.

Nomin nodded.

Fusu slapped his forehead and said: "Well, this order is changed, but all those who surrender are pulled to the quarry, and all the women of the Xiongnu are kept."

Meng Tian asked suspiciously, "What are you keeping a woman for?"

"We have nearly a million soldiers, can you find them daughters-in-law?"

Meng Tian was surprised: "Your Highness wants our soldiers to marry the women of the Hu people?"

"Only in this way will their descendants gradually forget the difference between the Qin people and the Hu people, just like the Six Kingdoms, if their descendants are all our Qin people, what else are they opposed?"

"I see."

"We have blood, but we also have to be human."

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