"Nuo Min, if I kill Hu Ren, will you be unhappy in your heart?"

"Your Highness, our descendants of the Moon Wolf are now Qin people, not Hu people."

Fusu put his arm around her and said, "If only you could understand."


"General Yu, a large group of Xiongnu cavalry was found east of Junji Mountain."

"How many people?"

"There are about 50,000 people, and the number is growing."

Fusu and Meng Tian looked at each other.

These Hun cavalry must have been gathered by someone intending to sneak up on their army.

"General Meng, you count the 50,000 golden fire cavalry, and wait for me to destroy this group of enemy troops together."

Meng Tian dissuaded: "Your Highness, let me take a few young generals with me, this matter of charging into battle, I still don't bother Your Highness."

"How can this work, I'm here to kill."


Meng Tian was speechless for a while.

When the Hun cavalry heard your name, they hid far away.

Go with you, you will definitely not get any credit.

"Your Highness, I will arrest people, you can kill them at will."

"No, it's better for me to go there myself."

Fusu took Nuo Min and Xuenu and rushed with the army to the place Yu Zizhi said.

When there were still a hundred miles left from the opponent's assembly point, Fusu suddenly broke away from the brigade.

It was simply impossible for 50,000 cavalry to hide their eyes and ears.

He wanted to go first to see what the other party planned to do.

The three quietly approached the camp of the Xiongnu army.

It was found that no less than 100,000 people had gathered here.

"Do you two want to live forever?"


Nuo Min and the snow girl replied in unison.

Immortality, who wouldn't want to.

But what does this have to do with the Huns.

"Your Highness, the Xiongnu are also a branch of the wolf clan, I don't remember, the wolf clan has a legend of immortality."

Nuo Min looked at Fusu with a puzzled expression.

"If I kill these people, maybe I will be sanctified."

The snow girl was surprised: "Can you still improve your cultivation by killing people?"

"Of course, otherwise, I'll have nothing to kill for."

"Then what are you waiting for, I'll help you freeze them!"

Nuo Min said: "I'll drag Meng Tian's army for you!" "

In order to be able to live forever, the second daughter also fought hard.

Isn't it just killing 100,000 people?

Two months ago, Fusu killed 200,000 people.

Although those 200,000 were not all killed by him.

But a big part of it has to do with him.

Fusu said: "All frozen, you don't have so much internal strength, just get me an ice formation, so that their cavalry can't charge wantonly."

"No problem."

Fusu took the snow girl and quietly sneaked into the camp of the Xiongnu.

Then grab a person and ask the location of the Chinese army's big account.

Fusu came to the big tent without waiting for the other party's reaction.

The dozen or so people in the big account were all solved by him.

"A hundred-step ice array will do."


The snow girl quickly urged the internal force, and then took the Ice Emperor Sword and plunged it directly into the ground.

The surrounding area began to freeze rapidly, and at the same time many Xiaoice mounds three feet high were raised.

"Enemy attack!"

"Hurry up and save our leader!"

The Snow Woman's ice array is not yet complete.

The Xiongnu camp became lively.

Because the ground in the ice formation was too smooth, these soldiers who rushed in could not stand steadily.

In the face of such a bad god as Fusu, there is no possibility of fighting back.

In one hour, Fusu relied on the ice array of the snow woman and slaughtered nearly 10,000 soldiers on the other side.

These soldiers were killed by Fusu to the point of fear.

The further back you go, the fewer people rush in.

"Your Highness, I have no internal strength."

"You get back in place first, I'll show you around."

The snow girl's internal force withdrew, and the ice array quickly dissipated.

The Huns saw that the ice array had broken.

Immediately mounted his war horse and rushed up.

"This is the bloodiness you should have."

Fusu's figure was so fast that it was impossible to catch it with the naked eye.

The denser the people, the faster he kills.

In just two quarters of an hour, it exceeded the number of people in the previous hour.

"Is this man a devil..." "

Is he the reincarnation of Daqin's killing god Baiqi?"


When Fusu is killing vigorously.

The surrounding soldiers suddenly retreated.

"I'm alone."

Fusu was speechless for a while.

He felt that his strength had improved a little.

However, there is still some distance from sanctification.

By the time Meng Tian's army arrived, those Xiongnu soldiers had long since run away.

Meng Tian looked at the corpses all over the ground and exclaimed in his heart.

Earlier, Meng Li said that Fusu was in Donghu and killed nearly 200,000 people, but he was unscathed, and he did not believe it.

Today, I saw with my own eyes that he killed 100,000 people on the other side and fled in embarrassment.

Daqin has such a prince, why worry that he can't establish a foundation for ten thousand lifetimes....

"Your Highness, I just said, let my army be guaranteed to kill more than this."

"Then don't you hurry up and chase."

Fusu and Xuenu rode a war horse and chased after the largest group of Xiongnu cavalry.

The snow girl complained, "This horse runs so slowly."

"The white phoenix was given by Bing'er, saying that it can help it activate the bloodline, and I don't know what the activated white phoenix can become."

"You can't turn into a black phoenix."

"If it's ice, I'll give it to you."

"Then what does Sister Xiaomeng ride?"

"I'll go catch a green dragon for her again!"

[Dealing with traffic accidents these days, updates can't keep up...].

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