Half a month later.

General Lu led his soldiers and soldiers to Nanmeng City with five million stone grain and grass.

"Big brother, Father asked me to send you a batch of grain and grass."

"Hard work sixth brother."

Jiang Lu was the sixth son of Yingzheng.

The character is far from the victory.

Daily warbler song and swallow dance, love musical instruments.

Completely inherited his mother's personality.

His mother, Yu Ji, was from the Shu state.

She is also the granddaughter of the great clan of the Shu state, Marquis Yuzhen of Shu.

Yu Ji has the title of Shu State Dance Immortal in the State of Shu.

"Big brother, this Nanmeng City has just been built, I heard that General Mengda used a million farmers to build a city here."

"Yes, in the future, this will be our Daqin land."

"Big brother, can I live here for a while?"

"Doesn't the sixth brother really want to live in the Shu Kingdom? How did you become interested in the north again? "

Feel the scenery of the northern country."

Fu Su reminded: "You also have nineteen this year, don't always think about playing, look at Qin Law and Qin Shi more, so as not to make your father angry."

"Big brother, little brother, you don't know this hobby, I don't have any interest in the court, I want to live that kind of idle cloud wild crane life."

"Alas, whatever you want, but try not to go out of the city, it's not too safe here."

"Thank you, big brother."

Fusu accompanied Jiang Lu to the city tower.

Take a look around.

See mirages floating in the distance.

A hint of surprise suddenly appeared.

"Big brother, what is that?"


"Mirage? Is it the mirage that the father emperor let the Yin-Yang family and the public losers build?


"Isn't a mirage a ship? How can it fly? How did such a big ship fly?

"The world is so big."

"Big brother, can I go to that mirage and take a look?"

In order to satisfy Jiang Lu's curiosity, Fusu had to take him to walk around.

The two came to the bottom of the mirage, looked at the bottom of the boat that was more than ten feet high from the ground, and asked suspiciously: "Big brother, how can this go up?"

"It's not very simple."

Fusu grabbed his arm and went straight to the deck of the mirage.

Jiang Lu glared at Fusu with a shocked look and said, "I heard in Xianyang that my eldest brother's martial arts are unparalleled in the world, but I didn't expect to be able to move instantaneously.

"Without some skills, how can you keep the foundation of Daqin for ten thousand years."

Fusu took the general Lu around the surface of the ship.

Will Lu will not stop admiring the skills of the Yin-Yang family and the public loser.

It is estimated that there is only one mirage of this size.

"Alas, I really want to get one and travel the world."

It was impossible for Fusu to agree to this request.

There is only one pumice stone, and it is impossible to want a second.

"Let's go, I'll take you inside."

"Big brother, presumably a few imperial concubines live inside, I won't go inside, I can stand here and enjoy the scenery, I am already satisfied."

Will Lu shows a good sense of current affairs.

The interior of the mirage is where the Fusu women live.

He didn't have to visit.

He had observed the entire surface of the mirage.

Whether they were servants or guards, they were all women.

Fusu can bring him here, it is already very face-giving.

"Big brother, little brother has a reluctant request."

"What are you polite in front of me, just say it."

"Can you leave me a set of other courtyards in this Nanmeng City?"

Fu Su smiled and said, "There is a better place than Nanmeng City, do you want it?" "

What place?"

"The Northern Regions Protectorate, only two thousand miles away from Nanmeng City, built on a mountain, the hills have all been flattened, standing in the inner city, you can see the endless steppe."


Jiang Lu suddenly became interested.

If there really is such a good place, he definitely wants to see it.

Fusu let Jianglu feel the mirage in the walking.

In five days, they came to the Northern Regions Protectorate.

The Northern Regions Dufu is located a hundred and ten miles south of the Wolf Juxu Mountain.

It was originally a hill 300 feet high.

Fusu directly asked the farmer to surround this hill and build a city.

Then it was slightly remodeled on the top of the mountain and built a Togo General's Mansion.

Although it is not yet finished, it already has a certain scale.

The first time Jiang Lu came here, he took a fancy to this place.

"Big brother, how high is this attic in the General's Mansion?"

"It is expected to be eight floors."

"It's so beautiful, big brother, I want to settle here in the future."

Fu Su smiled and said, "If you can help me manage the Northern Regions Protectorate, I will give you this place."

The general Lu said in shock, "Big brother wants me to be the general of the Northern Region Protectorate?"

"General Duhu can't give it to you, the Meng family has worked hard in the north, and the father has decided to let Meng Tian be the general of Duhu, but the Duhu Mansion can still have the post of Changshi to assist the Duhu general in handling government affairs."

"You still have to deal with government affairs..." Jiang

Lu was a little surprised.

He thought that Fusu would not give him rights.

Unexpectedly, I could also manage the place myself.

"You can't eat and drink here for nothing."

"If the eldest brother trusts the younger brother, I am willing to stay here to assist General Meng Tian."

"What are you talking about, you are my brother, how can I not trust you."

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