"Sixth brother, a hundred miles north of the Northern Regions Guardian Mansion, is Beimeng City, where it will be the northernmost place of our Daqin in the future."

"Don't worry, big brother, I will definitely assist General Meng well and prevent the wolf clan from stepping into Beimeng City for half a step."

"Sixth brother, you don't know something, the wolf clan has all surrendered, and the biggest enemy in the north is Ding Zero, located near the North Sea."

"North Sea?"

"Where is the North Sea?"

Will be confused.

It was the first time he had heard of the name.

Is it the northernmost sea?

"Beimeng City is thousands of miles away."

Fusu left three generals, Meng Tian, Meng Li, and Zhong Lixiao, leading an army of 200,000 people, and continued to build the city here.

He returned to Xianyang with the rest of the army.

According to the message sent by Lu.

Ying Zheng wanted him to investigate the authenticity of the Qianyou Sword and the Xuanyuan Sword.

However, this did not need to be investigated, he knew that it existed.

On the way back, most of the way Fusu walked was by water.

This allows several turtles to get a good rest.

Because the speed of the mirage was too slow, it was already a month later when Fusu arrived in Xianyang.

The mirage stops at the junction of Weishui and Bashui.

Immediately, many people watched.

They haven't seen a big ship that can fly.

Unexpectedly, the prince of Daqin was able to make the ship fly.

Fusu stood on the mirage, looking at the sizeable Chang'an City below, and the completed Prince's Mansion between Bashui and Weishui, and his heart was suddenly surprised.

Meng Yi actually built his Crown Prince's Mansion so quickly.

"Ladies, the Prince's Mansion has arrived, do you want to go down and take a look?"

Dasimei looked down and said with a look of disgust: "It's not as good as the mirage, what to see."

"A few sisters, even if they don't go to the prince's mansion, they have to go to meet their father."

Xi Yan reminded everyone.

Back in Xianyang, they had to go to see Yingzheng.

Because a few of them have not yet called the emperor of Yingzheng, and they have not yet invited An.

The little one asked obediently, "Can you not go?"

Xi Yan smiled and said, "Yes, unless you don't want to be a crown princess." Fu

Su put his arm around Duanmu Rong and Nuying, and slid directly to the bottom along the chain.

Lianyi sighed, "Why can they go on like this?"

Dasimei laughed and said, "If you have the ability, you are also pregnant."

"If I'm pregnant, Nafu-kun will be embarrassed, he doesn't have so many hands."

On the stargazing platform of the Zhangtai Palace in Xianyang City.

Ying Zheng looked at the mirage looming in the distance.

My heart is full of melancholy.

It was originally my own.

But now it has been occupied by Fusu.

I don't know when Fusu will be willing to take his place.

"Your Majesty, Crown Prince Fusu and more than a dozen crown princesses ask for a meeting outside the palace."

Ying Zheng's forehead was bruised.

There are more than a dozen, and he doesn't even have a single imperial grandson.

"The son-in-law has seen the emperor of the father."

"The daughter-in-law has seen her father."

Dasimei, Shaoshimei, Hu Ji, Nuo Min, Xiaomeng, Donghuang, Nuying, Duanmu Rong, Xuenu, Xiyan, Yu Ji, Lianyi, Luna and others thought of winning the government one by one.

Ying Zheng's face was blackened into the bottom of the pot.

Among these people, except for Dasimei, Shaoshimei, Xiaomeng, Yu Ji, and Xiyan, all of them are problem figures.

Moreover, there are two problem figures Tian Yan and Lin Er who are not there.

"The people's daughter Xin Yanyan, I have seen Your Majesty."

"Are you..."

Ying Zheng looked confused.

How is this still out of place.

They all called their fathers.

Is it appropriate for you to call me Your Majesty?

"The minu is a disciple of the Bagua Sect."

Ying Zheng was speechless for a while.

I asked if you were from there?

"What is your relationship with Fusu?"

"He's my brother."


Huan Zheng looked at Fusu with a cold face.

Fu Su said embarrassed: "Father, you treat her as a daughter." "

Not a daughter-in-law?

Ying Zheng directly shifted his gaze and looked at the female heroine who was carrying her belly.

"My imperial grandchildren are so old, don't run around with you all day, the prince's mansion has long been completed, let the female heroine live in the prince's mansion."

"Father, Rong'er is also pregnant."

Ying Zheng suddenly smiled.

"Come, call the imperial doctor and show it to the two crown princesses."

"Father Emperor doesn't need it, Rong'er is the head of the medical family, she can take care of herself."

Doctor in charge?

Duanmu Rong?

That Duanmu Rong of the Mo family....

"Since you are pregnant, don't move around, and quickly send someone to send the two of them back to the prince's mansion to take care of them."

Then, Ying Zheng swept the bodies of the other women with the afterglow in his eyes.

"Just two?"

Fusu was speechless for a while.

How you want the imperial grandson.

"Father, you are in good health now, and this imperial grandson is of little use to you."

"How is it useless, quickly give birth to one, I will cultivate it myself."


hurriedly changed the subject.

"Father Emperor, I left my sixth brother in the Northern Regions Guardian Mansion, let him serve as the post of Changshi, and assist Meng Tian."

"It's your business, just look at the arrangement."

Fusu was even more speechless.

He is your son.

How to arrange his work has become my business.

"By the way, the previous imperial princess was Jiang Lu's mother, and her niece Yulan came to Xianyang, and I saw that she was no worse than these crown princes, so I discussed with Yu Ji and asked her to marry you."

"How did I not know?"

"The order of the parents, the words of the matchmaker, you don't need to worry about this."

"Also, Li Xue'er, the eldest daughter of the Li Si family, just turned fifteen today..."

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