Fusu blackened his face and left the Zhangtai Palace.

Along the way, Dasimei was complaining.

"Husband, why do I have to follow you to see my father, this is not to find myself angry."

Lianyi agreed: "That is, isn't there enough crown princess?"

Hu Ji said, "It's good to spread us apart and mention this to you again." "

Ye ye ye, I have two more sisters-in-law."

Donghuang's face turned cold, and he threatened: "Believe it or not, I will turn you into a sister-in-law at night." "

Fusu's front foot just entered the prince's mansion.

Houjiao Huanzheng sent over the items that had been given to several crown princes.

Zhang Wei said: "Your Royal Highness, this is a gift from His Majesty to several crown princes.

"Ten thousand horses of Shujin, a thousand boxes of jewelry, ten thousand horses of satin, a thousand boxes of warm medicinal herbs, twenty tiger treasures..."

After Fu Su accepted the gift.

Zhang Wei said again: "Your Highness, Your Majesty has already given the wedding date, just at the beginning of the month.

"What day is it?"


"Isn't that the day after tomorrow..." "

Your Highness, this month is not thirty."

"Poof..." "

His Majesty said that tomorrow morning, he will inform the minister of the DPRK."

The wedding was done in such a hurry.

Is this afraid that the girl will run away, or is it worried that I will slip away?

It was about to enter winter, and he had no intention of leaving Xianyang.

Is it so urgent?

After Fusu informed the crown princesses about this, they began to get busy.

Although they have a lot of reluctance in their hearts, Fusu's identity is there.

But he wants to take over the position of the government, can he do it without women?

"The eldest princess has arrived!"

Late afternoon.

Fuchu is still busy.

The guard at the door suddenly shouted.

Fusu was surprised.

The eldest princess Huan Yuanyan, the eldest daughter of Huan Zheng, is also the eldest sister of Fusu.

Wife of the great general Wang Yi.

Fusu hurriedly brought a few ladies to greet him.

"Big sister, why are you here?"

Huan Yuanyan barely squeezed out a smile and said, "I'm here to congratulate you." Fu

Su saw that Huan Yuanyan had something to say, so he took her to the inner hall.

"Sister, is there something going on?"

"Alas, your brother-in-law's body..."

Fusu was surprised in his heart.

He met Wang once a few months ago.

At that time, Wang Yi was not yet exhausted of oil.

How come it can't work so quickly.

"Sister, among my ladies, there is a medical immortal, let her help Old General Wang take a look."

"That's why I'm here, but it's your wedding day, isn't it a little inappropriate?"

"Sister, what is this saying, Old General Wang was born into death for Daqin, if he can live a hundred years long, it will be a blessing for Daqin."

Fusu took Duanmu Rong and Xiaomeng's two daughters, followed Huan Yuanyan, and came to the Wang family.

What he didn't expect was that Wang Ben actually returned.

"I have seen His Royal Highness the Crown Prince."

"General Wang doesn't have to be polite, take me to meet the old general."

Came to Wang Yi's bed.

I saw his pale and thin face, and his white hair.

Fusu felt sad.

Served several generations of emperors of Daqin.

After all, it still can't withstand the invasion of the years.


Duanmu Rong nodded.

Wang Chong took his pulse, and then said: "Husband, I..." Wang Chong said

intermittently: "Don't bother the crown princess, I am my own body, I know it myself." "

Previously, Sun Er Wang Li offended His Highness in some behaviors, and after I reprimanded, I also had a sense of remorse, hoping that His Highness could let him continue to serve Daqin regardless of previous suspicions."

"Old General, don't worry, Wang Li was just going astray at the beginning, not to be an enemy of Daqin, how can I blame him."

"In the future, the Wang family will definitely only follow the lead of His Royal Highness the Crown Prince."

What Wang Chong was most worried about was that after his death, Fusu would attack the Wang family.

If Fusu can be allowed to eliminate his prejudices against Wang Li, the Wang family can last for a long time.

"I know that His Highness has great powers, and the old immortal has a reluctant request."

"Old General, please say."

"Let me go up one last time!"

"This..." Fu

Su didn't expect that Wang Chong would ask for this.

Since Wang joined the army at the age of eighteen, it has been more than 50 years now.

He has always been loyal to Daqin.

Before he died, he wanted to take another look at the palace of Daqin.

However, whether his body can survive tonight depends on the will of God.

Not to mention, wait until tomorrow morning.

Fu Su looked at Duanmu Rong with a embarrassed expression.

Duanmu Rong shook her head.

And Xiaomeng on the side attached to Fusu's ear and said: "Husband, do you want to give him an improved real human pill?"

"No, the effect of the medicine is too fierce, and the old general's body can't resist."

Wang Chui's body has run out of oil, unless there is an elixir.

Otherwise, it won't be pulled back at all.

If you had rescued earlier, you might have lived a few more days.

Fu Su pulled Duanmu Rong to the side and asked in a low voice, "Rong'er, is my blood okay?" "

The internal organs have begun to fail, he drank your blood, he can only die faster."

"Is there any other way?"

"I can hang his last breath with a silver needle, but at most an hour."

Fusu reported Wang Chui's situation to Empress Huanzheng.

Ying Zheng directly sent someone to inform the civil and military officials and opened a dynasty in the Wang family.

This was also the first time that Daqin went to court in the house of a minister.

With Wang Chui's last sentence, "Great Qin Ten Thousand Dynasty!" "

The end of his legendary life.

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