"If you reach a half-saint, you can extend your lifespan by two or three hundred years, and you won't have to cultivate in the future."

"I'm about to reach the Holy Realm."


Flame Lingji suddenly became excited again.

If Fusu can reach the Holy Realm, then she can too.

"At the current rate, killing a million people should be enough."

"One hundred thousand..."

Flame Lingji was speechless, "Where there are so many people to kill, those nobles of the Six Kingdoms don't dare to rebel now." "

Let me kill you once first, and I'll see if I can raise you to the Holy Realm."

Ten days later.

Jiang Teng led the army back to the city.

"Your Highness, General Jiang is looking for you for something."

Fusu came to Jiang Teng's camp and saw Jiang Teng's face was very ugly.

"Did the Admiral encounter any difficulties?"

Jiang Teng took out an object from his arms, handed it to Fusu, and said, "Your Highness, this is sent by the White Tiger Tribe located in Xianze. "

White Tiger Tribe?"

Fusu suddenly felt overjoyed.

It's really easy to step on iron shoes and find nowhere to get it.

Unexpectedly, the White Tiger Tribe actually lived in Xianze.

"When we hit Zhangye, the people of the White Tiger tribe found us and told us to stop attacking the territory of the Qiang tribe, otherwise, they will assist the Qiang people and attack our Daqin."

Fusu sneered and said, "You first let the army stop attacking, I'll go to Xianze, I want to see how powerful this White Tiger Tribe is." "

Do you think that if you are the guardian of the divine beast, you can do whatever you want?

Fusu returned to the mirage and came to Bing'er's residence.

"Bing'er, are you familiar with the White Tiger Clan?"

"White Tiger Clan? If you are not familiar, if you encounter it, I ask you to take a detour.

"Why? Are you afraid of them?

"It's not that I'm afraid, but I'm worried that you won't be talking again."

"When do I talk doesn't count."

"What you said a few days ago, after finding the Soldier Demon God and the Qianyou Sword, you will take me to the Qinglong Clan, and now I will take care of the White Tiger Clan's troubles, not talking or not talking is nothing."

"The other side is threatening."

"Then endure it first, and when I return to my human form, I will go with you to teach them a lesson."

"It seems that you can't count on it."

When Fusu was about to leave, Bing'er said to Flame Lingji on the side: "Don't let him go to the White Tiger Clan, it's full of women." Flame

Lingji's face was boastful.

The White Tiger Clan is all women?

So how did they reproduce....

Fu Su said in a deep voice: "Your lie is too speechless, it's all about how women reproduce and how they survive."

"If it's all women, can't they reproduce?" Catch a man pregnant, and then kill him.


glanced at Flame Lingji and said in a low voice, "Bring her some hot water to take a bath."

A tribe like theirs should be extremely particular about bloodline.

The Xuanwu people forbade intermarriage with foreign races.

Then the White Tiger Clan should be the same.

How can such a small lie deceive yourself.

However, Bing'er's words reminded him.

There is no need to go against the White Tiger Clan now.

First solve the problem that mirages can fly.

When he returns from Loulan, he is looking for trouble with the White Tiger Clan.

"Set off for Loulan, but anyone who dares to block the road will be killed!"

Bing'er was very proud in her heart.

As long as Fusu got what he wanted, his water spirit bead would fall.

"The White Tiger Clan has more than a dozen half-saint powerhouses, and it's absolutely right to listen to me."

Fusu glared at her, then turned and left.

The corner of Flame Lingji's mouth smiled slightly, and then a flame was thrown directly into the fish pond.

"Ahhh... You two bastards..."

Bing'er tumbled in the fish pond.

It made the whole mirage shake.

"Was there an earthquake?"

"Earthquakes can affect mirages."

"It must be the husband who is doing something bad."

"This movement is too big, who can bear it."

"I don't know if people can carry it, but this mirage can't bear it immediately."

The women hated the behavior of Fusu and a certain crown prince.

In such a toss, the mirage is wasted.

At this moment, Fusu has left the mirage.

The mirage was pulled by several Xuan turtles and rushed forward at a speed of eighty yards per hour.

He has to make sure the road ahead is smooth.

The turtle's usual speed is very slow, but when the life is threatened, the speed is absolutely unexpected.

Not to mention a few Northern Xuan turtles.

After being threatened by Bing'er, he exerted his strength to eat milk and pulled the mirage forward.

Originally ten days away, they arrived at Lufu City in less than five days.

Lufucheng belonged to the royal capital of the Qiang people, and was called Jiuquan in later generations.

If you go further, you can't go by water.

Donghuang looked at the few old turtles tired and panting, and said unbearably: "Husband, this mirage is a little too slow, we might as well sit on Bing'er and move forward."

"Okay, let's let Bing'er give us a ride."

If she put it in the past, let Bing'er be used as a mount, she would definitely not want to.

But seeing that it was about to reach Loulan, she had to drive for Fusu for her own water spirit beads.

"You guys have to do a good job, I don't have to be faster than the little turtles."

As soon as Bing'er's words fell, she rushed out directly.

Fusu looked at it, and there were definitely three hundred yards.

"Husband, did she forget something?"

"It's okay, when she warms up, she will come and carry us."

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