Fusu grabbed a local old man and asked about the location of Loulan.

As a result, he almost slaughtered the entire Lufu City before he found an insider.

According to the man's instructions, Fusu, together with Yukime and Chitaki, drove the mechanism Suzaku to the legendary Desert of Death.

And the task of towing the mirage was given to Bing'er.

The desert of death is usually rarely visited.

Legend has it that in the desert, dragon-shaped demons often appear, and those who encounter them have no chance of surviving.

According to Fusu's judgment, this should be the periphery of Loulan.

These demons should be the salon in the formation.

"Husband, look quickly, is that bright light where Loulan is?"

The snow girl pointed to the light that reached the sky in the distance, and she was excited.

Fusu frowned.

What is this situation?

Loulan City in an exotic space.

The huge statue of the Nine Heavenly Goddess, standing in the center of the square, was shot by a strong light.

Not long after, a tear suddenly flowed.

After this tear fell into the dry pool below, she transformed into a girl.

The girl was dressed in an aqua blue tight short skirt, her dark blue hair was tied into a ponytail, and her pink skin was like a baby.

The goddess statue suddenly spoke: "You will be called Xiao Li in the future."

"The dragon soul sealed in my stone statue suddenly awakened and fled here a month ago."

"Without the dragon soul here, the goddess statue cannot provide water to the people here, and you have to find a way to get him back."

"Then give it to the high priest of Loulan Candle Jade and let her know what to do."

Xiao Li asked, "What is a dragon soul?" The

eyes of the goddess statue suddenly shot out a bright light, shrouding Xiao Li.

"All the secrets about the dragon soul, I have imprinted in your mind, in addition, I passed on the last trace of my divine power to you, so that you have a certain ability to protect yourself."

"If the dragon soul doesn't come back, I can't protect the people of this Loulan City, and you have to find the dragon soul back as soon as possible."

"I will get the dragon soul back as soon as possible."

Fusu drove the organ Suzaku to the location of the bright light.

There is nothing around.

Chitaki said, "Husband-kun, it was the light from this position just now.

"You two wait on it, I'll go down and take a look."

Fusu jumped directly into the air at a height of 100 zhang.

And then almost when it was close to the ground.

From the sand, a dragon suddenly rushed out.

With a large mouth of blood, he swallowed Fusu directly.

The snow girl looked nervous and asked, "It's going to be okay, right?"

Chitaki said, "He can dodge it, sister Yukinu, don't worry." "


The dragon turned directly into a pile of sand.

Fusu held the Vulcan Sword and looked around calmly.

He just predicted it.

The height of the formation is about ten zhang.

Once on the edge of the formation, the salon in the formation is triggered.

These salons are all conjured up with strange spells.

Bluff top, average attack!

After a while, more than a dozen salons five or six feet tall appeared around them.

Fusu jumped up, let the dream butterfly escape, and returned to the organ Suzaku.

The snow girl asked suspiciously, "Husband, why don't you break this array?"

"This is the magic array that protects Loulan, if it is broken, Loulan will have no barrier."

Loulan is a legendary sacred country.

He will definitely not let anyone in.

The Dharma Array couldn't stop him, and he didn't have to break it.

Chitaki asked, "Where is the entrance to Loulan?"

"Below this formation."

"Under the formation? How do we get in?

"Let me think about it."

Fusu was thinking about how to enter Loulan.

A young girl suddenly appeared in the formation.

"Xiao Li..."

Fu Su looked at the girl below with a surprised expression.

The snow girl hurriedly asked, "Husband-kun, do you know that girl?" "

It is said that she is the guardian of Loulan City, and the tears of the Nine Heavenly Xuannu are transformed."

"Goddess Tears..." The

second daughter looked incredulously at the girl below who was fighting Sharon.

The tears of the Nine Heavenly Daughters.

Is this the strength of the gods?

A single tear can transform into a human form.

So if she herself was here, would they have any hope of winning?

"Husband-kun, shall we go help her?"

"She has the key to unlock the Demon God."

As soon as Fusu's words came out, the snow girl jumped directly with the Ice Emperor Sword.

Several sword qi were swung in a row, directly turning Sharon into an ice dragon.

Xiao Li, who did not know why, stared at the snow girl with a vigilant expression.

"What are you?"

Xiao Li's face was very nervous.

Earlier, the Nine Heavenly Lady told her that there were many existences in this world that were not weaker than her.

As a result, this just went out and met one.

"Don't be afraid, my name is Snow Girl, who specializes in slaying demons and removing demons."

Xiao Li suddenly looked up at the sky.

Seeing the strange big bird flying above, he asked, "Is it yours?"


"That's not a living thing."

"That's done with a mechanism, I call it Suzaku."


When Xiao Li heard this name, he immediately became vigilant.

Isn't this thing the same as the Soldier Demon God?

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