"This sister, where are you from, how did you come to this desert."

"I, I am..." Xiao

Li Zhiwu said for a long time, but did not come up with it.

"I look at my sister's dress, she doesn't look like a Central Plains person, is there any difficulty, I can help you."

Xiao Li said: "I am from a nearby village and I can't find my way home. Listening

to Xiao Li's ghostly talk, the snow girl didn't pay attention to it at all.

If Fusu hadn't told her that this girl was the Tears of the Goddess, she would have believed her words.

"What's your name?"

"My name is Xiao Li."

"Little Li girl, in this desert, it is very dangerous to be alone, how about coming to the Yue Clan Kingdom with me?"

"Yue Clan Country?"

Xiao Li couldn't help frowning.

The map given to her by the Nine Heavenly Xuannu shows that the last time the dragon soul appeared was in the underworld of the Moon Clan.

Is this really a coincidence?

Xiao Li asked, "Has my sister ever heard of Loulan?" "


The snow girl shook her head.

"I'm from the Central Plains, not from this Western Regions, it's the first time I've come here."

"Where is the Central Plains?"

"After the Yue Clan Kingdom, further east, is the territory of Qiang Rong, and then further east is the territory of Daqin, and I am a citizen of Daqin."

Xiao Li listened in a fog.

On the map of the Nine Heavenly Xuannu, there was only the map of the Western Regions, and there was no Daqin that the snow girl said at all.

"Thanks to my sister's kindness, I can find my way home alone."

The snow girl hesitated for a moment, but turned and left.

"Take care."

However, at this moment, a person walked towards the snow girl.

This person's speed was extremely fast, and in a few breaths, he reached not far from the two.

This person is very handsome, but the smile on his face is very disgusting.

"Hehe, today uncle, I really walked shit luck, and I met two big beauties in this barren land."

At this moment, the snow girl, who was facing away from Xiao Li, had a strange smile on her face.

"What are you!"

The snow girl pointed the ice emperor sword at the other party.

However, the other party came behind her in a flash.

Then a palm cut to the back of her neck.

The snow woman quickly ran her internal force and condensed an ice wall behind her.

The young man missed the blow and rushed towards Xiao Li.

Xiao Li was so frightened that he hurriedly took a few steps back.

When the figure of the youth disappeared from her sight.

Her heart was almost in her throat.

"Beauty, introduce yourself, my name is Sufu."

The young man's voice sounded in Xiao Li's ears.

Xiao Li could clearly feel the breath blowing out of Su Fu's mouth.


Xiao Li slapped his palm back, but was grabbed by Su Fu in his hand.

No matter how hard she pushes, she can't break free.

Su Fu looked at Xiao Li with a lewd look.

Then he brought his mouth up.

"You stinky rascal."

Xiao Li's hands were trapped by Su Fu, and he couldn't dodge them at all.


The snow girl's raised hand was a sword qi.

Directly froze Xiao Li.

Su Fu hurriedly took a step back and glared at the snow girl with an angry expression.

The snow girl flashed to Xiao Li's side and helped her lift the ice.

"You go, I'll pester him."

Xiao Li glanced at the snow girl gratefully.

Then he ran in the direction of the Moon Kingdom.

Although she would love to stay and help the snow girl.

But his own strength does not allow it.

The two fought until they couldn't see Xiao Li's figure, and then stopped.

"Husband, her vigilance is very high."

"You shouldn't be much vigilant now, and the back hand I arranged will arrive immediately."

Chitaki in the air drove Suzaku down in the air.

"Husband, it's time for me to appear."

Chitaki's figure disappeared directly in place.

Xiao Li ran all the way, away from this desert.

Then he came to Dunhuang, the capital of the Yue clan, marked on the map.

However, as soon as she entered the city, she met a girl about her age.

He was running through the streets chased by a group of soldiers from the Yue Clan.


The girl shouted as she ran wildly.

When passing by Xiao Li's side.

The girl suddenly threw her something.

Xiao Li looked at the thing in his hand suspiciously, and couldn't help frowning.

It's not a money bag....

That girl is a thief?

White blind with a good face.

How can you steal something.

The pawn who chased the girl saw her throw her money bag to Xiao Li.

Then quickly surrounded Xiao Li.

"Take out your money bag and follow us to the City Lord's Mansion."

Xiao Li looked depressed.

Can't you see such a simple false accusation?

"I, I don't know her."

"Don't know? There are so many people on the street, but they are thrown at you, you say it is not a coincidence.

Xiao Li smiled bitterly.

It's a coincidence.

Xiao Li grabbed the money bag and threw it into the distance, rushed out of the crowd and fled here.

With Xiao Li's speed, he easily dodged a few soldiers.

Come to a small alley.

Xiao Li breathed a sigh of relief.

"Sister, where is my money bag."

The girl who had been chased earlier suddenly crawled out of a pile of weeds in the alley.

Xiao Liqi's face was livid.

She grabbed the girl's ear and asked, "Why are you framing me?"

"I didn't mean to, I'm not tired of running, I can only divert their attention."

"You almost killed me!"

"Who knew you were so stupid that you stood still."

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