Xiao Li rolled his eyes angrily.

Feelings are their own fault....

"Why are you stealing money?"

"I haven't eaten in days."

Xiao Li's heart softened, and he let go of his hand.

Then he took out a few copper coins from his arms and said, "This is what I left from my money bag just now, give it to you."

"This... How embarrassing I am, let's score the bill. The

girl directly threw Xiao Li a copper coin.

Xiao Li was speechless.

"What's your name?"

"What's your name sister?"

"My name is Xiao Li."

"My name is Yue'er."

"Sister Xiao Li, go, I'll invite you to dinner."

Yue'er pulled Xiao Li towards the nearby bun shop.

"I, I'm not hungry."

Xiao Li rejected Yue'er's kindness.

She didn't need to eat at all.

As if she hadn't heard it, Yue'er said to the owner of the bun shop, "Come ten buns." "

Ten copper coins!"

"Boss, what if I only have nine copper coins."

The boss saw that Yue'er's whole body was dirty, so he took pity.

"Give you two more."

"Thank you boss."

When Yue'er left, she also took the boss's two buns.

Xiao Li, who was not far away, looked straight and shook his head.

People are kind enough to send you.

It turned out to be so unsatisfied.

Yue'er came to Xiao Li's side, and then handed the lotus leaf containing eleven buns directly to Xiao Li.

Then he took two buns and gnawed them.

Xiao Li was speechless for a while....

How do you feel like a subordinate.

"Sister Xiao Li, where is your home?"

"My home? I don't live in this city. "

Huh? So where do we stay at night?

Xiao Li was surprised: "Isn't your home here either?"

"There used to be, but it was overrun by the wicked."

Xiao Li frowned.

"Yue'er, do you have any other family members?"

"It's gone!"

Xiao Li followed Yue'er to a high wall, and the two sat down to rest for a while.

"You are alone, living by stealing every day?"

"Or else? I have no one to rely on, and I have no field, how can I support myself, but fortunately there are a few good people in the city who often give me something to eat.

After Yue'er had eaten and drunk, she snuggled up next to Xiao Li and fell asleep after a while.

In the evening, Xiao Li shook Yue'er.



"It was dark and it was too cold outside, so let's find a place to stay."

"This is my home, I'm not going anywhere."

"Your home?"

Xiao Li glanced around with a puzzled expression.

I didn't find any doors here.

"My house used to be inside this courtyard wall."

"This is your home..."

Xiao Li looked at the courtyard wall that could not be seen at the head, and was suddenly speechless.

"Sister, I'll take you to my house to take a look."

"No, no thanks!"

Xiao Li hurriedly pulled Yue'er.

Judging from the scale of this courtyard wall, this is definitely the home of the high-ranking officials.

There must be quite a few guards in the courtyard.

"If you don't follow me in the future, I will teach you martial arts, at least so that you can eat."

"No, I don't have the money to learn."

"I didn't say I wanted your money."

"Sister, where is your home?"

"In a faraway place."

"Far away? What are you coming to the Moon Clan Kingdom for? "

Come and find something."

Xiao Li took Yue'er and came to an inn.

Yue'er asked suspiciously, "Sister, what are we doing here?"

"Accommodation, of course."

"You have money?"

Xiao Li touched it from his arms and took out a piece of gold.

Yue'er's eyes widened.

"Sister, where are you from?"

"It's called a trick."

Xiao Li pulled Yue'er into the inn.

Throwing the gold in his hand to the treasurer, he said very arrogantly: "Treasurer, get me an upper room, then prepare hot water, prepare a few delicious dishes, extra money, and send it to my room." The

treasurer looked at the gold in his hand and couldn't help but be vigilant.

The two daughters are not very clean.

It doesn't look like a child of a rich family.

The treasurer took the gold and bit it in his mouth.

A tooth mark appeared on the gold.

Gold is genuine.

"Treasurer, what are you stunned."

"Okay, I'll get you ready right away."

After the shop Xiao Er prepared the hot water.

Xiao Li asked Yue'er to take a shower first.

The moon after coming out of the water surprised Xiao Li.

"I didn't expect you to be a little beauty."

"Sister is not bad."

After the two of them had eaten and drunk enough.

Xiao Li asked Xiao Er to choose a suitable dress for Yue'er.

Yue'er's temperament was instantly revealed.

Xiao Li was very jealous when he saw it.

She felt that Yue'er must have been a child of a wealthy family before.

"Yue'er, let's go to sleep first, tomorrow you will go to Hao'an with me."

"Hades? Where to go and what to do?

"I'll tell you tomorrow, let's sleep first."

Since the two daughters are both girls and are of similar age, there is no taboo.

So they lay down on a bed and slept with each other.

At dawn, a yin and yang spell mark suddenly appeared in Yue'er's hand.

She wanted to use soul control to explore the secrets in Xiao Li's heart.

But after hesitating for a long time, Yue'er still gave up this plan.

Fusu explained to her.

The key to open the Demon God is like a ball.

The head is about the size of a baby's skull.

But Xiao Li did not.

Last night she said she was going to Hades.

Maybe it's going to get the key.

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