The Mafia's Rose Married The CEO

Chapter 175 - Devil By My Side

"What are you doing here?" Qing Chen asked Da Xia with his eyebrows furrowed. He was not at all pleased.

"You know I always spend New Year's with my family. Of course I'm here," she said, her hand tightening on his arm.

"You're gatecrashing. You're not in the list of invites."

"Oh," she flicked her hair. "Dai Ning didn't really feel well tonight so I took her invite instead." She smiled her best. "Aren't you happy to see me?"

Da Xia knew him enough to know that the smile on his face was sarcastic. "I'm beyond glad." Still, he was that kind of person who would still be gentle with you despite. He slowly pried her hand off him. "You should leave before I call security on you."

"Is that how you should treat your ex-girlfriend?" she asked, her fingertips wanting to trail on the smooth skin of his cheek. He backed away. "I seem to recall we ended on a good note."

"Yes, we did. Then a few weeks later you're out and about with some model, right?"

She let her hand fall on the glass that was on the table and she drank it in one huge gulp. "You're so bitter about that. It's the City of Love, Chen. Do you really expect me not to find someone?"

His eyebrows knitted deeper together. "Not that fast at least."

Da Xia shifted the conversation. "I heard you got married."

"Yes," he answered. "If you don't leave now I'm pretty sure she'll murder you."

Da Xia laughed. "I had seen pictures of her, Chen. Kitty has no claws."

"Who's Kitty?"

Both of their heads snapped to the owner of the voice. Feng Xuan was walking towards them, a smile was playing on her lips but her eyes were in warning. She stood near Qing Chen. 

"Are you Kitty?" she asked the girl in a dark blue slit dress. Her dress was sparkling, like it had a firework of its own on the fabric. It hugged her slim figure like a glove.

Da Xia flashed a smile. "Ohhh, you're the wife. The pictures do you no justice."

"I know, right?" Feng Xuan answered like it was not even needed to be mentioned. She tilted her head to the side. "Are you done talking?"

Da Xia giggled. "I was just asking how he was doing. We've lots to talk about."

"Maybe on another time. You should ask his secretary when he will have some free time. I think you could schedule with him in six months." Feng Xuan clutched on Qing Chen's arm. "Is there anything else you'd like to say? I'd like to be alone with him."

Da Xia's smile faltered for a second and Feng Xuan willingly accepted the daggers from her eyes. "No, nothing else." There was challenge in Da Xia's eyes. It said 'this is not over', but she said, "I'll see you soon, Feng Xuan."

"Oh, sorry, I didn't catch your name."

"It's Da Xia."

"Okay, Ba Kia. Bye now," she said like she was shooing an animal away with an innocent smile that could send anyone to rage.

Da Xia sent her a final glare with a smile then left. She gritted her teeth. "Let's see if you'll forget my name again," she muttered under her breath and fished her phone out of her bejeweled bag. 

It rang a few times before it was answered. "Happy New Year, Da Xia!"

"Hey, Manager Kim, do you think it'd be a good move if I stay here in Chengshi?"


After the girl left, Feng Xuan turned to Qing Chen. "Did you really date that girl? She's a devil in disguise," she said in disgust.

"She was actually pretty nice when we were younger," he said, shaking his head, wondering what the hell happened to Da Xia. "I don't really care about her," Qing Chen pulled her by the waist and into his arms. "I have the real devil by my side."

Feng Xuan fixed her hair. "It actually hurt when I fell from heaven, you know?"

Qing Chen chuckled and kissed the top of her head. "Pay no mind to her. She'll probably be gone by next week."

"If she's not, I'll push her out of this city. And I'm not going to be kind."

Qing Chen kissed her forehead. "Don't spoil your mood. The fireworks are going to start in a while."

Feng Xuan took the untouched drink from the table and drank it. "I need more of this."

Qing Chen quickly waved to a passing waiter who took their glasses. When the drinks came he realized he also needed a few.


The hours seemed to have stretched forever in that party. Before midnight, Qing Zihao made a lengthy speech, thanking everyone who came and continuing to support their company. He also made promises of more projects that would aim to help the neighboring cities. He spoke like an ambassador and Feng Xuan got a slight hint that maybe her father-in-law was eyeing a political seat.

Finally, they went outside the for the fireworks. The countdown started.

Just as the fireworks went up the sky, Qing Chen pulled her to him and pressed their lips together. It was as if her heart itself exploded in sparkles. It was a short kiss but the effect lasted hours after the party.

When the twenty-minute fireworks display was over, Qing Chen tugged on her hand. "Do you still feel like going to the casino?"

Feng Xuan shook her head. "Let's go home where we'll be alone."

"Got it," Qing Chen answered and they quickly said good bye to their parents. After ten minutes, they were already inside the limousine. 

Feng Xuan pulled him by his tie and clung on to him like he was a lifesaver. "You're not going to leave for that woman, are you?"

"Do I have a death wish?"

"I don't know. Do you?"

Qing Chen kissed her. "You're crazy to think I'll leave you for her."

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