The Mafia's Rose Married The CEO

Chapter 176 - Hello, My Dear Qings

The morning after the New Year party, Qing Chen had asked Feng Xuan, "Do you want to go on vacation?"

"Vacation where?" she asked, focused on the financial statements while drinking her coffee. It had started snowing over the last few weeks but it had never been more colder than now.

As she was gone for most of the last season, Feng Xuan had not been able to procure a bunch of winter clothes. She raided Qing Chen's wardrobe and was wearing a pair of pajamas that she rolled up four times and a huge sweatshirt.

"Somewhere warm?" Qing Chen suggested. He too was bent over the folder Feng Xuan was studying. They were reports about Gretel's. Wang Yimin had sent the last of the latest updates with the cake shop and Feng Xuan was almost done catching up.

"I was actually thinking about getting back to work as soon as possible," she sipped from her mug.

"You mean at your business?"

Feng Xuan rolled her eyes. "Husband, how are we supposed to take over the world if we're going to be sunbathing at The Bahamas?"

Qing Chen dropped the papers and pulled Feng Xuan to him until she was sitting on his lap. Their body heat easily mingled with each other. "If we're going to take over the world, you have to at least tell me some of your plans."

Qing Chen had been patiently waiting all this time. He figured she would want to start with something small scale then work her way to the bigger ones so she would be familiar with everything.

Feng Xuan put an arm around his neck and adjusted herself. "Well, first things first, I am going to open another Gretel's."

Qing Chen nodded, waiting for her to finish.

"I want it to have its own space. Not inside a mall or anything. I want it upright on its own."

He laughed lightly because it was like she was waiting for him to ask what would come next. He humored her. "Okay, then?"

"It's not just going to be a cake shop. It's going to be a restaurant."

Qing Chen felt himself getting interested. "That would be a great idea. Are you going to prepare the recipes yourself?"

She nodded. "I am mainly thinking about dishes that still has to get in the oven as I want to stay with the branding of Hansel and Gretel."

He could already imagine it. Gretel's but with a more homely feel to it. Location would be a challenge. "Okay, we'll get working on that. What else can you share with me?"

"I'm going to…" she stopped, thinking what else she would like for Qing Chen to know. She gave up. "Alright, this is not really a surprise but… I'm going to apply to The Kingly."

Qing Chen beamed. "Finally, huh?"

"Yep," she answered.

"What position are you looking for?"

"The one that mans the coffeemaker," she joked. "I don't really know for now. Father and I are still talking about it. I'm going to utilize some of his power and infiltrate the impregnable fortress of The Kingly."

Qing Chen's eyebrow quirked up. "You're already at the front of the CEO. Why should we hire you?"

She ran her nail on the nape of Qing Chen's neck. It made the hair on his arms stand. "Because I'm really good at what I do."

"And that is?"

She peered from below her lashes. "I can make you happy for one."

"Not exactly what we're looking for. What can you bring in this company?"

"Great after-office hours." She reached up and started to kiss his neck. He smelled of soap and coffee. She licked at the sweet spot below his ear and Qing Chen groaned.

"You're going to fail your interview so bad," he said.

"What do you mean?" she asked, her hand taking his and lifting it to her stomach, inside her wool sweater. She pressed her lips to his.

"It's too early in the morning, Xuan," he whispered.

"I'm just kidding," Feng Xuan cackled and push against Qing Chen to stand up. "As I told you, we're going to take over the world."

"But you just told me two plans."

"More soon," she winked and went back to her now cold coffee.


Over the next few days Feng Xuan was mainly with her Father, trying to absorb as much as she can. Her nights with Qing Chen was almost like a crash course about The Kingly. There were too many branches in it and she had to choose one that she wanted to be a part of.

The first half of the day consist of working out and being at Gretel's. Wang Yimin had enjoyed her temporary role that she was there almost everyday. They mostly planned about the next branch of Gretel's.

Then one night, Feng Xuan was checking the inventory list when her phone lit up with a message from Qing Lok.

It said:

Meeting at home. ASAP.

She was just about to type a reply to ask what it was about when Qing Chen entered, also looking at his phone. "Should we go?" he asked.

She nodded and left her employees to finish closing up. "Do you think it's The Zookeeper?"

"It's bound to be him. It's about time. It has been months."

They were not disappointed when they got to the Qing's house. Everyone else was already there. The elders were at the couch near the fireplace. Wuming was at the window. Qing Lok was on the floor reading from a complex application on his laptop.

"Hello, my dear Qings.

It's been a while, no? I would like to take this opportunity to greet you a Happy New Year. I have to say I am not really celebrating yet. I'll be back after the OTHER New Year.

I missed the lot of you.

Let's get back on the game then.

For now, rest well. You'll be running a lot after.


The Zookeeper"

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