When the afternoon part of the date started at the fashion strip, Feng Xuan stood up from Wang Yimin's couch.

"Where are you going?"

"You're so clingy," she joked to her cousin. "I'm just going to make a call."

She went to the back of the house near the pool. She would've dipped her feet in it but it would be too cold. She dialed Qing Chen's number and he answered just after a few rings.

"Hello, wife," he greeted.

"Hey," she answered lamely. 

"Are you okay?"

Feng Xuan squished her cheeks together. "This is no fun," she told him. She could not fathom if it was mood swings that was bringing these thoughts to her mind. "Da Xia's boring. She was easily crushed. We have paid some dummy accounts on social media to post a comparison with our brands. It turned out better than I expected." She sighed. "Did you really date this girl? She's not that smart as I thought."

Qing Chen chuckled. "Maybe she didn't have her old touch. Once she helped me trap an employee who was embezzling money from one of the foundations we were sponsoring."

"Oh did she? Well, she's not certainly magic at the moment." Feng Xuan suddenly thought about getting on a treadmill and run. There was just so much energy in her body. "We're gonna have to find something else to play with, Chen."

"Don't worry, we will f—"

A door opened from the other end of the line. Feng Xuan could hear the small and raspy voice of Qing Chen's secretary. 

"I'll be there," Qing Chen answered.

"Do you have to go?" she asked when she heard the door clicked close.

"Unfortunately, I have a whole afternoon of meetings. See you at home?"

"Yep, can you take out some food? I'll be here until Liu Meilien's date ends."

After that, they said their farewells and Feng Xuan walked back in the living room. She passed by the huge table wherein the people they handpicked for today were busy typing on their laptops. Liu Meilien and Qing Lok's date was on the television on mute.

"Two of the workers are already editing the first cut of the episode. Said it would be ready in three to four hours." Wang Yimin was scrolling to her iPad. 

Feng Xuan's face twisted. "Have we heard anything from Da Xia?"

"Nothing since her fashion show ended. Should we have sent someone to keep watch?"

She shook her head and dropped on the couch, pulling a pillow over her head. "Is there anyone else we could pick a fight with?"

"Do you have that much time on your hands?" Wang Yimin laughed. "People are so surprised to find out Qing Chen has a brother."

Brothers, she thought. She wondered what story did the Qings told some of the people. It would've been impossible to completely bury the memory of Wuming with the people he had already met.

"His following is increasing by the second. They said he looked like someone who should be in a boy group."

Feng Xuan let out a short laugh. "He has that kind of face. Narrow and sharp angles."

Wang Yimin opened her mouth to add on that but then her phone started ringing. She answered.

Feng Xuan turned her face to the backrest of the seat, wondering if this really was the endgame for her. She suddenly remembered the offer she didn't know she received back when she was training with Master. Should she kill people as a sideline job? Without doubt Qing Chen would offer no qualms about it. Surely it would beat being a player in a fashion war.


Her thoughts were cut-off when Wang Yimin exclaimed. "OH MY GOD!"

Feng Xuan sat up. Her cousin looked like she had just plugged a finger in an electric socket. "What's going on?"

"That's a lifestyle TV network. They are thinking about giving us our own reality TV show."

Feng Xuan's eyebrows rose to her forehead. But her mind was already on a siren. BAD IDEA. BAD IDEA. BAD IDEA.

But her cousin looked excited. "What do you think about it?"

"Hmm," Feng Xuan said. "What's in it for them? What do they really want to see?"

"They want this feud with Da Xia to go on until we established another strong foundation."

As if this day could get any stale. "They just want to see drama."

"We're going to milk this cow, cousin! Just imagine how much companies would pay for us to advertise!"

Feng Xuan was not going to agree to it. Also, Xie Changying would obviously put a stop to this. They were already in dangerous grounds as it was. They were not going to have a camera around the house.

She decided to humor her cousin. "What's the catch?"

This was where Wang Yimin's face scrunched. "We need to get Da Xia on board."

"So basically we have to talk to her?"

"Uhmm, I think I should be the one to talk to her. I'm afraid if it would be you, it would end with you clawing at each other's faces."

Feng Xuan did not deny that. Clawing faces and then some… some loose teeth maybe. "You're really in it?"

"Yeah!" she stood up, taking their empty snack plate. "Isn't this how talentless people get rich? Being in a reality TV show?"

Feng Xuan wanted to press on her temples. "I don't think we need that."

"Don't be too negative." Wang Yimin nodded at her. "It was just an idea. It's still on the works. Just imagine how popular we'd be. Maybe go international sooner than we expect."

Wang Yimin's h.i.p.s swayed when she walked to the kitchen. Feng Xuan only groaned and hugged a pillow to her chest. She chewed on her lip, thinking.

She could not let Wang Yimin get near or be in touch with Da Xia, because surely, that woman would say yes.

She needed Da Xia out of here tomorrow.

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