The Mafia's Rose Married The CEO

Chapter 218 - Two Wishes (Don't Skip)

It had been a long day in the office for Qing Chen. Finally, all the managers had been called to submit reports about the first month of the year. It was normal that their sales were up every January but what they worked on was how to keep that momentum.

By the time they were finished, the sun was almost done setting and his stomach was grumbling. His mind felt like it was a dried prune inside his skull. He still had to go over everything once again before he could go home and sign the plans.

When he opened his office door, he immediately stopped in his tracks because of the person inside. His whole body tensed but he breathed out when he realized the silhouette was his father's.

"Father," he greeted and closed the door behind him. The lights in his office were off and only the lamps were on. His father has his back on him, smoke was in the air.

"Our family built this city, Qing Chen."

Qing Chen and his father had not spoken since their encounter at the house—the one where Qing Lok had pulled out three pistols for them to kill each other with.

He dropped the folders on his desk and walked to the smaller table pressed against the wall. "Do you want a drink?"

"Yes, please," his father answered and he poured two glasses. He walked over to where his father was standing whose hands were on top of the cane he always had with him.

They both looked at Chengshi.

"It was a wasteland with a low-class airport before we built The Kingly Hotel near it," his father said. Qing Chen was still confused with this history lesson he had already heard about a hundred times. "Imagine, having that influence that the airport itself had to be renovated just to keep up with the grandness of the hotel near it."

"Does this has something to do with the mafia?" he asked and took a sip.

"I'm giving it back to you."

"I don't want it if you're not going to let me do things my way."

He got the least reaction he was expecting. His father chuckled under his breath. He took the pipe from his lips and made a gulp. "I am REALLY giving it to you this time," his father said. In a more serious voice, "You can do what you please with it."

His eyebrows furrowed. "Is this some sort of a trap? Once I take it you're gonna have my head?" it was meant to be a joke but with the way things ended with them the last time, Qing Chen did not really know what to think. 

"Would I decapitate my own son?" his father asked. Qing Chen did not answer because he did not know the answer. "I know I had been hard on you and your brother with regards to the mafia. But… I realized… you were right."

His father's tone indicated that he could not believe that he was also saying those words. It seemed like he had to push them out of his mouth. 

"W-what?" he asked, disbelieving. "What are you—"

"It's time to end that legacy of ours. Start a new one with your brothers. Live your life safe and sound. Let it end with me."

Qing Chen sensed something at the bottom pit of his stomach. Something heavy and ugly. "What do you mean let it end with you?"

His father sucked on his pipe. "It's time to let you kids do what you want with your lives. You don't have to kill me just to get me out of the way."

Qing Chen was alarmed. "We never—"

His father's next words cut of the remaining words in his mouth. "I am dying."

The next sound Qing Chen heard was his glass shattering on the floor.


Qing Chen's body was thrown in an icy shock. His body acted on instinct instead and he dropped down to the floor. "I am sorry," he said and started picking up the pieces of the broken glass.

His father downed his drink and crouched down to help his son pick up the pieces. "Don't do that," he said and slapped Qing Chen's hands. "You'll cut yourself."

"It's fine." His mind had not yet processed what his father said. They took the shards and put them on the empty glass in silence. Once they were sure the majority of it were already off the floor, Qing Chen placed the glass on his desk. "What were you saying?"

"You didn't mishear me," chuckled his father. "I am dying. Stage four lung cancer."

It was as if the floor dipped to the side and Qing Chen braced himself on his desk.

"Maybe I should've let you sit first."

"What…? I don't…" he could not find the words. How do you even react when the only parent you have left told you that he was dying?

His father looked out the city. "I just received the results today. Doctors said I am beyond saving." He raised his pipe. "There was not much to be saved."

Qing Chen's body moved on its own accord. He stepped up and circled his arms around his father. The smell of smoke on his hair, clothes, and skin. "We're going to find you the best treatments. You'll be fine."

"Ah, Chen," his father said warmly and patted his back. "Let's talk about that some other time. But for now, I have two wishes. One, you cannot tell your brothers about this. Your grandmother already knows."

Qing Chen pulled away. "They have to know."

His father shook his head. "Can you imagine what Wei would do? He'd wreak havoc. Lok would spiral. I told you because I'm going on vacation I need to know if there's something that can cure me. I'll leave everything in your hands."

"You said two wishes."

His father smiled. "For the last time, throw me the biggest party."

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