The Mafia's Rose Married The CEO

Chapter 223 - Father's Funeral Party

Da Xia woke up in a hospital just about two hours ago. She had attained a few bruises from her accident but luckily there were no broken bones. Her mother had come crying while they tended to her at the ER.

She was mainly fine and her vital stats were normal. She was immediately discharged after being interviewed by the police. Only one question made sense to her.

"Do you have any idea on who might've planted the bomb in your car?" they asked.

She shook her head but about a few names flickered in her mind. Feng Xuan's name was underlined and was written in red. "I honestly don't have any idea. Maybe they got the wrong car?"

The two officers only looked at each other. "Thank you, Ms. Dai."

"It's Da Xia," she corrected. Ever since she entered the modeling business, she had went by her pseudonym. "What are your names again?" she asked as she shook their hands.

"I'm Detective An and this is Officer Liang Jun."


When Da Xia went home all she wanted was to rest. But her mother was just beginning to stir the pot. "Do you think they were behind this?"

Da Xia only waved her away. "I don't want to talk about it. I want to sleep."

There was a noise upstairs, loud and heavy footsteps. Her brother showed up at the landing then down the stairs. He held her by the shoulders, his worried eyes darting all over her face and body. "Are you okay?!"

"I'm fine," she said and swiped at his arms. "I'll talk to you guys in the morning."

"Are we not going to talk about how the Yangs probably did this to you?!"

Da Xia rolled her eyes but she immediately regretted it because her vision spun. "I'll worry about them tomorrow." She started at the stairs. "And do you really think they would be able to do that?"

Her brother tilted his head to look at her. "You know the Qings had been in some crazy business in the past few months. The murders that was somehow connected to them and the kidnappings? A shootout at the hotel? Do you think they would not be able to pull something like this?"

Da Xia only wrinkled her nose to no one in particular. "As I said, I'll think about that tomorrow."

She locked the door in her bedroom for safety measure. She ran a hot bath and submerged herself in her tub. Never in her life had she ever thought someone would put a price on her head.

The only reason why she thought it could not be Feng Xuan and Wang Yimin was because they could have done this months ago but they didn't. Why would they choose tonight when they were the trending topic despite the fact that she was the one who launched her brand?

Putting her in an accident was just sommething that would take the attention away from them.

She slid down the tub and held her breath.

I'll think about all of these… tomorrow.


The following day, Feng Xuan was early at Wang Yimin's house.

"Admit it, you really got your husband to set up the party for you," said her cousin as they walked in the hallway to her many closets.

"I swear I didn't," she answered, biting into a fruit she had gotten from the basket in the kitchen.

"There's no shame in admitting that, Xuan. Just tell me the truth. I'm sure your husband is completely head over heels for you and would make anything possible so you can have your way."

"Oh please," she remarked. "It's my father-in-law's party."

"Well, you could only just imagine the dozens of messages I got this morning. The invite showed up in my email at midnight. Now I got people asking me to dress them."

Feng Xuan grinned. "See, it's good for business. Do you have enough dresses?"

Wang Yimin sighed. "Hopefully, I only chose the most influential ones."

Wang Yimin opened the door and pointed a closet to her. "It's in there. Coincidentally it matched the color for tonight: black."

Feng Xuan ripped the door open and she could have a rocket at her feet. Even though she had been trained to be an assassin, she was also surprised that she got so excited with the dress.

"Wang Yimin," she gasped, taking in the black dress and YANG's current signature of high collars which had thick golden dragons. From her chest to the sides, white dragons were embroidered. There were slits, starting from either side of her h.i.p.s loosely tied together by golden laces. "You did not!"

Wang Yimin laughed from behind her. "This will be part of our limited collection. This one is aimed for the younger audiences—the ones still filled with angst. Are you going to try it on or are you going to just stare at it?"


Feng Xuan decided to get ready by herself. Another reason was she had to delay Wang Yimin's arrival because she had to get rid of Da Xia first.

"I truly admire her still wanting to come to the party despite having an accident yesterday," she said to Qing Chen who was already shrugging on a coat. She put a pin in her twisted hair. "You're sure they RSPV'd for three, right?"


Feng Xuan stood up and faced her husband. "Well, what do you think?"

He sent her a smile and pulled her towards him. "You look beautiful."

"I always do."

"Well, you look fierce tonight."

"Aw, thank you," she said and pressed a kiss on his lips. But even so, his eyes seemed sad. "Are you sure you're okay? You don't look sick to me though."

"I just have a headache."

"Maybe we should have you checked-up tomorrow."

"It's nothing," he said and gave her another kiss. It's just that we're wearing black and it makes me feel like we're attending my father's funeral. "Probably just a minor virus."

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