The Mafia's Rose Married The CEO

Chapter 224 - To Us, Da Xia

Da Xia's mother had insisted that she didn't have to attend the party. It was a last-minute thing and people would understand if she wouldn't be able to come. But she was persistent. The Chairman would also probably celebrate the opening of Rosa Chiaro. She had to be there.

Her whole body felt like she had been ran over by a truck. It ached in places she never thought could ache. She felt fine last night but this morning, it was a struggle to get up the bed. Nevertheless, she pulled herself together and got ready.

Everyone was wondering why the chairman had suddenly called for a party. Da Xia was feeling anxious. Was there going to be a change in the company? Tonight's theme was black and white so she pulled on a rather simple dress that hugged her entire figure with a slit on the left side and a tube neckline. She tied her waist with a sparkly silver belt. The beauty of it was in its simplicity. 

She arrived at The Kingly with her family and were immediately in the short black carpet. Going back to the basics? Going back to the past? Modern vintage? She could not guess the occasion based on the unknown theme. Everyone was clueless on why they were all there.

Before she was even off the carpet, the cameras turned to the new arrival. It was her ex-boyfriend and his wife.


"Are you sure you're going to send Da Xia back to Europe?" he asked her quietly as they both sipped on champagne. 

"Yes, it's about damn time," she whispered back. "Besides, I'm feeling bored with her already. She needs to get out of here before Wang Yimin pursues the idea of having her own reality TV show."

"What did you do to her?"

"Uh," she said. "I may or may not have slipped a sleeping pill in her juice this morning. I guess she'll just be a little late." Feng Xuan finally found Da Xia walking to the bar. "And on that note, I have to get moving before she gets here." She kissed Qing Chen's cheek. "Have fun socializing."

Qing Chen groaned in response and she laughed before making her way towards her soon-no-longer enemy.


"I didn't think you'd make it," said Feng Xuan and sat down on one of the stools. "Love your dress, by the way. I'd definitely buy that if you're going to put that in your collection."

Da Xia ignored her. Clearly she was not going to stay at the bar because she was still standing.

"Are you fine?" she asked. "I'm genuinely concerned about you last night."

"I'm fine," Da Xia breathed out, not looking at her. "Seems like I'm a little hard to kill."

"I guess you are."

Da Xia finally received her drink and Feng Xuan had to escalate her operation.

"Listen, Da Xia. You might want to sit down for this business proposal. It'll be beneficial for the both of us. It'll bring us a lot of money."

"I'm not interested," the other woman replied immediately. "Rosa Chiaro did better than I expected. I am contented with that."

"But I know you want to go global just as much as Wang Yimin and I do. We hold the keys to it. If you would just hear me out."

Da Xia looked at her for a moment and placed her drink on the counter. "What do you want?"

"It's what you want that I want to know. Do you want to star in a reality TV show?"

Da Xia looked stunned. "You got an offer?"

"Yes, but they're only going to produce it if you would be on board. People wants to know more about our drama. It's currently happening so why not make money out of it? What do you think?"

"Fine, I'll sit down for this. But I am not agreeing," Da Xia said and pulled her drink to her. She listened as best as she could while Feng Xuan sold her the idea of other brands wanting to be advertised, the luxury, the freebies, the coverage they would get. But more importantly, a platform that would let them showcase their works regularly.

It was a no-brainer. She had to say yes. She was not going to pass up on this opportunity. Feng Xuan and her shook on it.

"We're not friends," she clarified.

Feng Xuan smiled at her. "Was not looking forward to it." She waved a bartender and ordered them shots. "A few drinks to celebrate our partnership?"

"I'm laying off the alcohol actually," Da Xia said and Feng Xuan frowned.

"That's sad. I didn't think Qing Chen would date someone that could not handle their alcohol. But… suit yourself."

She knew she didn't have to succ.u.mb to that remark but it struck a nerve. She took the first shot and downed it, feeling the burn on her throat. There were about six shots on the tray and Feng Xuan was downing all of it in huge gulps.

By the time they were done, Da Xia was coughing a little. "Water," she croaked to the bartender. 

Feng Xuan tapped her on the shoulder. "To us, Da Xia. I'll see you at the signing."

Even though Da Xia finished the entire glass of water, her stomach felt funny. Like something was bubbling inside of her.

It's just an aftershock, she convinced herself. I'll be fine.

But she was not fine. The moment she stepped her foot on the ground, it was as if her whole vision warped.

This is not happening! she thought inside her head. She tried to reach one of the chairs on the middle table but she was aware of how languish her movements were. Like she was a walking zombie. 

Before she could even grab hold of the back of the seat, she dropped to the ground and there she hurled the contents of her stomach. 


She thought she was going to die… of humiliation.

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