The Mafia's Rose Married The CEO

Chapter 288 - I Should've Killed Him

While they were on the plane back to Chengshi, Feng Xuan had something bothering her mind about The Zookeeper. She was sitted on top of a table while Wuming was sewing her up. Qing Chen was seated next to her.

"How do we make sure he's dead?" she asked the both of them. 

"Lok left a tracker in him and there would be drones that would be following his every move," Qing Chen answered. "Should we have killed him?"

"No, he was poacher," Feng Xuan said with disdain. "It's only just right if the animals get to have their share of him."

Wuming smiled. "I think he'll bleed out before any animal could get to him. Once he's dead it's the scavengers that would finish him. You have nothing to worry about, sister-in-law. We'll probably get a picture of him dead."

Feng Xuan sighed but the knot was still in her stomach. Okay, that was not what was bothering her. "Do you think he was right?"

Wuming finished up the suture. "About our moms? I don't think so. I saw my mom dead with my two eyes. She's not coming back."

"Where do you even learn to sew?"

"If you're up in the mountains alone, you learn a thing or two about closing your own wounds. You'll be fine. We'll have to have that checked when we get home." Wuming ruffled her hair.

"And you ought to have your arm scanned," Qing Chen said and detached himself from the table.

"It's going to fine," said Wuming. "I'll probably need a sling for a few weeks though. Now, I got to take a quick shower. I stink."

"We all stink," said Feng Xuan.

Wuming left the room and then it was only her and Qing Chen. He poured them both a drink. "Are you bothered about your mom?"

"Who wouldn't be?" she asked and pressed the glass against the side of her head. "I think… I just… My memories already failed me once. It would be just capable of fooling me twice."

Qing Chen massaged the back of her head and down to her nape. "Do you want your head scanned?"

"No," she said. She knew she was in denial but she would not—she would never believe that her mother was somewhere in this world alive.

"What would you do if The Zookeeper is correct?"

She breathed out. "If she's not yet dead… well, she better be because if she's not, I'm going to be the one who would kill her. Again, apparently."

Qing Chen gave her a sad smile. He took a towel and started cleaning her arm. "Why? Because she left you?"

"Well, if she's alive and she has some secret that lead me to kill her then… I would kill her still. I wouldn't doubt my younger self's judgement." She took Qing Chen's hand, desperate to just pull her mind off the prospect of her mother still alive. "What about you? Do you believe that your mother could be alive?"

Qing Chen took her hand squeezed. "I'm not thinking about my mother right now."

"Why not?"

He lifted his eyes and burned them on her face. "I am only thinking about you."

It was as if Feng Xuan's heart leapt from her chest to her throat. "What do you mean?"

It took Qing Chen a few moments to answer. The silence reminding him of the short seconds that Feng Xuan had not answered to his call. Those short seconds that made his body felt cold and everything stopped because… "I thought I lost you."

Feng Xuan's heart gave a little squeeze. "What do you mean? Do you think I died?" Qing Chen bowed his head but she lifted it with her fingers. "Didn't I tell you I won't leave you? I'm not going to die, Chen."

He shook his head. "We don't know that. I shouldn't have let you gone alone."

"Hey, I'm alive, aren't I?" she laughed lightly but there was some hollowness inside her. She pulled him in and placed her head on top of her shoulder. "You have nothing to be scared of. Didn't I say that we're going to die together?"

Qing Chen's hand found her hair. "Yes, we are." He kissed the side of her head. "I don't want to live in a world without you in it."

"Neither do I."

He pulled away, just only enough so he could kiss her. Feng Xuan's body ached, from the physical pain—probably not. It ached because she didn't think she would be able to feel this much want in her. If Qing Chen hadn't kissed her right now, she wouldn't have known that she needed to feel him around her.

It was like she had been numb since they left the ground and now she was coming back to her senses and she could feel everything again. She could feel his hands on her thighs, lifting her up in the air. Then her legs clamped on his waist as he carried her to the bed and gently lay her down.

She felt his fingers on her back, pulling the zipper of the bodysuit down. She could feel him pulling her clothes away. When his fingers reached her ribs, she flinched and Qing Chen pulled away.

"No, no, come back," she said. But he knelt and examined the bruise on her side.

A dark shadow passed over his face. "I really should've killed him."

"Let the animals have him, he'll die screaming." Feng Xuan pulled Qing Chen back and pressed their lips together again. It was as if all her pain slipped away once more.

"My brothers are outside," Qing Chen whispered on her lips.

"Does it bother you?"

Qing Chen laughed. "No, not really. I am just thinking about you."

"I'll be quiet, I promise."

"Okay, please try your best."

She kissed Qing Chen full on the mouth. "Can we please do this already?"

Qing Chen froze for a second then nodded against her face.

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