The Mafia's Rose Married The CEO

Chapter 337 - On The Way

Everything was pretty much a blur for the next hour. Everyone bustled around, packing their individual bags. While he was packing, Wuming couldn't stop the string of curses under his breath.

"It's going to be fine," Addison told him, like it was any comfort.

"You don't understand!" Wuming said, agitated. "He might know how to fight but Qing Lok was never a fighter. Have you soon him working out while you're here? No. His main job is to stay behind the computer and let Chen and I handle the rest." Wuming zipped his bag harshly that he almost skinned his fingers in the process.

Addison held on his bicep, it was hard as a rock while his whole body was tensed. "He's going to be fine."

"We don't know that," he answered with a sigh, forcing himself to calm down. 

"He's your brother. He has survival instincts. Surely, if he felt something was off he would steer clear off the way."

Wuming wanted to believe her but he just couldn't shake off the feeling that something terrible was going to happen to his little brother. He should've sided with him.

"Are you done?" he asked her and she nodded back. "Let's go."


"I'm going to shave his head," Qing Chen said while he was on the flight downstairs with Wuming. The women following closely behind. 

"What an impatient ass."

"Right," Qing Chen agreed. "It was not like we said no. We just said to wait."

At this moment, they were still trying to blame Qing Lok for the escape that he did. Neither of them wanting to admit that they were the prime causes on why their brother left in the first place.

"All set?" Qing Chen asked one of his people. They were already in the garage. 

"Yes, sir," answered the man. "We sent three of the best with you. The rest of us are staying here."

"Thanks." Qing Chen got into one of the SUVs and the rest followed him inside. "That idiot better be alive when we find him."


It was a quick trip to the airport. Ms. Shao already made arrangements so they wouldn't have to pass through the security as they were getting on a private plane anyway. Liu Meilien was already in the jet when they got there.

While they were in the plane, they recalled every information that they knew about Pilgrim's Hollow. Qing Chen would like to make sure that they would not leave a stone unturned in that place. This would be the only time that they would go there. No going back.

Feng Xuan clutched on his shoulder, pulling him out of his thoughts. He held her hand and squeezed back. "You should get some rest."

He shook his head. "I don't want to rest. I'm fine. Besides, I don't think I'll be able to sleep knowing that Lok is out there being stupid and in line of danger."

"Sir," said one of the people. "We found Qing Lok's flight details. His plane left around noon. He's bound to arrive in nine more hours."

Qing Chen sighed. It would be a long flight for them.


Liu Meilien could not stop shaking. She had tried drinking water to ease her feelings but it seemed like she already cried too much that her body was spasming.

A pair of hands held hers. When she looked up it was Addison. "How are you doing?" she asked with a small smile on her lips.

It was hard to imagine that this beautiful woman was an assassin. If she would be thinking about changing her career, Liu Meilien would be more than willing to help her jumpstart it.

"Not so good," she honestly replied. "I should've told them," she cried, feeling the guilt swallow her chest. "What if something happens to him because we came late? His blood will be on my hands!"

"Hey, no one's blaming you," Addison said squeezing on her fingers. "Here, try drinking this. It'll help."

Liu Meilien took the glass with the yellowish liquid and drank it. She was not much of a big drinker but this was something that she needed. The burn on her throat in exchange to stop her hands from shaking.

"Thank you," she said and Addison got back to her seat in front of a still frowning Wuming.

"She's taking it too hard," Addison said.

Wuming was also casually having a drink. He didn't answer.

Addison tried again. "It would really help if you and Qing Chen would say something to her. She is blaming herself."

Wuming knew that it was not Liu Meilien's fault that Qing Lok left. But he needed someone to blame other than himself at the moment. He was not even mad at the girl. "I'll talk to her when I see my brother alive."

Addison scowled at Wuming and left her seat. He could wallow over there all he wants. But the poor girl needed some company.


Qing Lok was not sure with what he was doing. The one thing that was clear on his mind was that he just had to go there. No more excuses.

He knew that his brothers would be right on his tail by now. That was one of the main points on why he left. He knew that they would follow. 

It was not like he tried very hard to cover his tracks. Besides, they were all headed in the same place. It was bound that they would see each other in there.


While the Qings were all on the way to Pilgrim's Hollow, Huang Jia was on the move again. The rest of the morning shift maids already went to bed in preparation for the work for the next day.

But due to her body clock, Huang Jia was still up. Their small house was placed near the garage where most of the cars were. She had heard of the commotion and saw the Qings going out.

She immediately dialed Mr. Dong's number.

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