The Mafia's Rose Married The CEO

Chapter 338 - Hell's Gate

As soon as Mr. Dong got the call from Huang Jia, he immediately called his friend and told him of this news. "The Boss" had already been in his bed, taking some time watching a woman undress in front of him.

He was more annoyed about having to get up his bed than missing his chance on the girl. He bolted up and called his men. He was too late. They were all in the plane. The least he could do was catch up to them while they were on their way home.

The Boss cursed the Qings aloud, alarming his people more and they hurried in their cars. His IT team were already hard at work, hacking into the system of the airport to get the location details.

While his mind was exploding with profanity, he was actually happy because he would now be able to find what he needed. Hao Suyin, he thought with a shake of his head, you thought you were slick.

The Boss shrugged and continued his thought, okay you might be slick but clearly your boys are not.

Less than an hour later, The Boss and his men were on the next plane out of Chengshi.


Qing Lok had no time to waste. That was why he didn't take anything with him other than his hand luggage. He went straight to the car rental beside the airport and he was speeding on the unfamiliar road.

His heart was beating too loud in his chest. There was a thought inside his head that his brothers would not come after him. They thought what he was doing was stupid. There was still a chance that they wouldn't come.

"No," he told himself. "They are going to come."

He didn't want to risk turning on his phone or laptop in the fear that they would reach him and they would convince him to turn the other way and come back home instead. He knew he would not need that much persuasion. He was scared as hell.

So he left him phone off.


The moment that they stepped off the private plane, there were already multiple cars waiting for them as they alighted. The moment one of the IT people went online, Qing Chen immediately asked, "Any news?"

The person shook his head, dismayed. "Nothing yet, sir. But he arrived here this morning."

Qing Chen looked at the sun. It would set in a few hours and there were still a lot of ground to cover. "Everything in place?"

"Yes, sir. Location is already set on the GPS."

Qing Chen got in one car with his family, leaving Wuming to drive and the women on the backseat. "Do we have ammo?"

Wuming nodded. He had been in charge of making sure that they would be able to use things just in case.

Just in case, the words echoed on his mind. He didn't want to have to kill more people—the very thing that he wanted to avoid.

"How far away are we?" Feng Xuan asked from her seat, a pair of sunglasses seating on the bridge of her nose. She still looked pale from being awakened. 

"A few hours, I think," answered Qing Chen. "Get some more sleep if you want."

His wife did not even hesitate to press her head on the window and drift back to sleep. Qing Chen also leaned against the headrest and found that Wuming's hands were clutching the wheels tightly.

"Care to slow down?" Qing Chen kept his eyes on the speedometer.

"No," Wuming answered and the needle leaned more upwards.

Qing Chen closed his eyes. He was not worried that Wuming would drive them to their deaths. They were on the freeway and would soon turn to one of the most isolated roads on the land… all the way to Pilgrim's Hollow.


Qing Lok surely did have poor planning skills. Or maybe his luck was just running out. He thought it would be a short drive but the map had been wrong about the estimate on how far Pilgrim's Hollow was.

Going at full speed, a couple of hours of driving later, Qing Lok's fuel light was already blinking red. It had been a wrong decision not stopping at the gasoline station just right before he exited the highways.

Qing Lok's eyes squinted against the sun. He blocked the sun's rays with his palm as he looked at either end of the road—or at the lack of it. All he could see was endless road. Just where was he? 

He should've used the last of his fuel trying to get back to the more civilized area than pushing his luck and taking on this empty road. 

There was nothing on either side of him other than empty lots with tall grass. No doubt, it would look like something out of horror movies in the night.

Qing Lok looked at the sun. He still have a few hours of sunlight with him. If he would take on this road, he would arrive in Pilgrim's Hollow, right?

He knew he should just use the hours trying to get back to the city but some part of him convinced himself that he would be able to make camp at his destination.

Pilgrim's Hollow was not a familiar tourist spot. When they looked it up on the internet, it seemed like only a few people knew about its existence. There was not even a history about it, just theories.

One of the creepy ones that he had read theorized that Pilgrim's Hollow had been built by devil worshippers, believing that land was supposed to be a gateway to hell.

Qing Lok pushed that thought at the back of his mind as he grabbed his bag from the backseat. He took a sandwich out of it before swinging it to his shoulders. 

For the last time, he thought if he should just go back, but his feet already set him on the way to hell's gate.

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