The Mafia's Rose Married The CEO

Chapter 394 - All Of You Would Be Safe

There was something unsettling about how Qing Chen's mother was suddenly out of the house. She did not even come out of the front door. If she had, he would have seen her. And if he had seen her, he wouldn't have let her out of the house.

"Where are you going?" Feng Xuan asked him as he was putting on his coat.

"I think there's something wrong with my mother." 

"You're going to go after her? Should I come with you?"

"I'll come with you," said Wuming. "Let's go after her."

"You sure?" asked Qing Wei. "Well, if you're going, I'm going too."

All the ladies in the room looked at each other. "So are we just to sit here and sip tea?" asked Addison.

Wuming smiled at her. "We need you to keep guard of the house. Okay?"

Addison rolled her eyes. He did have a point though. They didn't all have to leave. "Fine. Just get back here in one piece."

"We always do."

The three men went out of the room.

"Are they really going to be okay?" asked Liu Meilien.

Feng Xuan grabbed her sister's hand. "You don't have to worry so much. They're going to be fine."

Liu Meilien still looked troubled. "But what if something would happen to them?"

"Now, now," said Addison with a calming voice. "Nothing's going to happen to them. They are really good fighters. In fact, learning more about martial arts would put you at ease. We should really get you some lessons if you want."

Feng Xuan nodded in agreement. "At least, if worse comest to worst, you would be able to protect yourself. Right?"

Liu Meilien looked like she was trying to also convince herself. "If it would help then…"

"I'll ask for someone to help you train," Feng Xuan smiled.

Now, she might be smiling on the inside and trying to comfort another, she knew that Addison was feeling the same way. They were both worried.

Who knew what would be waiting for those boys when they go after their mother who suspiciously went out of the house?


"Where the hell is she going?" Qing Wei was looking at the red dot on the screen of his computer as it continuously moved along the lines that represented the road.

Wuming was also looking at the streets. It looked crowded enough. To be honest, he was expecting for his mother to be doing some shady business somewhere dark and dank, but not here. Not in one of the city centers. 

"Are you sure we're tracking the right car?" Qing Chen asked, equally confused.

"Yeah, it's the only one missing from the garage, so she must've taken this one."

"What's more strange is that father let her out of his sight," muttered Wuming who was in the passenger's seat. Qing Chen was the one driving. "Don't you think that's strange?"

"Does that mean she's not in danger?" asked Qing Wei.

"She's risking her life just by being outside," Qing Chen sighed. "It's a real wonder why father let her out."

"Do you think they had some conversation about it?" suggested Wuming. "You know, the kind that goes like 'I should just kill myself so all of you would be safe' kind of thing."

Qing Wei almost laughed at the thought. "After all these years of trying to keep her dead even though she's alive, then father would just let her really die this time? I don't think so."

Then his laughter subsided as the reality slammed on him like a huge truck hitting on breaks. "Or did they really have that conversation?"


Qing Zihao was at home. He knew that his sons had gone after their mother and he transferred to his bedroom. Now he was laying awake, staring at the ceiling, feeling like he was at the bottom of the bottom of his life.

He had never felt this kind of emptiness before. He had always been full of energy, full of life…

But ever since he had gotten the news that he had cancer, it was like everything alive had already died inside him. He knew that his days were already numbered.

He was going to leave this world soon and it was not yet in the state that he wanted it to be left. He wanted to do a whole lot more.

But it was like his to-do list here on earth had already been done. The last on his list was to be able to tell the truth to his sons about what really happened to their mother.

He wanted for them to be a family again after he leaves. That would be the only way that he could go in peace. At some point, he thought that this whole conundrum about Checks was a blessing in disguise.

His family was being forced to work together. It might not be the ideal situation but it was what they had. It was not like they had a choice but to keep each other alive.

He knew his sons enough to know that they would be able to forgive their mother. They might be cold-hearted sometimes, but they all knew how to love. He had faith in them.

They would be able to forgive them from all the lies that he had told them.

Parents do not always make the best decisions. They act on what they think was best for their children and sometimes, it was not always the right choice.

The night before, his wife, Hao Suyin, had come forth and told him that she was going to end everything once and for all. 

Qing Zihao knew what that would mean. It was the fate that they were trying to avoid. He trusted his wife. He let her do what it was that she needed to do. Even if that meant that she would never come home again.

Now, he was close to tears, silently wishing that his sons would not be too late.

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