The Mafia's Rose Married The CEO

Chapter 395 - It's Time To Die

The inside of the elevator was quiet. It was one of those older models that did not have any background music. To be honest, the building looked a little shabby. It was clear that it did not get any more renovations since that 1990s.

It was so quiet that when Wuming sighed, both of his brothers could not help but react.

"Will you stop that?" Qing Chen said at the same time that Qing Lok said, "What now?"

"Nothing," Wuming answered as he watched the numbers on the small screen rise. "Nothing about this screams good news."

"I think we all know that," Qing Chen said. He had never been one to lose his cool in situations like this but he could not help his emotions at the moment.

Honestly, he was so done with his mother not listening to him. In general, he was tired of being unheard.

Or more likely, he was tired of his mother's stupidness. It was like she had not learned with what happened in the past. Now she was here trying to create another unnecessary conundrum.

Qing Chen was fuming on the inside. He wanted to be fine but Wuming was right. There was something wrong about this place. 

As soon as the car stopped earlier, it was like they were transported to a place where they shouldn't be. The building functions as a condominium although the years had already wore it down.

Qing Chen could clearly see why people would buy in this property. It was in the middle of the city and it offered a great view—well, it had until bigger covered all the nice things that they could see from their windows.

The elevator doors opened and they stepped out of the highest floor.


They all looked at the ceiling above them. "Why are we going to the roof again?" asked Wuming.

"The GPS said she parked at the top floor. Apparently, there is a rooftop." Qing Chen pointed to the sign hanging in the air. He lead the way to the fire exit.

"This is nuts," muttered Wuming under his breath. He found the whole thing ridiculous. He should not have come here. 

"Do you have a gun?" Qing Lok asked, already pulling one from his waist. One of his hands got busy twisting the silencer in. 

"Sure," Wuming answered but he didn't reach for it. Instead, he pulled one of his thin short knives. These were painted black and could be very useful at night time. 

"What about you, Chen?"

Wuming chuckled. "Didn't you know? He's Superman. He doesn't need anything."

Qing Chen rolled his eyes just as they reached the metal door. He pulled out a silver pistol and nodded at Wuming who was already poised to kick the door open.

"Ready?" he asked.

Both of his brothers nodded.

The door sprang open.


It had been a while since Hao Suyin had been in close combat with another person. She could tell by herself that she really had gotten rusty. It was like every move that she did, her muscles or her joints were screaming in protest.

On the other hand, Checks was the same as he was. Maybe he had gotten slower by a few millisecond but he was still as swift as ever. His movements were clean and precise, always aiming at her weak points and putting much pressure.

A lot of times, she tripped at her own feet, losing her balance. She knew that Checks was taking it easy. He had wanted her to last. He was probably doing it as a courtesy.

But because of that, the hate that she felt against him only grew stronger. How could he? After all these years he was still looking down at her.

Checks shoved her by the stomach and she tumbled to the ground, a good few feet away from him. The knife that she had been holding cluttered to the ground. 

"When are you going to start fighting me like I am your equal?" she asked him, struggling to get up after the numerous blows that Checks had successfully landed on her.

"You are always my equal, Christina. If you weren't, you would've been dead already! I would've killed you. I wouldn't even fight you if I don't think you're worth it." 

Hao Suyin's arms were shaking and her chest constricted with every breath that she took. She cursed in her mind. She was really going to die tonight.

Checks knew that she was no longer going to be able to get back up anytime soon. He crouched down in front of her. "I told you, come with me. Let's live the rest of our lives together. Just like how we always planned. I'll forget about everything."

"I'm not going anywhere," she said, out of breath still even after a few lungfuls. 

"You would rather die then?"

"Yes," she laughed, although it sounded like she was close to her last breaths. 

"Shame," Checks said and straightened up. "It would be such a shame?"

"What? Killing me? A shame? I'm a killer, Checks. I deserve to die."

"Sure, and you're going to tonight." He looked back at her and his smile reached his ears. "How would you feel like dying in front of your sons?"


It was as if Hao Suyin's soul left her body for a second. "What do you mean?"

"Your sons should be here by now," he said and looked at his watch. "Probably in the elevator."

In a quick move, Checks' foot connected with her stomach again, making her curl in pain. She felt something hot and tangy in her mouth. She spat it out. Her blood was black in the darkness.

Checks hauled her to her feet by the collar of her shirt. She strained but she was weak. She had never felt more helpless than at this point. Once she was standing, Checks kicked the back of her knees, causing her to buckle.

"It's time to die, Hao Suyin."

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