The Mafia's Rose Married The CEO

Chapter 424 - None Of Our Business

Feng Xuan was in the passenger's seat, feeling that her head was slightly swimming. She wanted to curse herself about it. She should've drunk a little more—or better yet, had bought a whole bottle. She was already coming down from the slight intoxication that diluted whiskey offered her. Then she cursed that nasty bar for giving her an even nastier drink.

Ma Min opened the door of the car. "You look mad." She was carrying a huge bag which she threw on the backseat. There was a cluttering sound and Feng Xuan figured it contained weapons. It sounded like metals colliding with one another.

"Cheap whiskey."

"If you wanted to drink something expensive, you should've went to your lovely five-star hotel."

"Six stars," Feng Xuan corrected. 

Ma Min rolled her eyes. "Oh, whatever."

Ma Min had stopped by Auntie's House. Feng Xuan insisted that she was not going to step a foot there. It would be too much for her. She didn't want more glimpses of this world that she was trying to run away from. Ma Min took a contract and made sure that they would be armed for their adventure tonight. 

"Here it is," Ma Min passed a scroll of paper to Feng Xuan.

It was the written information of the man that they were targeting. "Does your agency only kill men?"

"We go both ways," Ma Min said and started the car. Soon enough they were on the way to the address, guided by the GPS function on a phone that Ma Min got from the House as well.

Feng Xuan's eyes flitted over the small letters on the tiny peace of paper. It contained almost nothing. Just a picture, name, the address, and the amount of money.

It was a fair some for a bounty, Feng Xuan thought. But it was not like she knew about prices about these things. Not that I intended to know either, whispered her mind but she was curious.

"What about his other information? Why are we killing him?" she asked and rolled the scroll.

"That's none of our business," Ma Min said as she drived with her right hand. Her left elbow was perched against the window. "We don't need to know more about him. It would just make him more human. Trust me, this is better."

But Feng Xuan wanted to know. They were about to end this man's life. He was someone who lived and breathed for—she didn't know for how many years—at least half a decade. "Even that would be the only thing that we could remember him by?"

Ma Min's voice was patient when she said, "You don't have to remember him. If you're going to proceed in this work, you're going to forget him before you're done with your first month. It'll be just another night of working."

Feng Xuan looked out the window. The city was still bustling. Work hours were about to be over and she suddenly wondered what Qing Chen would be doing tonight. Surely, he would've already known what she was about to do. This would be one of those things that his people would tell him.

They would tell her husband how she drove around the city the whole day and now she was out to murder someone.

She checked her phone for good measure. There were no messages.

"Your husband checked on you?" Ma Min asked.

"No," she replied. 

"How are things in your marriage?"

"It's not like you're interested."

"I'm just making polite conversation," shrugged Ma Min. "Would you rather be stuck in silence?"

Feng Xuan gave in. "There's nothing new with our marriage," she said. "We're as fine as we have been ever since we got married."

"Right, you were in an arranged marriage, right?" there was surprise in Ma Min's voice.

"Yeah, we were," Feng Xuan could not help but smile at the memory. She had been so scared and nervous that day.

"You barely knew him but you married him anyway," Ma Min was astonished. "I honestly don't get you rich people."

Feng Xuan ignored the comment. "He was really great when I first met him. Terribly handsome. He was nice and polite. I met him on an elevator."

"Did you?!"

Feng Xuan started to grin. Maybe it was the aftereffects of the alcohol but she was starting to get in a good mood. She told Ma Min about how their wedding ceremony happened—basically everything that has happened the whole night. Then about her wedding celebration which had been a separate event.Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click <a href="#&apos;s-rose-married-the-ceo_15939261805465305/none-of-our-business_52658391855711589">#&apos;s-rose-married-the-ceo_15939261805465305/none-of-our-business_52658391855711589</a> for visiting.

"You really do love him, don't you?" Ma Min asked. She had that tone that one uses when they heard something that they had been wondering about a long time.

Feng Xuan then wondered if Ma Min had ever found someone to love. "I do," she said. 

"And he's all on board with everything?"

She knew that Ma Min was asking about this certain mission that they were on tonight. "I think at first he was not fully in it. But he's not really the kind of person who will stop you from doing anything. He believes that I should make decisions of my own. He was actually the one who told me to give in and try."

"Well, isn't that wonderful?"

"It is," she answered.

But she was not sure either.


The location that they were heading to was on the other side of the city. Ma Min parked behind a huge building. It was isolated and she made Feng Xuan strip to her undergarments as they changed into black clothes.

Everything was close-fitting and Ma Min insisted that Feng Xuan put her hair inside a net to stop it from getting in the way. Finally, Ma Min opened the huge bag with the weapons inside.

"I don't know which one you prefer so I took one of everything."

Feng Xuan sighed as the weapons gleamed under the moonlight. She took a few knives and put them on her belt.

"Let's go."

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