"Are you sure that this is the right decision?" Feng Xuan was close to whining as she trudged upwards the fire exit.

"I've been doing this since I was a kid. Of course this is the right decision."

Feng Xuan almost rolled her eyes. She could not believe that she was really hiking through fourteen floors before they could reach their target. "For me, I don't think this is a wise decision. By the time that I get there, my legs would be worn. What if I need to defend myself? My speed and strength is already diminished."

Ma Min laughed. "You need to relax. He's alone tonight. I doubt that he has some self-defense knowledge. You're not going to be kicked in the ass by some prodigy of Bruce Lee."

Feng Xuan only made a face on the butt of Ma Min. The other woman was highly energetic while Feng Xuan was starting to feel ache on her loins. She should really pay more attention to her body. She had been too neglient with exercising and regular training. Maybe it was time to get back on her routines before.

They were already on the ninth floor and she was already feeling thirsty. "Just a few more," she whispered to herself.

Ma Min was kind enough to open a conversation in the dead silent fire exit. "What would you have done so we could've escaped this extraneous travel to the fourteenth floor?"

"Well, we're avoiding the cameras on this building so we're not going to go here. We're going to the closest high-rise building, shoot a gun that would give us a line towards here, then we're going to zip line to the roof then we make our way down to our target. THAT's how I'm going to do it."

Ma Min's laughter echoed in the small space. "I forgot that you're a rich bitch, sorry."

"Maybe you should see the training room of the Qings. There are a lot of things that you probably haven't seen—or even imagined."

"There are only a handful of places in which I can't break into, and one of them is probably the Qings house."

Feng Xuan smiled at that. "You wouldn't have to break in. I could bring you there. Besides, the main training room is not in the house. It's in one of the mafia's properties. I'm sure you'll get along fine with the other people residing there."

Ma Min stopped to give Feng Xuan a curious look. "Are you recruiting me? I thought I was the one recruiting you?"

Feng Xuan chuckled. "No, of course not! Not unless you wanted to make a switch and be with Enigma. It's not as exciting as—" she gestured to what they were doing. "But you'll get good pay even if you're only lounging around."

Ma Min's lips stretched into a grin then shook her head as if telling her that she was being impossible. She proceeded climbing. "I'm happy where I am, thanks."

"I'm not sure I am even allowed to hire but the offer is on the table." Feng Xuan continued to step on the concrete steps, each one heavier than her last. "How did you know how to find me, by the way?"

"There are a lot more people in Auntie's House. We're all over the city. Some of them spotted your car going around and around so they reported it. Once I learned that you finally parked, I knew I had to come and see you. It was not like you're truthfully going to have a drink in that bar on a normal day."

"I guess I gave myself away," said Feng Xuan, "I should really be more careful. Qing Chen would be the one who would have my head if I put myself in danger."

"Don't over exaggerate. He'll probably just chain you in a bas.e.m.e.nt or something."

"You know what, that's actually accurate."

"Thank you," said Ma Min, more on reaching the final floor than to Feng Xuan. She heaved a huge breath and slowly let it out. "I'm thirsty."

"So am I." Feng Xuan was also thankful that they finally get to stop.

"Let's get a drink first."


But Ma Min was already walking over to the vending machines. "What do you want?" she asked at the same time that she pressed the button for a coconut water.Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click <a href="#&apos;s-rose-married-the-ceo_15939261805465305/too-lax_52690439559508418">#&apos;s-rose-married-the-ceo_15939261805465305/too-lax_52690439559508418</a> for visiting.

Feng Xuan could not remember the last time that she used a vending machine. "I'll have what you're having."

When Ma Min pressed the cold drink on her hand, she knew she could not afford to be choosy. The taste of the sweet water ran down her throat like rain on a day of drought. Her legs were feeling like jelly now that they were on a break.

"Aren't you being too lax on everything?" she asked Ma Min, a little nervous. She wasn't sure if they were going to get caught. It was nighttime, both of them were wearing unflattering caps to hide their faces from the cameras. 

Ma Min actually yawned. "I never got caught, have I?" but she squeezed the carton of her drink flat and kept in on her waist. Feng Xuan did the same once she finished. "Now, are you ready?"

"Yes," she said even though she knew that she was not.


The hallways seemed to go on forever. They were in an apartment complex. It was semi-modern. She was estimating that the building already had twenty years. It was well-maintained and the floor was squeaky clean.

Ma Min was whistling. It was absurd.

In fact, everything was absurd in Feng Xuan's mind at the moment. What was she doing here?! It was like her brain was a time bomb that she was waiting to explode.

Ma Min pressed the doorbell. She didn't even pull up a weapon. There was shuffling on the inside and a voice said, "Hold on."

Feng Xuan was sure she was going to wet herself.

Then the door opened.

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