The Mafia's Rose Married The CEO

Chapter 429 - Rich People Problems

Ma Min rolled down the windows and smoothly drived to the getting less crowded streets.

Feng Xuan had been quiet and only spoke when Ma Min missed a turn that would bring her closer to home. "Where are you taking me?"

"I think a drink or two will help."

Feng Xuan didn't protest. She would really rather flood her head with alcohol than go home. She didn't want to go to the quiet now that her mind was filled with other things.

"Will your husband try to find you?"

She shook her head.

"No, what I meant was, is he going to send some helicopter and shine us with those stupid spotlights and get us on the news saying that I kidnapped you?"

Feng Xuan looked at her lap. She appreciated Ma Min's effort to lighten the situation that she was in but there was nothing that could make her smile at the moment. "No. He's not going to do that."

"Okay," the other woman said. Ma Min slowed down near a convenience store.

"No!" Feng Xuan protested. "I don't want to drink cheap spirits tonight. I know a place."

Ma Min mouthed 'wow' to her and continued driving. "Normal people's alcohol not enough to get you drunk?" she joked.

"It's more than enough," she bumped her head against the window. "But if I'm going to be miserable, I'd rather be miserable with a bottle of expensive whiskey."

"Because that way you'd be less pathetic?"

To that, Feng Xuan smiled bitterly. "I'm a mess but I'm going to be a mess in the most luxurious way."

Ma Min shook her head. She had a grin when she said, "Rich people problems, huh?"

"Yeah," she turned to the towering buildings in the rearview mirror. "Because sometimes money is all we have."


After acquiring a rather mind-boggling priced crate of drinks—and stopping Ma Min from slipping a wine bottle from the 1800s on her waistband—they were finally back in the car.

"What's next?" Ma Min started the engine again. "Are we going to some fancy rooftop and we're going to scream at a firework's show?"

"Actually, I'd really rather be in someplace quiet. In the middle of the woods perhaps?"

"Ooh," said Ma Min and backed the car. "Are we going to hunt each other then chop our parts then scatter it for K-9s to find?"

"Is killing all you think about?"

Ma Min laughed at that. "It's good exercise. You never know what kind of survival knowledge lives within you unless you imagine yourself in dire situations."

"Just take me somewhere, Ma Min."

"Alright, jeez," she chuckled. "I know just the place."


As the buildings faded into trees, Feng Xuan suddenly missed her training grounds in the mountains. She had been dead tired all day and could only fall asleep whenever she was back in her small room. But those times were the most peaceful that she had. There she had only one goal per day and that took up most of her attention. At the end of it, she would be too tired to even think about anything else.

The car rolled to a stop and Feng Xuan got up and welcomed the air. She didn't have anything to lay on the ground but Ma Min surprised her yet again when she produced a pair of body bags from the huge one filled with weapons.

Feng Xuan eyed the bags.

"Oh come on," Ma Min said against her judging look. "I have to be prepared for all kind of situations."

Feng Xuan could only shake her head and dropped down when the other laid it down. They also stopped by a drive-thru to get some fast food in their systems.

"Are you sure that your husband is not going to come and get you?" Ma Min asked.

"Why are you so worried about Qing Chen?" she asked and slid a fry in her mouth. "He'll be fine."

"Well, in case you don't know, your husband is the leader of mafia and probably controls this city from the underground."

"He's just a normal person," said Feng Xuan. "You won't even know that he's doing all those things until you actually see him do it."Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click <a href="#&apos;s-rose-married-the-ceo_15939261805465305/rich-people-problems_52780695076006321">#&apos;s-rose-married-the-ceo_15939261805465305/rich-people-problems_52780695076006321</a> for visiting.

"I'm just worried about Auntie's House. Who's saying that he would not storm that place trying to look for you?"

"I told you already, he's not going to come and find me because he knows where I am. He probably injected me with a GPS on the many times I've been in hospitals."

Ma Min grinned at her. "That does not bother you?"

"Why should it?" she shrugged. "It's not like I'm doing something that he shouldn't know. Qing Chen knows everything anyway. No point hiding."

"Don't you get… you know… doesn't it feel like he's strangling you? Can you even breathe?"

"I'm breathing now, aren't I?" Feng Xuan took a bite of the burger she knew she should not be eating. "He's fine as a husband. Besides, he's also busy with his own things at the moment. He's about to make some big investment that would change the world."

Ma Min snorted. "Men, right? Always thinking that they are the ones who will change the world."

"Actually, it's a woman who created the invention that he'll be investing in. And Qing Chen only takes credits when its due. His head does not balloon that way."

"If things are so well in your life, then why are still somehow bothered?"

Feng Xuan was asking the same question herself. "I know, right? I'm an ungrateful bitch."

Ma Min laughed. "Alright, to ease your mind, I'll tell you another thing about the target tonight. The contract was made by the adoptive parents of the girl who discovered about this abuse. She might not be fine at the moment but… she's in a good place now. That's the most that we can hope for."

Somehow, the sliver of guilt and depression that she was feeling, was out of her chest.

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