The Mafia's Rose Married The CEO

Chapter 430 - Four Minutes

Feng Xuan couldn't wrap the thought around her head. "How come that you don't feel…"

"Feel what?" Ma Min asked and slurped on her large drink. "Guilt?"

Feng Xuan nodded. "I can't think about it."

"Well, it was not like that kill was uncalled for," Ma Min defended. "There is a reason why. It helps me sleep better at night knowing that I eradicated a filthy human, you know?"

She sounded just like Wuming. Maybe they really did share the same philosophy in their job.

"If I'm going to be honest with you, Xuan, I don't think this job is for you. You're too weak in the heart—now, don't take that as an insult. It just meant that you're a normal human being."

Feng Xuan forced a smile at that. "It's just weird. When I was younger I remember wanting this kind of job. I even got into thousands of arguments with my mother about this. She didn't want me to go training, you know? Because I had to be the perfect wife in the future."

"Well, things turned out differently, didn't it?" Ma Min laughed. "You might've wanted this when you were younger but you grew up."Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click <a href="#&apos;s-rose-married-the-ceo_15939261805465305/four-minutes_52805120571791737">#&apos;s-rose-married-the-ceo_15939261805465305/four-minutes_52805120571791737</a> for visiting.

It sounded ridiculous to her ears. Growing out of wanting to kill people was not the same as growing out of playing with your dolls. But there was no other way to face it. "But, I thought I wanted to do this. For the last few weeks I have been torturing myself."

Ma Min sighed. "Xuan, stop overthinking things. If it's not for you then it's not for you. Face it, you were just bored the past few weeks with the office job." Then Ma Min grinned at her. "Not unless you're disappointed that you could not do it? I guess you would make a better way for you to fit in the job description."

It hit Feng Xuan square in the chest. Was she really disappointed that she was not qualified in this job? Who would blame her. She trained for it when she was younger and then again when she regained her memories. All for what?

Her thoughts decided to butt in, 'Well in the first place it's not like you trained to kill people when you got your memories back. You trained because you have to be able to protect yourself because you married a mafia lord.'

Her fingers balled into fists. 

She could not believe it.

She really wanted this job but she was under-qualified.


"Oooh," laughed Ma Min as she read Feng Xuan's face. "Is someone frustrated because they just got rejected by their chosen profession?"

Ma Min could read it all over her face so Feng Xuan decided not to hide it and laugh along. "My audacity to be disappointed, huh?"

Ma Min shrugged. "Maybe we can try again sometime. If you'll be nicer I might let you know the reason so might be able to finish the job."

Feng Xuan shook her head gloomily. "I don't really think it's right for me." But thinking about having to go back to her menial life? It was already screaming torture inside her head.

At the same time she was reminded of the curdling feeling inside of her stomach when her whole being seemed to shout NO when her finger inched closer to the trigger earlier.

She dropped on the body bag and looked up the starry sky. "I don't want to think about it."

"You'll think about it again, trust me. You have nothing to worry about."

Feng Xuan could hear Ma Min squirting ketchup on her half-eaten burger. "How can you be so calm throughout?"

"I've been doing this for a long time."

"How long?"

Ma Min looked away from her. "Too long."

She perched herself on her elbows. "When did you start?"

Ma Min let out a slow breath. "You really want storytime?"

"Well, yeah. It seems like you know everything about me. I think I'd like to know more about you aside from you're a killing machine."

Ma Min smiled at her over her shoulder. "Oh, I know a lot about you, Feng Xuan. And then some," she winked. "If you would just ask."

Feng Xuan settled herself back. "I know everything that I need to know. Now, tell me about yourself."

"Hmmm well, I think you've already read my file from before. I know you got your hands on my background after all the crap from training. A lot of things were correct like the fact that my father died in a factory accident and my mother died on a hit-and-run. I was a poor kid. We didn't have much but… we were happy.

"You know, when you don't know better, you get contented with the things that you have. Sometimes, I really do wish that people would just be stupid. That way we'd all be happy, right?"

Feng Xuan wondered. "Then, how did you get into Auntie's House?"

"It's an organization," she answered. "The day that my mother got in the hit-and-run, she was with me. We were crossing the street but there was a reckless drunk driver at noon and decided to run the red light. I didn't see him coming. The next that I know was that I had a broken arm and leg, my head was bleeding, and there was a woman… there was a woman who looked so worried. Her lips were moving but I couldn't hear her because my ears were ringing. Then… just behind her head, I could see my mother's body sprawled on the ground. She bled a lot. She died before she reached the hospital."

Feng Xuan knew that she was not imagining things when she heard that Ma Min's voice hitched. She did not know Ma Min that much but she knew her enough not to mention it. "So… I take it this woman is Auntie?"

"Yeah," Ma Min's voice was cheerful again. "She didn't leave my side. When the social services wanted to take me away, she decided to take me away from there."

"You mean, like literally took you away?"

"Yeah, I've been evading the law since I was six." Ma Min laughed. "When she told me that we're going to escape from the hospital I almost stopped her because my limbs hurt. I thought I'd rather cut them off than move. It took her around four minutes to get me in the car. Four minutes of me wishing that I die already because of the pain. But those four minutes of pain was nothing compared to the lifetime of freedom that it brought me."

Ma Min rolled her wrapper into a ball. "I'll be forever grateful for Auntie. She saved me."

Feng Xuan popped open two bottles of wine. "To Auntie."

"To Auntie," Ma Min smiled then her face crumpled when she took a sip. "What the f- is that?" she looked like she was about to spit it out but managed not to. "That's disgusting."

"True. You're drinking like a rich woman today. Suck it up," Feng Xuan tilted the bottle and took gulps. 


It turned out that Ma Min was not friendly towards foreign drinks. Before her bottle was finished, she was already drunk out of her wits. She almost fell off the cliff twice.

To be on the safer side, Feng Xuan thought that it would be wiser to finally take Ma Min back. She was hoping that she would bomb her own mind after tonight, but it looked like she was driving.

"Mind your head," she told Ma Min but the other inevitably bumped her head on the doorframe with a loud thunk.

But it seemed like Ma Min did not mind and only laughed.

Feng Xuan rounded to her seat when she finally managed to get all Ma Min's arms and legs inside the passenger seat. "Alright, let's get you home."

On the first few minutes, Ma Min was playing with the backlit buttons on her dashboard. She said it looked like flying saucers. Then she finally got quiet and pressed herself against the door with her eyes closed.

"Thanks, Xuan," she slurred, bordering on sleep. "We should do this more often."

"Okay, but no more alcohol."

Ma Min gave a drunk smile. "I honestly thought that you were going to ask about your mother. She wants you to know that she's doing well."

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