Translator: Jiro Editor: Ryunakama

Shirushu continued moving forward while still on all fours.

「I’m going to her. Please follow after me. I’m concentrating on following the smell so I’d like to ask you not to get ahead of me. If I also participate in a battle I may end up losing the smell so I’ll be leaving that up to you.」

「No problem. We’ll take care of the monsters.」

「Thank you.」

Following Shirushu we continued climbing up the mountain.

Me and Claude took care of any monsters that ended up appearing on the way.

It was a bit hard to fight with the snow surrounding our feet, however it wasn’t that much of a problem because we could just push through it with magic.

Was it because of the snow? I don’t know, however there weren’t that many monsters and so we were able to progress without any major problems.

「Hm… The smell cuts off here… And I can feel the smell of a monster that I haven’t encountered before…」

Shirushu moved her nose close to the ground and began sniffing around.

A smell of a monster she hasn’t encountered huh.

「It might be a boss.」

Now that I think about it Cresta Great Snow Mountain’s boss was the Hati Bear. It’s highly possible that she ended up fighting it and suffered a wound which left her immobile. Damn it, I have a bad feeling about this…

Claude spoke to me as she saw my face getting distorted.

「Zeph-kun, so you really did know that person? …is she someone important to you?」

「…Kind of. Her name is Silverie Shugeru, she’s my former master.」

However, that was something that wouldn’t happen for a couple of more years but Claude didn’t need to know that.

「I see. I now understand why you’re so strong at your age and also why you take Silverie-san’s side.」

「I hope you’ll forgive me. I felt like it would be troublesome if I were to talk about it and Silverie doesn’t really get along well with people that much, she’s someone that’s easily misunderstood.」

「When you put it like that, it does make sense.」 said Claude while making a bitter smile and chuckling.

Silverie you’re getting made fun of by a kid!

「If she’s your master Zeph-kun then that makes her an important person to us as well. Let’s do everything we can to help her.」

「…Thank you Claude.」

Still where were we supposed to look?

After completely losing the smell Shirushu was currently sniffing around.



Me and Claude shouted out Silverie’s name, however our voices were promptly swallowed by the snow storm.

I hadn’t received any calls from Silverie since our departure.

Please be safe…!

As if praying I put my feelings into my voice and shouted out.


My voice, filled with all of my strength, echoed in the surroundings, however in the end the only response to it was silence.

I was already beginning to lose track of how many times I had shouted.

Shirushu then came back to us while sneezing.

「I’m zorry Zeph-san, my n-nose is a bit…」

「You’re right. I’m sorry Shirushu, you should take a break. I’ll continue searching for a bit more.」

「No… I’ll continue. I know how it feels to lose a precious person to you.」

Now that I think about it I did scold her when she went to gather herbs at the forest alone. Guess I didn’t have the right to do that.

「Claude you should rest a bit as well.」



「So-something’s coming!」

Hearing Claude’s words I immediately put up my guard.

「It’s a monster! The one that disappeared alongside Silverie-san!」

「Zeph-kun! Shirushu-san! Careful!!」

Right after Claude’s voice reached us two red, shaking lights appeared in the darkness before us.

With a thudding sound a curtain of snow was raised and the ground shook.

Claude brandished her sword and shield and I as well brandished the Treasured Sword Freybrand while being crushed by the overwhelming pressure.

「A wide range oppression spell… It’s entered its Berserk Mode!」

With a thudding sound the monster took a step towards us and we could finally see what it was.

Its big frame had crystals protruding starting from its back and continuing up to its shoulders.

It was covered in white fur and drool was dripping from its mouth that was wide open. Its breathing was also rough.

I immediately cast Scout Scope on it.

Hati Bear

Lv 82

Magic Power 325,698 / 1,325,354

As I had expected, it was pretty shaved off.

There was no doubt that it had fought against Silverie.

It seemed like my prediction had hit the nail on the head.


The Hati Bear raised a roar which could even shake the atmosphere and charged at us.


I dashed towards Claude who had raised her shield, while keeping her gaze on the Hati Bear’s stout arms.

「Safe Protection!」

Just after I cast a protective spell on Claude the Hati Bear lowered both its hands bringing them down on her.

Claude was somehow able to parry the attack and then proceeded to slice the stout arm with her sword.

It’s shallow.

However, she didn’t stop there and without missing the chance the Hati Bear had given her, Claude ran around behind it.

Now it’s trapped between us.

Looking at Claude she was giving me a look that was saying *That’s right.*

Brandishing Freybrand I held my ground.

「Zeph-kun, I’ll take care of averting its attention so you focus on attack spells!」

「Thank you!」

She had been overshadowed by Lydia, however even so Claude had been our vanguard for a long time.

There was no reason to doubt her abilities.

Even so, it will be a bit difficult with that thing as her opponent.


The Hati Bear turned around and once again swung its stout arms, however Claude was somehow able to evade them.

The Hati Bear continued smashing its arms like a spoiled child and each time it did so the snow on ground scattered.

It would be pretty severe if we were to get hit by one of those.

I guess I’ll offer some support now.

While avoiding the snow that was flying around the Hati Bear I cast Time Square.

I cast Black Boots and Red Glove while time was stopped.

Double Spell Synthesis Magenta Coat!

A coat made from a mixture of black and red enveloped Claude.

Speed and power increase. The synthesised spell would drastically raise the capabilities of her body.


Claude’s repeated sword strikes were sharp and landed almost instantly on the Hati Bear.

They caused almost no damage but they managed to succeed in drawing the Hati Bear’s attention.

It was then that I also shifted to attack.

「Shirushu! I’ll concentrate on attack. I’ll leave magic power restoration to you!」

「O-okay!」 saying that Shirushu took out a white herb that she had gotten in the Goliath Forest before, a White Sage.

It had the property of restoring one’s magic power.

And Shirushu’s unique spell Elixir was able to drastically raise the medicinal properties of herbs and other things. During a fight, when trying to restore one’s magic power it’s effect was superior and the elixirs made from White Sage were able to restore at once an amount of magic power, equal to taking a number of magic power restoration medicines.

A drawback was that Shirushu couldn’t use the elixirs she made herself, however they were pretty useful for allowing her teammates to fire off high rank spells a number of times.

In short it meant that a series of powerful techniques were about to follow.

I cast Summon Servant and Ain appeared.

「Oi Gramps!♪ ‘d you call for me?」

「Yea. I’ll use your Divine Sword form. We’re going all out!」

「WHOA! What a huge enemy… By the way…」

「I know. I have a lot of food so fight without any worries.」

I took out a gemstone from my bag and gave it to Ain who had landed on my arm and was letting out a coaxing voice.

It looked to me like Ain’s eyes had taken on the form of hearts.

What a greedy fellow. Eat as much as you want.

「OKAY! Let’s do this! WOOOO!」

Ain’s tension had risen through the roof.

It was enough to shock me…

Well it’s great that she’s fired up.

Light rose alongside Ain’s voice and she turned into a sword that settled in my hand.

I clenched the shining Divine Sword with one hand and brandished the Treasured Sword Freybrand in the other.

Dual Wield Divine Sword Ainbelle + Treasured Sword Freybrand!

There were a number of things that I had wanted to test since a while back, however because of Divine Sword Ainbelle costing a great amount of gemstones to use I couldn’t test them out.

I had no choice but to try them out in a real fight.

I threw Divine Sword Ainbelle high up into the air and held the Freybrand with a reverse grip.

《Ain I’m going, do your best to catch it….!》

《EH? What are you…》

Divine Sword Ainbelle spun in circles while dropping from mid-air. I aimed at the falling Divine Sword Ainbelle’s blade and swung Freybrand at it while casting Time Square.

I cast Blue Ball, Black Ball and Green Ball while time was stopped. At the same time, I also combined the Red Ball that appeared from the Freybrand with them.

Fourfold Spell Synthesis Tetra Ball!


The Tetra Ball drew a golden colored ark and when it collided with Divine Sword Ainbelle it was sucked in by it.

I grabbed Ainbelle, which was shining with golden light, just before it fell to the ground.

There was a limit to how much magic Ainbelle could absorb so it couldn’t absorb powerful spells, however it seemed like Tetra Ball was within its limit.

《THAT HURT! I won’t forgive you next time!》

《It’s fine. You’ll get used to it.》

《Demon Gramps…》 Ain was yelling; however, it wasn’t a problem.

「Shirushu, medicine.」


Shirushu brought the White Sage to my mouth and when she cast Elixir magic began gathering in front of my mouth.

I received the shining White Sage and ate it.

My magic power was instantly restored and the amount that I had used up by using Summon Servant and using Synthesis Magic twice was almost completely recovered.

However, Shirushu’s face on the other hand looked completely exhausted.

After all, Shirushu couldn’t properly meditate in order to restore her magic power.

Currently the elixir’s time of effect was relatively short and if one didn’t eat the improved medicinal herb right after it was created, the magic within it would quickly scatter.

One of these days I should teach her how to control magic power.

In regards to Shirushu there was also the problem with her beastfolk transformation so there was a lot of work to do.

However, for now we had to first take care of that guy.

I brandished my two swords and rushed to Claude who was in the middle of fighting the Hati Bear.

Translator: Jiro Editor: Ryunakama

「Claude, I’ll perform an attack so try to stop its movements!」 I said

「G-got it!」

Claude curled up her body, almost like that of a turtle, and took on the Hati Bear’s attack with her shield.

A loud sound echoed and an enormous curtain of snow smoke rose.


So she used the snow as a cushion to soften the impact of the attack. Good going Claude.

「As long as the enemy doesn’t move then…!」

I aimed at the Hati Bear’s leg while it was desperately trying to crush Claude and with Divine Sword Ainbelle in my left hand and the Treasured Sword Freybrand in my right I slashed as if drawing a cross.

I cast Time Square and performed another Fourfold Spell Synthesis, creating another Tetra Ball with my right hand.

While at the same time firing off the Tetra Ball that had been absorbed by Ainbelle…!

「Double Tetra Ball!」

The two golden lights drew an ark and with a dazzling light which formed into a shining cross of light.

The Hati Bear tried to endure but failed and while staggering it fell down due to the tremendous power of the attack.

At the place where Claude had been just now a huge hole appeared.

「Claude! A-are you okay?」

「I-I’m fine!」

I heard Claude’s voice from within the hole.

Looking closely at the Hati Bear’s palm there was a mark that showed that it had been pierced by a sword.

So she even managed to counter-attack. That Claude, she’s always so thorough.

I took Claude’s hand and pulled her out of the hole.

Which then escalated into something like a hug and I found my face hitting Claude’s breastplate.

「Thank you Zeph-kun… And I’m also sorry.」

「Urgh… Don’t worry about it.」

While holding my face due to the pain I stood up and cast Safe Protection on Claude.

And while at it I also cast Scout Scope on the Hati Bear.

Hati Bear

Lv 82

Magic Power 274,356 / 1,325,354

Double Tetra Ball had caused 50,000 damage.

It was the highest amount of damage that I alone could produce.

On top of having to put in an extra effort it could also only be used on enemies that couldn’t move, however, I couldn’t do anything about it.

While staring fixedly at the groaning Hati Bear I put my arm on Claude’s shoulder.

「Six more, can you do it Claude?」

「Haha… I don’t have a choice do I?」

「I’m relying on you.」

「…I’ll do my best.」 Claude said to me with a smile after which she brandished her shield and took on a fighting pose.

I also retreated to the back and once again threw Divine Sword Ainbelle to the air.

《I-I told you not to do it! I CAN’T HOLD OUT!?GRAMPS! please forgi….》

《Time Square!》


After once again shooting Ainbelle with a Tetra Ball her screams continued to echo inside my head.



After the fourth Tetra Ball hit the Hati Bear it let out a painful roar that pierced the snowstorm and echoed in the surroundings.

The Hati Bear started towards me while I was retreating, however, Claude promptly slashed at its back drawing its attention.

「Y-your opponent is m-me!」


While Claude took on the Hati Bear I proceeded to meditate.

Both Claude and Shirushu were breathing through their mouths, their white breath showing in the air. Their expressions were showing just how tired they were.

However, we were superior.

We will win somehow.

I thought of making Shirushu transform as a last means, however now that we were fighting a boss, and not a small fry, it would be disastrous if she were to turn against us.

「Shirushu! Keep a look on the surroundings to inform us if any monsters get close!」 

「O-okay!… Achoo!」

It was probably because she hadn’t stopped sniffing while in the midst of this snowstorm but Shirushu’s nose had turned bright red.

She ended up sneezing while giving her response and her nose even began dripping.

「Ahh!? …I-I’m sorry!」

「…here, use this to wipe your nose.」

I handed over a handkerchief to Shirushu and turned around, just as I did so I could hear her blowing her nose.

While chewing on a piece of strengthened White Sage I continued watching Claude fighting.

Afterwards Claude ended up taking a number of the Hati Bear’s attacks however she managed to parry most of them with either her sword or shield.

There were times when she ended up taking the full blow of an attack, however, that was only when she had Safe Protection cast on her.

And even so, she would still fly back from the impact or land on top of the snow to soften the impact even more.

Claude had said this before.

*I’m weak. That is why I’ll do anything so as to not become a burden.*

Without going back on her words she’s holding on and doing everything she can…

I felt that my magic power had returned so I once again turned my sight to the front.

But before that, I clenched Divine Sword Ainbelle and spoke to Ain.

《Three more times. Let’s go Ain.》

《Ugh… I don’t care any moooooore!?》

I fired off a Tetra Ball at Divine Sword Ainbelle and rushed towards Claude.

「Claude! Are you okay?」


Claude’s clothes were a mess and there were even some bloodstains on them.

It doesn’t look like she’ll be able to hold on much more. Magenta Coat’s effect will soon run out as well, I should let her fall back for now.

「…Claude, fall back for a bit. I’ll somehow take care of the rest.」


「You did great Claude so it’s fine, fall back.」

「…I understand.」

While nodding her head perhaps the thread of tension had finally snapped but Claude exhaled and made a relaxed expression.

「Shirushu! I’m leaving Claude to you!」


While flattening the snow beneath her feet Shirushu ran towards us.

In order to draw the Hati Bear’s attention towards me, I waved Divine Sword Ainbelle that was shining with golden light.

It was the same golden light that had already struck its body a number of times. The Hati Bear responded to the light and stared at me with caution.

「That’s right… Come here.」

I waved Ainbelle to provoke the Hati Bear while at the same time getting further away from Claude. While being guided by the light the Hati Bear began to cautiously get close to me.

Trying not to be noticed I looked towards Claude out of the corner of my eye. She had already joined Shirushu.

Afterward she would somehow get well with the help of the elixirs.

I returned my gaze to the Hati Bear and because I probably wouldn’t be able to use Freybrand in a one versus one fight I put it back in my bag.

That was the sign that signaled the start of our battle.


While raising its voice the Hati Bear charged at me with an intimidating air that even sent shivers down my spine.

It will be hard to dodge its stout arms when my body is covered by fear like this. I won’t be able to dodge these wide-area attacks with just a simple hop backward. To think Claude was receiving these kinds of attacks… It’s impossible for me.

I cast Time Square and just right after that with a roaring sound a curtain of snow dust rose to the air.


I heard Shirushu shouting from afar.

Naturally, that attack just now had been a miss. In order to counter-attack, I once again cast Time Square.

Due to the curtain of snow, I wasn’t able to see that well, but I was aiming at that giant body after all. I would probably hit even if I shot randomly.

I cast Black Sphere and Green Sphere while time was stopped.

Double Spell Synthesis Gravity Sphere.

I aimed at the place where the Hati Bear was supposed to be and the gravitational sphere made from magic flew, sucking in the snow dust, clearing up my line of sight in an instant.

At the same time, the Hati Bear’s roar echoed through the area.


The scenery cleared up and the Hati Bear stood before me, covered in snow.


「Your full-force attacks don’t work on me.」

Just when the Hati Bear had attacked I had launched a Burst Sphere at the ground beneath its feet, blasting off the snow there.

Now its whole lower body was sunk in the hole that was created during that impact and the Hati Bear couldn’t move.

I stood right next to it while brandishing Divine Sword Ainbelle.


「This is the end.」

I coldly looked down on the groaning Hati Bear and slashed down with Divine Sword Ainbelle and then… I suddenly stopped.

Now that I think about it I still haven’t tried that out.

I had still to try and mix the Spirit Magic type While Ball into the Tetra Ball.

I hadn’t tested out the Fivefold Spell Synthesis.

「…well without further adieu. Let’s begin the experiment.」

While swinging down Divine Sword Ainbelle I simultaneously cast White Ball.

At the moment of impact, a final color mixed itself into the Tetra Ball and a fivefold synthesised spell landed on the Hati Bear’s neck.

Right after the golden-white light collided and illuminated the whole area a sound akin to that of ice cracking echoed out.

The light subdued and before my eyes, the Hati Bear’s head was cut off cleanly right where I had struck. And the place that had been a snowfield until just now had a diagonal cut across it that made it look like a cliff.

Did I just cut the snow field with that spell….!

Powerful magical attacks can sometimes damage and change the terrain of Dungeons.

Unique spells like a Boss’ attacks and my spell synthesis are some of them.

But even so, the only ones who can leave behind traces of destruction are only bosses of the highest class like the Satan Wraith which I fought way back at the City Ruins of Wanarta.

Fivefold Spell Synthesis… This spell is way too dangerous. And if I can create something like this by synthesising five Ball spells, what will happen if I synthesise five Crash spells? I ended up creating something terrifying.

「For now I’ll call it Platinum B… or rather I guess Slash is more appropriate.」 

Platinum Slash, it has tremendous power but I should refrain from using it.

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