Translator: Jiro Editor: Ryunakama

I dispersed Divine Sword Ainbelle and reached for my bag to check the amount of gemstones. The large amount that I had prepared previously had shrunk by quite a bit.  

I ended up using Spell Synthesis a number of times after all.  

From my previous test I felt that if I were to imbue a strong spell within Divine Sword Ainbelle, Ain’s appetite would increase accordingly…

That gluttonous girl…

I took a deep breath as I watched the Hati Bear disappear slowly. When it disappeared I saw that there was something shining within the hole where it had just been.  

They were gauntlets.  

When I got close and tried to grab the gauntlets my hand was repelled.

Now that I think about it Silverie should have the rights to the item since she did the most damage to it. And because she still has the authority over the item means that she’s still alive.

While feeling relieved I waited a bit for the authority over the item to disappear and when it did I picked up the item. [TL/N: Typically, in games whenever an item belongs to another player you can pick up that item after waiting for a bit, despite the other player still having ownership over it.]

The gauntlets were woven with thin magical silver and had a plain symbol of a moon engraved into them.

「So it’s the Moonlight Gauntlets.」

The Moonlight Gauntlets that dropped from the Hati Bear were a magic item that had the ability to use the Steal spell.  

Steal was a spell that allowed one to directly take out the items from a monster’s body without having to defeat it. Using this one can easily obtain Rare Items, but it does take some time to do so.

「We’ll be able to make money a bit more easily now.」

I put the Moonlight Gauntlets into my bag and crawled out of the hole that the Hati Bear had been in just to see Claude and Shirushu running towards me. After waving my hand at them they showed a relieved expression.

「Heave ho…!」 Just as I put my leg on the edge of the hole, and was about to go out the ground shook, and I found myself at the bottom of the hole once more.  

The shaking continued and I couldn’t exit the hole. Looking beneath my feet I saw that the ground was beginning to split.

This is… bad…



「Don’t get close! I’m fine!」


「It’s fine so just stay there!」

The earthquake didn’t show any signs of stopping so while telling both of them to stop I took a defensive pose.  

The snow mountain must have lost its balance with the Platinum Slash just now and is about to crumble. And if they both end up falling inside of here as well it’ll get really troublesome.

I curled up my body and waited for the impact. In the middle of the booming noises I couldn’t differentiate between top and bottom any more. It was then that the hole opened up and I fell even further down. 


After being hit against the surrounding snow numerous times the impact finally subsided and I found myself covered in snow, almost unable to move at all.


While trying to move my aching body I looked around, however as I should have expected, the only thing that entered my vision was snow.

For now, I should first get out of here.  

But before that I meditated to restore the magic power that I had lost in the fight just now. After finishing my restoration, I put my hands forward and cast Red Crash.

With a boom a wide hole opened up before my eyes.

Ahead there was a cloudy sky covered with dancing snow. After somehow crawling out, right above me I saw the cliff that I had created just now. From here you could clearly see the sharp cut left by Platinum Slash.

It really is a fearsome spell. Now that I think about it Claude and Shirushu must be quite worried.

《Claude, Shirushu, can you hear me?》


《I’m glad that you’re fine Zeph-kun.》

After sending a message to them via Telepathy they responded with relieved voices.

《Of course I’m fine. Who do you think I am!》

《Haha, you’re right.》

《I’ll wait for you both to get down here. Shirushu, you should be able to follow my smell with your nose. Still, it’s already dark so first rest a bit until the sun rises.》


《Claude-san let’s dig a hole! A hole!》

Shirushu’s tension skyrocketed for some reason.

Now that I think about it, the dog that I had in the past also dug holes in the snow and hid inside. It seemed to like it quite a bit. Well then I should find somewhere to spend the night as well… It should be fine as long as I return here in the morning.  It’ll be bad if the hole is surrounded by soft snow though, there is a chance it might collapse after all.

I continued walking, searching for a place with dense snow when suddenly a cave like hole caught the edge of my eye.

What a fine place. I guess I’ll go there.

Getting close I noticed that it was a snow cave that had signs that it was made by a person.

It seems like someone was here before me.

「Excuse me.」 I said, after which I entered inside.

And as expected a person’s shadow could really be seen in the back. The person was sitting at a corner inside the hole, hugging his legs. He was wearing a black coat that complimented his short black hair.

It can’t be…


I was sure. That was definitely Silverie. I immediately got close to her and shook her shoulders.

「Silverie! Silverie!」

However, there was no response. Silverie’s body was as cold as that of a dead man. Her face was pale and devoid of blood.  

It can’t be… I didn’t make it in time!?

I brushed off the worst case scenario from my thoughts and took off my coat to give it to Silverie. I cast Red Ball and controlled its heat output so that it wouldn’t melt the snow cave’s walls.

「Damn it. She’s soaked to her bones…」

I took off Silverie’s coat that had probably gotten wet due to the surrounding snow. And underneath it I saw the white, thin shirt that Silverie usually wore. I was lost for words at her carelessness.  

She underestimated the snow mountain…

Even though a magician could use spells as a form of heating she had still been too reckless.

「Hey Silverie, you’re alive right…」

I drew my ear close to her lips, however I couldn’t hear her breathing. While calming down my worried heart I opened up the buttons of Silverie’s shirt around her chest area and directly placed my ear there. It was faint, however I could hear her beating heart.

「Phew, she’s alive somehow…」

I calmed myself down. I looked at Silverie. Her skin was as white as that of a dead person and her body was so thin that even her ribs were showing. She also had faint scars on her sides that looked like they had been carved out with claws.  

They’re still new… These scars, she must’ve gotten them when fighting against the Hati Bear. I presume that in order to heal the wounds that she got from fighting the Hati Bear, she hid herself here, however her food eventually ran out and while losing her physical and mental strength she eventually passed out.

Looking around I could see containers of Portable Food scattered around.  

For god’s sake… I’ve told her numerous times to stop eating Portable Food because it’s not good for her… Wait, I actually said that in my past life.  

Either way, I would be sure to tell it to her once again when she woke up.

「First of all I must warm her up…」

Silverie’s body was still alive, however it was terrifyingly cold. With spells you couldn’t warm up the body to its core.

What should I do… That’s right!

I thought of a good idea and left Silverie lying down while I went outside. I faced the ground and cast Black Shot. The wind bullet flew a bit and then disappeared.

Great, the snow here is dense.

「This will work.」

This time I cast Red Sphere and slowly drew it closer to the snow field. The fire ball melted the snow and steam rose up. A large amount of hot water appeared within the hole that was opened up in the snow field.  

It was an improvised hot spring.

I stepped on the ground to harden it and create a stairway after which I dipped my hand in the hot water.

It’s a bit too hot…

I had heard that it was dangerous to suddenly submerge a cold body in really hot water.

Well since there isn’t a heat source it will gradually cool down due to the surrounding snow.

I returned to the snow cave and after taking off my clothes I put my hands on Silverie.

「Silverie, I’m taking it off.」


Silverie didn’t respond and I proceeded to try and take off her clothes without looking. After that I embraced her deathly cold body and brought it to the improvised hot spring.  

Still, she’s light… She’s originally quite slim and now that she hasn’t eaten it’s only even more so… Damn it.

While holding on to Silverie’s body with all my might I felt her let out a slight breath. I dipped my feet in the hot water.

It’s quite a bit cooler than just now. It’s perfect. It should be fine like this.

I submerged myself in the water and following that I slowly started submerging Silverie’s body, starting with her feet. After submerging her whole body, I cast Red Ball inside the water in order to warm up the now lukewarm water.  

If I just keep warming up her body like this…

Silverie let out a long breath as I held her.


She had yet to regain consciousness, however her body was slowly starting to regain its color. Nonetheless, her body was still cold so the situation was still uncertain.  

Tsch, you pushed yourself way too much…

I gently clutched onto Silverie’s slender body, as if handling a fragile object. Our skin touched while submerged in the hot water and I felt her slightly hard, trained muscles on my body.

「Still… I’m worried about where I should look.」

I was holding onto Silverie’s naked body and our skin was touching as well. Due to looking up to Silverie as a master I felt a kind of longing for her, so I couldn’t but think about those things.  

And now that it had already entered my mind it only continued to grow, and I noticed that I was responding to the feeling of Silverie’s body in my arms.

In order to hide my embarrassment, I completely submerged myself in the water. I exhaled within the water while still holding on to Silverie’s body.

Chapter 117 Part 1

Translator: Jiro Editor: Ryunakama

……How long has it been?

Around me I could hear the sound of the snow melting. It was getting hard to maintain the hot spring. I rose from the hot spring, and while holding on to Silverie’s body I ran back to the snow cave at a jog.  

Within the back of the snow cave I let Silverie lay on top of my coat and proceeded to wipe her wet body with my clothes. When wiping close to her chest I felt the slight bulge.

Almost the same size as Milly’s I guess…

I ended up showing a bitter smile.

Come to think of it is Milly still dealing with those documents I wonder.

While thinking that I wiped off every corner of Silverie’s body. However, due to that my clothes were drenched. And Silverie’s clothes were also wet.  

In order to dry them I took out Freybrand and hung them on it. Freybrand was slightly hot to the touch due to probably having Fire Magic Power embedded into it.


While still laying down Silverie suddenly sneezed.

She was holding her shoulders with her arms and her body was trembling. Her face was slightly pale as well. I had already cast Red Ball; however, I as well would be cold if I was naked.

……Guess it can’t be helped.

「……Silverie, I’ll move you a bit.」


I ran my hand around Silverie’s neck and raised her body in a sitting position, after which I hugged her white back as if trying to cover it.

「She’s cold……」

Due to our skin touching I could feel her body temperature.

This is bad…… I can’t let her cool off even…… That’s right, if I cover myself with Silverie’s coat while not letting it touch her, it should create a sort of an isolation……

Thinking that, just as I was about to let go off Silverie and go grab her coat, that was hanging from Freybrand, her hand grabbed me. My heart suddenly skipped a beat.  I timidly look at Silverie’s face, however her eyes were still closed.

「…… Don’t」

「…… Silverie?」

「Zeph…… Don’t go……」 Silverie said while at the same time shedding a single tear.  

She was apparently unconsciously calling out my name.

It seems like she’s quite fond of me… Damn it, she suddenly looks really cute.

While still being held by Silverie’s hand I stretched out my arm to try and grab the coat.

「…… Just a bit more……」 

When I distanced my body from Silverie’s even the tiniest bit I felt my hand being pulled back. I was desperately stretching out my hand, however I couldn’t get any closer to the coat. My arm was also beginning to tremble. And when finally, our bodies separated a bit, due to Silverie pulling on my hand I fell and lost my balance.


We fell laying on the side, and yet Silverie was still holding onto my arm.

I could feel Silverie’s heart beating due to my arm being squished between her small chest. I could now finally reach the coat from the position we had fallen in, so while continuing to hold on to Silverie I put on her coat.

As if finally having calmed down Silverie’s breathing became peaceful, on the other hand my heart was about to explode. While touching the naked Silverie, who had just now shown signs of coming to, my arm was further pressed against her chest.  

I began to think in order to remove these wicked thoughts. ……

Hmph, I wonder if Silverie will run away again once she wakes up. I must take measures. If I end up binding her, since it’s Silverie we’re talking about, she’ll still find some way to escape. And it’s hard for me to stay awake and continue looking over her like this. Due to fighting the Hati Bear my fatigue is at its limit so if I’m to lose focus for even a moment I’ll fall asleep. Even if I try to put her to sleep with Sleep Code, due to Silverie’s spell level being higher than mine it won’t work. Something…… There must be something……

Thinking about this helped me relax a bit. If Silverie’s chest had been bigger I would have probably already lost my mind.  

For now, I guess I’ll try some things to prevent her from running away…… Kukuku.

Due to having calmed down, various ideas flooded my mind. I was grinning while looking at Silverie sleeping peacefully.

……After taking a couple of measures I let myself nod off. And like that I ended up holding on to Silverie’s body and warming it for the whole night.

◆ ◆ ◆


In the morning I woke myself up with my own sneeze.

The Silverie who was supposed to be in front of me had disappeared without me noticing. Last night I had bound her hands and feet with a rope and had even hid her belongings, but even that hadn’t worked.

She had run away just as I had imagined she would. What was left of her was a piece of paper and a large sum of money. I crumbled up the piece of paper which had *Thank you for taking care of me.*  written bluntly on it.

「She really is a troublesome person.」

I muttered and stood up with a smile.

《Still you didn’t realize my real aim, did you Silverie?》


Her shocked voice could be heard through the Telepathy.

《Ze-Zeph!?How in the world……?》

《I gave you a crystal ring fragment. Now I can call you as well.》

《Ridiculous…… There wasn’t anything like either in my bag or clothes……!!?》

《It seems like you noticed.》 I said with a laugh after which I heard Silverie’s trembling voice.

《I knew I felt something strange around my stomach, but……》

《There wouldn’t have been any meaning in hiding it in a place where you could have easily taken it out.》

《Zeph……! Y-yo-you bastard!》

Silverie’s blushing face and trembling voice appeared inside my imagination. After all, in this as well as in the previous world I’ve had Silverie run away from me numerous times. I did think it was a bit cruel, however if I hadn’t done this she would have escaped. The experience from my past life finally bore its fruit.

《Well then, I’m free until my friends get here. Would you be so kind as to chat with me until they do?》

《…… D-do what you want!!》

《I’ll take you up on that offer then. Kukuku.》 I said while laughing.

Using the memories of the time I had been her student I recalled topics that Silverie liked. Stories of foreign countries, efficient hunting methods, linking of spells and so on…… Sometimes Silverie responded coldly, however judging from her voice, she wasn’t displeased.

《By the way Silverie, it’s best if you don’t eat too much of those Portable Foods. It’s not good for your health.》

《……What I do is my problem.》

《I’m worried about you.》

《…… You idiot, I didn’t ask for it.》

We continued our conversation until evening. Then, while I was waiting at the entrance of the cave, I saw Shirushu running at me while waving her hand, signalling that she had found me. I was a little reluctant to part with Silverie, however I could now talk with her whenever.

《Well then, until next time Silverie.》

《……Yeah. Until next time.》

Silverie was cold until the end, however she still ended up saying *Until next time* 

Tsch, she should be more honest with herself.

I raised my face with a bitter smile and waved my hand back at Claude and Shirushu.

Well then, I guess it’s time to go back to the capital and meet up with Milly and Lydia.

I began walking towards Claude and Shirushu feeling cheerful.

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