9-12 minutes 24.07.2022

Translator: Jiro Editor: Ryunakama

I opened the door to Bertram’s room.

As I entered I noticed Bertram sitting down, with his elbows placed on top of his desk.

I expected as much but why is the wall destroyed?

Having noticed that I was looking at the wall, Bertram turned towards it as well and laughed.

「Do not worry about it. When Tiamat attacked some of the furniture flew off and broke it.」

「To me it looks quite recent though…」

「I told you not to worry about it.」

If he’s so keen on hiding it then I won’t ask anymore. But still, why does the atmosphere here feel so cold? Is he really planning on blaming me for the incident?

「Let’s get to the point at hand. Zeph Einstein, first I would like to thank you for bringing down Tiamat and saving the town’s people.」 Bertram said, as he got up and lowered his head.

He then took out an envelope from his pocket and handed it over to me.

「Come to think of it, your Title Match got interrupted didn’t it? If you use this, you’ll be able to directly challenge one of the five Heavenly Mages. It doesn’t matter who you pick as your opponent. Use it whenever you please.」

There was a single ticket placed inside the envelope.

People who were qualified to become one of the five Heavenly Mages would occasionally appear, and a match would be held at those times, even if it wasn’t during the Heavenly Mage Festival. The ticket in my hands indicated that I was one of those individuals.

How considerate of them. I’ll take you up on your present in that case.

「There’s one more thing.」 Bertram muttered out quietly, however, the fire in his eyes burned even brighter than before.

… I get a bad feeling about this. This must be the real reason he wanted to talk.

「Sherrod stated that you were barred from utilizing the Fusion Spell you used the other day, and that you had already received a warning.」

「You’ve heard correctly.」

I could feel my insides turning.

Milly’s guess had been right on mark. And it was also what I had expected as well.

It was general knowledge that the Heavenly Mages held higher positions within the Magician Association, and that the Blue Heavenly Mage was in charge of the Dispatch Magicians.

He should have known from the start that I was banned from using that spell.

And even despite that, he had still helped me cast the Penta Fusion and defeat Tiamat.

He’s a nasty one that Sherrod… It’s true that I recommended it, but why bring it up now? So they’re okay with turning a blind eye to it when there’s an emergency, but as soon as it passes they blame me huh…

「You don’t seem quite happy with what you just heard. I hope you’ll forgive me, but I have a position that I have to maintain as well you see.」

「You don’t sound like you’re that sorry though.」

「Don’t mess around. No matter the circumstance, using a forbidden spell is a serious crime. Normally, we would imprison both you and Urohime for a number of years… However, what I was about to say has a continuation.」 Bertram said, as he spread out a map on top of his desk.

It was a map of the world. One where you could find anywhere.

「As you can see this is an ordinary map of the world… However, did you know that this map isn’t complete?」 Bertram asked.

He then proceeded to move his finger to the edge of the map, and then moved it even further, completely exiting the map.

「There’s a continuation to this world map. The world spreads way beyond this world map. Zeph, I would like to task you with travelling to the world outside of this map… I’d like you to go to the Outer World.」

According to Bertram’s words, there was a world that stretched far beyond what the world map showed, and in that world, black monsters such as Tiamat roamed free.

Apparently Urohime was able to bring those monsters here with her spell. And it would be my mission to go find the source of those monsters and destroy it.

If I were to succeed, they would overlook me using the forbidden spell.

Good grief. They sure know how to work a man to the bone, but still this offer isn’t all that bad for me. I realized it when fighting Tiamat, but the way I’m now I cannot win against the Heavenly Mages. However, if I were to go and train in the Other World, where black monsters roam free then…

「Fine. I’ll take on that mission.」

「That’s great to hear. It would have been troublesome if you were to refuse.」

「However!」 I said pointing my finger at Bertram leaving him dumbstruck.

「You need to fight me as soon as I get back.」


「You see, one of my goals in life is to take you down.」

「That’s one far-fetched goal you have there. I don’t remember doing anything to receive that kind of grudge though.」

「It’s not a grudge. Think of it as a personal reason if you would… How about it?」

Bertram showed a surprised expression for a moment, however, he instantly recovered and began laughing.

It was a laugh that showed his unwavering confidence.

「Fine. I have a personal reason to fight you as well you see. I won’t hold back and trample you.」

「It’s a promise then.」

「Of course, I promise you that I’ll destroy you.」


We both looked at each other with creepy grins on our faces.

And just like that I brought everyone and we headed towards the Outer World.


Several months passed. In those months we arrived at the Outer World and began to fulfil the mission given to me.

The black monsters were undoubtedly powerful, yet the way we were now was sufficient for us to struggle but not lose.

We also managed to raise our levels and my stats currently looked like this.

Zeph Einstein

Level 96

Magic Level:

Red: 86 / 99

Blue: 87 / 92

Green: 92 / 99

Sky: 89 / 93

Soul: 95 / 97

Magic Power: 6250 / 6256

That is right. There was a fruit in the Outer World which allowed one to break through their Magic Level’s limit.

However, it was a really rare item and the monsters that dropped it were hard to come by as well… With everyone’s help we hunted the hell out of them.

It was a truly helpful experience. Thanks to it I was currently able to face Bertram.

I wanted to raise my level even further, but it became increasingly difficult.  

And besides my guild members we were also accompanied by researchers of the Magician Association so we couldn’t stay in the Outer World for a long period of time.

Tsch, how unfortunate. Well I guess this is the end of our great adventure.

After getting on a boat we left the Outer World and sailed back to Prolea.

「WHOA! It’s been so long since I’ve last seen the capital!」 Milly exclaimed.

「You’re right.」

「Zeph, look, look! Everyone’s here to greet us!」

At the harbor there were numerous people waiting in a line.

Most of them were acquaintances of the crew and their friends.

However, amongst those people there were some familiar faces as well.

「WHOA! IT’S ELISE! HEYYY!」 Milly yelled out waving her hand.

As soon as Elise saw her, she immediately pouted.

「Huh? What’s wrong with her?」 Milly asked.

「Beats me. She probably just hates you.」   

「You’re terrible Zeph! There’s no way that’s true!」 Milly exclaimed.

I however ignored her completely and let my body be swept away by the tide’s breeze. At last out boat finally arrived at the harbor.

We slowly got off the boat as we were greeted by everyone.

「Welcome back.」

「You’ve finally made it back.」

「Good work out there.」

The people who welcomed us were none other than some of the members of the five Heavenly Mages.

Even Bertram was amongst them.

I looked at him and our eyes met.


「… Hmph.」

Bertram didn’t say anything, instead he let the waves of magic power surrounding his body do the talking for him.

It seems like he’s ready.

As soon as I realized that a smile crept up my face.

「10 days. I’ll need that much for the Title Match preparations.」

「Kuku, I don’t mind doing it right now though.」

As the sparks flying between us grew larger, everyone stepped in to separate us.

「Come on now! Today should be a day for celebration! We just came back to the capital after all! Let’s just leave it at this for now, okay?」 Yera said laughing, as she made her way next to Milly.

「You’re both quick to draw the guns aren’t ya.」

「It’s not like I’m picking a fight with him or anything…」 Bertram said in response to Yera’s teasing.

Even though he was the strongest Flame of Flame in history, he still tried to save face in front of Yera.

「How about we make a huge feast today and have a party?!」 Milly proposed.

「I’d like that.」

「Good going Milly-chan! That’s a great idea!」

「Elise, you’ll come as well right?!」 Milly asked.   


Elise tried to mutter out some words as she hid behind her father.

Seeing her like that, Bertram put his daughter forward and gave her a push on the back.



Even though she was still a bit on the fence about going, in the end Elise gave up and followed after Milly.

「D-Don’t misunderstand. I-It’s just that it’s rude to turn down an invitation.」

「Here you go again with that thing of yours. You should be more honest with yourself, you know.」 Milly said, smiling.

「Hmph…」 Elise just snorted and turned away, however, she didn’t seem annoyed by it.

「Well then, it’s been a while since I’ve done this! Everyone, you’ll help as well, right?」 Lydia asked.

「Of course♪」 Milly exclaimed.

「Of course we will.」 Shirushu said as well.

That day, we had a feast at our house.

Drinks were spilling over the table, and music reverberated throughout the house. Despite the ruckus, none of the neighbours seemed to mind because they were partying with us as well. As the celebration progressed, the night grew darker, and the commotion began to fade.

「…Urgh, I think I’m a bit drunk.」

In order to wash away the dizziness of the alcohol I went outside to get a bit of fresh air.

The cool breeze brushed past my cheeks, taking away with it the warmth of the alcohol.


A voice called out behind me. As I turned around I saw Elise’s face.

Her long hair fluttered in the wind as it blew past her.

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