「Hey. It seems like you’re having fun.」

「Hmph. It’s only natural that I would come upon being invited. It wouldn’t be good manners otherwise.」


Even though she said that, it was my first time seeing Elise have so much fun.

In my last life I had gone to numerous parties with her, however most of them had been quite boring.



「W-What are you laughing for?!」 Elise asked angrily after seeing me laugh.


I guess she has a cute side to her after all.


「… Well I cannot deny that I did have some fun.」

「I’m glad to hear that.」


Elise then let out a quiet sigh, and after a moment she opened her mouth to speak.


「Zeph, you…」



It looked like she wanted to say something, however, before she could finish she ended up turning her head towards Milly and the others.

She looked at them for a bit after which she closed her eyes and shook her head.


「It’s nothing. Don’t worry about it. You really did great on your mission.」

「… Thank you.」


After swallowing what she was planning to say, Elise quickly changed the topic.


「I’d like to ask you something, Zeph. It’s already settled that you’re going to fight against my father. Do you think you have a chance of winning?」

「If I didn’t I wouldn’t have challenged him.」

「… I’ll have you know that my father is strong.」

「That’s exactly why I’m challenging him. It’s precisely because he’s the strongest Flame of Flame in history that I’m doing this and throwing my whole life’s effort at him.」

「Your whole life’s effort huh… Now that’s a huge claim.」 Elise said, as she let out a sigh.


However, I wasn’t exaggerating, not even one bit.

There was no one better to put everything I’d done in my second, so-called efficient life to the test.


「Good grief. I was planning on stopping you, but now that I see you with that huge grin on your face I don’t think I can do it. Go and have your ass whooped by my father okay?」

「Do not worry, I’ll be the one doing the whooping.」




We both laughed as we looked at each other.

God, I cannot wait for these 10 days to pass.


◆ ◆ ◆


「Starting today we’re having special training.」


I had gathered Milly and the others and brought them to an area. This arena was a huge Isolated Space that was usually used for Title Matches.

After going inside, I had everyone surround me.


「I don’t mind having special training but this is a bit…」 Milly exclaimed.

「Are you really planning on taking all of us on at the same time?」 Claude asked as well.

「Ahaha, Zeph-chi you always come up with the craziest ideas.」

「Aren’t you looking down way too much on us Zeph?」 Silverie asked, a bit annoyed.

「I-It’s going to be okay. E-Even if he runs out of magic power I’m here!」 Shirushu exclaimed.

「I’ll be counting on you Shirushu.」 


Immediately after that Silverie began attacking.

When she cast her first spell, a flurry of wind bullets descended on me. It was Black Bullet.




I somehow managed to dodge the unexpected attack.


「You’re quite merciless Silverie…」 Milly exclaimed.

「Your enemy won’t just stand there and wait for you now will he?」 Silverie answered coldly.


She has a point, but even so, that was way too sudden.

After I dodged all of the attacks, I noticed Lydia flying at me.


「Eat this!」


She swung down her training long axe, which didn’t have a blade on it… Regardless if I were to be hit by that long axe, at that speed, I wouldn’t get out unscathed.

I cannot continue just dodging their flurry of attacks like this. I need to make an opening and aim for there.


「Take this!」

「I’ve got you!」


I grabbed the axe just as it passed right next to my arm and broke it.

While Lydia was still dumbstruck by the shock I buried my fist in her abdomen and cast Green Crash.


「Kyaaa?!Hee… goot… meee…」 Lydia yelled out as she was flying back.


Good grief, that just now was on purpose wasn’t it… I don’t like it that they’re holding back. I still can’t figure out what Lydia is thinking.


「Don’t look away Zeph-kun!」  


In Lydia’s place, Claude immediately appeared before me.

I quickly grabbed a piece of Lydia’s broken axe and used it to block Claude’s wooden sword.

The axe piece began to slowly crack here and there as I withstood the attack.

At first I managed to attack and defend, but as time passed I was put on the defensive by Claude.

She’s gotten quite good.

When it came to using swords, Claude was leagues above me.

In that case I just need to fight in a way that suits me.


「Haa!」 Claude yelled out as she charged.


I stepped back in order to fool her that she had won, and then threw the broken axe’s piece.

Claude easily avoided the broken piece, however, in doing so she created a chance for me to strike. Without missing that chance, I cast Time Square.

While time was stopped I cast Black Sphere and White Sphere.

Double Fusion: Marble Sphere.

The white-black ball made its way towards Claude.


「Hmph… Screen Point!」


A white light began to envelop Claude’s body.

However, it was too late.

I had hidden myself inside the Marble Sphere, and just as it appeared before Claude I jumped out.



「Depending on Screen Point whenever push comes to shove is a bad habit of yours Claude.」


The reason I had used Marble Sphere was not to damage Claude, but rather to block her vision.

Claude realized what I was planning, but was too late in putting up her shield.




Before she could defend, my prosthetic arm landed a hit on her neck.

I wasn’t going all out of course. But it was still enough to force Claude to surrender and go to the back.

If I had felt like it, I could have used a spell rather than using my prosthetic arm.

In other words, the moment my attack landed on Claude, she knew that she had lost.


「Kuku. It seems like you’ve lost your vanguard Milly.」

「N-Not yet! Silverie! What are you doing?!」

「Milly step back. I’ve always wanted to try and fight with Zeph one on one.」

「I’ll gladly make that wish come true for you then!」


Both Silverie and I immediately charged at one another.

I cast a Double Fusion of Black Boots on myself and headed for Silverie in a direct line.

However, Silverie accelerated at the same time as well.

She cast Black Crash, and by using the rollers on her boots she headed straight for me.

As we passed each other we both cast spells, however, both of us managed to dodge each other’s spell.

And just like that the high-speed spell brawl between Silverie and I began.

The way both Silverie and I were running around the Isolated Space made it seem like we were racing with one another.


「… Hmph. I should have expected as much. But can you dodge this?!」 Silverie said and immediately after that a spear of black wind made its way towards me.


It was Black Zero.

She had managed to summon her familiar Kuro and cast a high-speed chant before I could even notice.

As soon as I understood what was going on the wind spear was already in front of me.

However, it wasn’t like I hadn’t expected something like this.



「Leave it to me!」


Ain appeared in my hand in her sword form and with her help I was able to block Silverie’s Black Zero.

The clash created a powerful blast wave.  

Regardless, I still managed to completely block the attack.

I fixed my grip on Ain and just as I was about to shoot the Black Zero, which I had just absorbed, back at Silverie I noticed something.

She’s not there?! 

Silverie was nowhere to be found.

I thought that perhaps she had jumped up but she wasn’t there either.

… I see.

Various scenarios flashed through my mind until I found the right one. I immediately jumped away from the spot where I was standing once I realized what she was up to.

As soon as I did, the ground beneath me shattered.

Afterwards, Silverie’s silhouette appeared within the cloud of dust.



「Black Coat, huh.」


Black Coat was a spell which allowed the caster to bend the light’s rays and make it seem like they were invisible.

So she cast it right after shooting that Black Zero at me. Both Black Zero and Black Coat have a long cast time, making it difficult to use them in succession, but I suppose it’s feasible with Kuro’s high-speed casting.


「Can you dodge the next one though?」


As soon as she said that, Silverie disappeared again.

Thankfully, it was hard to fool a person twice with Black Coat.

However, Silverie knew that as well.

What is she aiming for now…? Well I guess it doesn’t matter. I just need to do my thing.

As those thoughts ran through my mind I cast Blue Wave. The water wave spread around with me as the centre and began to search for Silverie.




However, it couldn’t find her. It only worked to cover Milly in water.

Where in the world did you go Silverie? Just as I thought that I felt bloodlust coming from somewhere! 

I jumped as soon as I felt it, however, I was still hit by a shockwave from behind.

Immediately after that I felt my magic power leaving my body.

It appeared like I had been hit by Black Sphere.

I promptly turned around, however, Silverie was still nowhere to be found.

However, she was certainly here somewhere.

The magic bullet that was coming straight at me was proof of that.




As I dodged it, another Black Sphere slammed into me from one of my blind areas, reducing my magic power even more.

I started moving around haphazardly to avoid the attacks, but if I kept doing that, I’d get tired.

I guess it’s time I end this.

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