The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 104 Set fire to the mountain and sit in jail

Until now, Arabella still couldn't figure out what happened.

Isn't it hunting?

Didn't a stupid, delicious deer wander into its hunting range?

The pleasure of catching prey and the pleasure of enjoying delicious food, combined, shouldn't it be experiencing the ultimate pleasure now?

So why did it suddenly lie dead?

That’s not how the script was written! director!

Perhaps because of the physical pain, or perhaps because of the unwillingness in her heart, Arabella struggled hard.

Unfortunately, its death has become a foregone conclusion, and its violent struggle can only accelerate and shorten the little time it has left.

Looking at the 'corpse' that suddenly moved in front of him, and looking at the green blood splashing everywhere, Bell lost his appetite even more...

But it took him about 3 hours to finally find traces of the Acromantula. He can't just go back without success, right?

Bell felt that he could not bear such great grievance. Therefore, in order for his great project of collecting materials tonight to continue and go smoothly.

‘Shattered to pieces! ’

Bell decisively touched up half of the Acromantula on the ground, turning the work from a plasma film back to a monster special effects film.

Bell waved his wand and cut off the eight spider legs of the Acromantula. Then, after collecting valuable magic materials such as silk sacs and poison sacs, he used the deformation technique to bury the remaining corpses underground.

there's no way! It's really disgusting. Accepting the spider's legs is already the limit of Bell's tolerance!

After peeling off the shell of the spider's legs and using the 'Clear Water Curse' to clean off the green blood stained on the flesh, it finally didn't look so disgusting.

Bell controlled the spider's leg meat to float in front of him, leaned forward and sniffed it gently.

It's okay, no fishy smell.

Then, he pressed the tip of the wand against it and used magic power to carefully explore it.

Very good, not poisonous.

Next, you only need to bring the ingredients back to Lim and let her try cooking them to find the most suitable cooking method.

However, experiments consume a lot of materials, so the eight legs of this spider are not enough. He must collect more.

Speaking of which, when he saw the Acromantula just now, he was so excited that he killed it without hesitation, without even having time to ask where the other party's lair was. This was a bit troublesome.

However, animals generally have their own range of activities, and hunting areas should not be far away from their residential areas. So if you go a little further, it should be the habitat of the Acromantula, right?

‘Yes, that must be the case! ’

Bell cheered himself up internally. If he was allowed to circle in the sky for a few more hours, he might be tempted to set fire to the mountain.

Facts have proved that Bell's character is still acceptable. After he continued moving in the previous direction for 10 minutes, he discovered that the number of spiders around him began to increase dramatically, and the surrounding trees were also covered with spider webs.

Bell was very happy. The hard work tonight was finally in vain. He must collect more later.

Just as Bell was thinking about how much he needed to collect to achieve sustainable development, more than a dozen Acromantulas suddenly jumped out from behind the surrounding trees.

Each of these spiders is the size of a small truck. Regardless of their strength, at least the momentum of rushing out together now is enough to scare many people.

Unfortunately, Bell is not among those ‘many people’. Moreover, in Bell's perception field, he had already discovered these ambush spiders.

Bell watched the sprinting Acromantulas leisurely, and after observing their running speed, he raised his wand.

‘The flames are blazing! ’

A pillar of fire shot out from Bell's wand, and as Bell waved, it formed a fan-shaped wall of fire that burned fiercely.

All the Acromantulas that rushed over were wrapped in flames. They howled and rolled, trying to extinguish the flames on themselves.

However, everything was in vain. In less than 5 seconds, all the ignited Acromantulas stopped. They huddled in place, burned to a pile of charcoal.

"No! The wrong spell was placed!"

Seeing that the opponent had multiple targets, Bell subconsciously used the 'Fire Curse', which was most suitable for group attacks.

But where is this?

This is the forbidden forest!

Not to mention there are big trees all around, and the trees here are also covered with flammable spider webs!

Although Bell was so irritated before that he wanted to set fire to the mountain. But that's just a thought, he's not really that crazy. If he accidentally destroyed the Forbidden Forest, Dumbledore would have to hunt him all over the world! He didn't want to play hide-and-seek with Old Dengtou.

And even if you put aside these things, those spiders were burned to char, so how was he going to collect food?

It was a shameful waste, and Bell was not a destructive maniac who took pleasure in killing.

‘The water is as clear as a waterfall! ’

This time it was replaced by water jets shooting out from Bell's wand. The high-pressure water column swept across, and the flames in front of Bell were like a stick figure erased by an eraser, disappearing in the blink of an eye.

Looking at the messy woods, Bell wiped the non-existent sweat on his forehead and let out a long sigh of relief.

‘Fortunately, fortunately I reacted quickly. ’

While Bell was busy putting out the fire, the Acromantulas were not idle either. They bypassed the flames and attacked from behind while Bell focused his attention in front of him.

"Oh~ you guys are so brainless. Didn't the attack just now make you realize that your so-called sneak attack is completely meaningless?"

Several thorns suddenly protruded from Bell's back, piercing the bodies of the Acromantulas and lifting them up in the air.

Realizing that it was difficult to reach Bell, several Acromantulas sprayed their own deadly venom. The venom accurately passed through the gaps between the ground spines and hit Bell, who was standing there unable to react.

However, before they could celebrate that another enemy had fallen to the combined efforts of their spiders, they were surprised to find that Bell did not fall to the ground howling as they imagined, and then be corroded by the venom into a pool of pus and blood.

When the venom was sprayed in front of Bell, it was blocked by an invisible barrier, and it was not able to contaminate Bell at all.

Just as Bell has always taught Zannah, as a qualified wizard, it is a basic quality to put a shield on yourself at the beginning.

Before entering the Forbidden Forest, Bell had actually cast an 'Iron Armor Curse' on himself. Not to mention that he also wears various defensive accessories.

So the Acromantulas want to defeat Bell so easily?

Go ahead and dream!

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