The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 105 Yes, I am an undercover agent!

Seeing the venom slowly sliding down in front of his eyes, Bell's corners of his mouth slowly raised, and he revealed a hearty smile. He felt his blood boiling and his soul screaming crazily.

'fighting! I need more and more exciting battles! ’

Strictly speaking, this is indeed Bell's first actual combat. Before that, I was basically sparring with the magic stone statue or Zannah. And some of the black magic creatures occasionally found are much weaker than Bell. It can be said that as long as Bell does not fall asleep during the battle, it will not be easy for him to get hurt even if he wants to.

Now, he was surrounded by thousands of spiders, including hundreds of adult Acromantulas the size of cars. If he was careless, Bell might really be dead tonight.

Bell's scalp was numb as he was stimulated by an unprecedented sense of crisis. However, he found that he enjoyed this feeling extremely, enjoying this hearty and passionate feeling!

"Come on! Let's fight to our heart's content!"

Bell stamped the ground suddenly, and stones one after another emerged from the ground and floated into the air. He pointed his wand at the Acromantulas, and saw that the stones in the air quickly transformed into small birds, piercing the air and flying quickly towards Bell's enemies.

Some of the Acromantulas dodged, some spewed venom, and some continued to rush towards Bell regardless.

But everything they did was in vain. The dodging Acromantula was quickly caught up by the bird, and the venom it spat out was nimbly dodged.

Whenever a small bird approaches the Acromantula, they will quickly transform into sharp stone cones, stabbing the giant spider's head accurately, killing them with one blow.

Different from exterminating the giant spiders, Bell showed a completely different tolerance towards the little spiders that had been trying hard to crawl on him since just now. He just waved the magic power on his body slightly, and then the little spiders flew away. And in order to ensure that their lives would not be harmed, Bell even deliberately reduced the intensity of the shock to a minimum.

After all, children are the future, and Bell is not here to make a one-time deal. If these little spiders grow up in the future, they will be valuable food. As an outstanding young man of the 20th century, Bell knew the importance of sustainable development.

The screams of the spiders echoed in the depths of the Forbidden Forest. No matter how hard they tried, they couldn't cause any harm to Bell.

These spiders have been living in the Forbidden Forest since they were born, and their long and prosperous life has made them forget the terror of wizards.

I believe that after tonight, if the surviving spiders can meet the wizard again, they will definitely be in awe.

Seeing the Acromantulas dying one after another, finally, the leader of the Acromantula family, Hagrid's pet Aragog, could no longer stand by and watch.

"Stop it, powerful wizard. Although I don't know why you disguised yourself as a Hogwarts student, that kind of thing has nothing to do with us. Please stop killing my children and grandchildren. If my children are offended in any way, You, then I apologize to you on their behalf. After killing for so long, you should calm down."

"Disguise? What am I pretending to be?"

Looking at the big spider that separated from the spider group and slowly appeared in front of him, Bell scratched his head in confusion.

The Acromantula in front of me was larger than the others, and its carapace turned gray-white due to aging. At the same time, its eight eyes also showed a pale white color, seemingly unable to see anything.

"Stop pretending, I don't believe that all the students at Hogwarts can have this kind of strength now. Although I haven't left the Forbidden Forest for a long time, I still occasionally hear about things from Hagrid. It’s about Hogwarts.”

Aragog said neither humble nor haughty.

At the same time, being cunning and cunning, it also vaguely reminded the other party that it also had a background. If the other party continues to make trouble, Hagrid will definitely find out.

By then, no matter what the other party's purpose of sneaking into Hogwarts is, clues will be discovered. I believe that the other party definitely doesn’t want to see that happen.

"Um...that's right! I did pretend to be a Hogwarts student! I didn't expect you to see through it. You are not simple."

It took Bell 0.2 seconds to take out his 'mask of confusion' from his pocket and put it on his face.

You are so careless, you came out to do bad things... Ahem, you came out to do good things and you forgot to disguise yourself! You know, doing good deeds without leaving a name is Bell's code of conduct.

As Bell put on the mask of confusion, a commotion suddenly broke out in the Acromantula group opposite.

As the name suggests, Acromantulas have eight eyes, so vision is also the sense that Acromantulas rely on most.

And when Bell put on the confusion mask, the Acromantulas were surprised to find that although the human wizard stood still and didn't move, for some reason, the eight eyes they were proud of could not accurately capture it. The other party's position! Then how can you attack yourself?

"what happened?"

Feeling the commotion of the descendants behind him, Aragog asked dissatisfiedly.

Didn't this group of blind guys see that it was negotiating with the terrifying wizard opposite? If you don't stay still at such an important time, what kind of trouble are you making!

"Click~click click~"

An Acromantula clinging to Aragog quickly trembled its mouthparts, making a friction sound like gold and iron.

Aragog listened carefully for a while.

"Wizard, please don't be nervous, we don't mean any harm."

It also thought that Bell put on the confusion mask to prepare for the next battle, but it didn't know that it was just Bell's unreliable personality that showed up again.

"I'm not nervous?"

Bell found that he had some difficulty communicating with this old spider. Why did the other party always say something he couldn't understand? Is this the so-called age gap?

Moreover, Bell would only believe that the other party had no ill intentions if his brain was filled with water. You must know that from the beginning to now, he has killed as many as eighty if not one hundred Acromantulas. These are all the descendants of the old spider.

If his descendants were massacred like this, how could Bell not be malicious if he was already ready to skin him?

To put it bluntly, it’s just that the fist is not strong enough.

If Bell was not strong enough to deal with the siege of the Acromantulas, he would not believe that the old spider would come out and talk nonsense with him. Maybe it is lying leisurely in its nest now, waiting for its children to present it with a rare wizard's feast.

It is the nature of the Acromantula to eat people.

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