The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 117 Are all the little wizards today so wild? ?

"What happened here? What are you all doing here?"

Filch struggled through the crowd. He was attracted by Malfoy's shouts. Years of experience tell him that there must be little wizards here again causing mischief, and he can punish these damn little devils to his heart's content!

"Don't think you can do whatever you want on Halloween?"

Filch was stunned. He could have sworn that he had been working at Hogwarts for decades, but he had never seen anything like it.

A little wizard was squatting on the ground, holding a wand in his hand. In front of the little wizard, lying motionless, was another little wizard with blood on his face.

What's happening here? Did he run into a murder scene?

Are all the little wizards today so wild? ? In the castle of Hogwarts, and in front of everyone in the hall, you dare to take out your wand and kill someone?

By the way, will he be silenced? After all, he is the only normal person here!

Filch felt the tips of his hair trembling. He looked around in panic, hoping to grab a life-saving straw.

Then, he saw the body of his cat, his poor, cute kitten named Mrs. Norris, hanging on the torch stand, swaying gently in the breeze. .

"No—!" Filch screamed. "You murderer! How could you! How dare you, kill my cat!"

At this moment, all things like wizards and silencers were forgotten by Filch. He simply couldn't imagine how someone in this world could be so cruel! ?

Just kill people if you say you want to, Filch doesn't care at all. Anyway, Filch was disgusted with the little wizards in this castle from the bottom of his heart. No matter if one, two, or a hundred or two hundred people die, Filch promises that he will not even frown, and may even open a bottle of whiskey to celebrate.

But! Why kill his cat! ?

"I am going to kill you--!"

Filch roared angrily and rushed towards Bell.

At this time, Bell was looking around curiously.

Judging from what Filch meant, during the short period of time he was dealing with Malfoy, someone actually took advantage of him attracting everyone's attention and killed someone secretly! ?

Are all the little wizards today so wild? ? How dare you kill someone in Hogwarts Castle under Dumbledore's nose! ? Bell wanted to see what kind of majestic appearance and amazing bones this warrior was like?

Then, Bell was surprised to find that Filch rushed towards him with a devilish expression! ?

‘What the hell! ? ’



Before Bell could take action to control Filch, Dumbledore arrived at the scene with the professors, and then he was stunned.

what's the situation? That's not what the script is like!

Looking at Bell, who had already stood up, and Malfoy, who was still lying on the ground unable to move, Dumbledore was also filled with questions.

Are all the little wizards today so wild? ? Or is he really old? Is his reputation as the most powerful white wizard in modern times no longer enough to scare people? There are actually students who dare to film in front of him, the headmaster of Hogwarts?

Unlike Filch, as a powerful wizard, Dumbledore could still clearly tell whether the thing lying on the ground was dead or alive.

"Dumbledore! My cat! My Lady Norris!"

Filch cried like a bullied child who finally met his parents.

"Don't worry, Argus, your cat is not dead."

Dumbledore glanced at Mrs. Norris who was hanging on the torch stand and determined that the cat was not dead, but had fallen into a strange petrified state.

If it were normal, he would be very interested in this strange petrified state and start researching it immediately.

But now, he faced the standing Bell and the lying one on the field... By the way, who is that?

Because of Bell's obstruction, Dumbledore could not see Malfoy's face, and could only tell from the school uniform that it was a Slytherin student.

"So, who can tell me what's going on here?"

Dumbledore asked curiously.

Before Bell could say anything, Hermione rushed to Bell's side impatiently and explained.

"That's right, Professor. When we returned to the lounge just now, we found the words on the wall here and Mrs. Norris's... and Mrs. Norris's hanging there."

Hermione wanted to say corpse, but suddenly remembered what Professor Dumbledore said, Mrs. Norris was not dead?

After all that, you're still not dead? Could it be that magical cats really have nine lives?

"Then Malfoy suddenly jumped out, pointed at me and shouted 'Mudblood', and then Bell asked Malfoy to apologize to me, and then Malfoy talked about pure blood, glory, etc., but I didn't listen. He understands so well. Then Bell took action and gave Malfoy a small lesson, and then Malfoy shouted 'go to hell' or something, and then...then...and then it became like this."

Hermione gave full play to the eloquence she had developed over many years of teaching her classmates. This is the superhuman eloquence of Bell that is often said to be dizzy.

As for some places in the discourse, may there be some discrepancies with reality?

illusion! It must be an illusion!

At least in Hermione's perception, the truth is one hundred percent the same as what she said, without any deviation!

The professors were a little dizzy from Hermione's series of 'and's,' but at least they understood the general situation.

To put it simply, Malfoy and Bell had a fight, and then they never did it.

"Since the matter involves students from Ravenclaw and Slytherin, then I will leave the decision-making power on this matter to..."

Dumbledore turned around and looked at the deans of the four houses.

Professor Flitwick was pulling his hair nervously. He is kind and does not want to see the young wizards in his academy being severely punished.

Professor Snape couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth. He believed that Dumbledore would definitely leave the decision-making power to himself and Flitwick.

And unlike Flitwick, who has a good reputation, he can deal with these brats without any shame! This time I must seize the opportunity and severely deduct Ravenclaw House points. In this way, Slytherin House will have no opponent in this year's House Cup!

The naive Snape had completely forgotten everything that happened at the end-of-year banquet of the previous school year in just a few months.

Want the Academy Cup?

Go ahead and dream!

"Leave it to Minerva."

After scanning the deans of the four houses, Dumbledore made a final decision.


Unlike Professor Flitwick who breathed a sigh of relief, Snape screamed in shock.

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