The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 118 Doesn’t anyone care about poor Mr. Malfoy?

For Professor Flitwick, as long as the decision-making power is not handed over to Snape, it doesn't matter who he gives it to.

Although Professor McGonagall has always been known for being strict, unlike Snape, she is still very fair. It would be nice to let Bell suffer some pain so that he can realize his mistake.

As for Snape, he now seriously doubted that Dumbledore was old and confused.

So it was obviously a fight between Slytherin and a Ravenclaw student, so what does it have to do with her being the Head of Gryffindor! ?

Dumbledore can't push all good things on Gryffindor just because he is born in Gryffindor.

If McGonagall gritted her teeth and stamped her feet, wouldn't this year's Academy Cup belong to Gryffindor?

"After all, it involves the two of you academies, and it won't be good for either of you to decide it. And if you two decide it together, I'm afraid it will affect your friendship. So I have to Leave the matter to Minerva. Minerva is not only the head of Gryffindor, but she is also the deputy principal of Hogwarts. I think it is most appropriate to leave it to her."

Dumbledore explained with a smile.

‘I have a weird friendship with him! '*2

Flitwick and Snape complained in their hearts together.

As the saying goes, the first level of officialdom crushes people to death. Dumbledore is the headmaster and he is the biggest here, so no matter how reluctant Snape is, he can no longer change the reality.

Professor McGonagall walked up to Bell and stared at Bell's face seriously.

"Mr. Menethil, since your behavior has had a very bad impact, I have decided to deduct 50 house points from Ravenclaw. Do you have anything to say?"

"I have nothing to say about the deduction of points."

Bell waved his hand indifferently. Anyway, the Academy Cup has been assigned to Gryffindor by Old Deng, so what difference does it make between second place or third place?

As for fourth?

Don't be kidding, that's Hufflepuff's exclusive ranking, okay? Who is so unafraid of death that he would even dare to take the position of Brother Flathead? Aren't you afraid that the little badgers will go crazy and bite people?

"But professors, are you sure you don't want to send Mr. Malfoy to the campus hospital for treatment first? Although he won't die sooner or later, he will definitely suffer a lot. Although I don't care."


Facing the gazes cast by the students, the professors' faces became a little confused.

The scene was so complicated that they couldn't handle so many things at the same time. In addition, Malfoy was really inconspicuous lying there, so they accidentally forgot about the fact that there was another seriously injured person.

From this incident, we can see how pitiful the Slytherin snakes are in the current Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

It's okay if other professors don't want to see them. The key is that their dean is still such a character. He really has no place to cry even if he wants to!

Professor McGonagall quickly passed Bell and walked to Malfoy's side. She knelt down and pressed her wand against Malfoy's body.

"The sternum is comminuted and fractured, and there are varying degrees of contusions all over the body. Fortunately, they are all simple physical impact injuries, which can be healed quickly using magic spells and potions. If left in the hands of Madam Pomfrey, Get some sleep at night and you should be fine tomorrow morning."

Professor McGonagall breathed a sigh of relief. There were no injuries that would leave any sequelae. It seemed that the school would not be in trouble.

As for whether it will leave a mental shadow?

Haha, she is the head of Gryffindor. For psychological consultation, please also go to Dean Snape of Slytherin.

But I believe that anyone with a little bit of brains wouldn't want to discuss any psychological issues with Snape when they saw Snape's gloomy face, right?

By the way, that boy Menethil is very ruthless! Even in Quidditch games, injuries of this degree are rare.

Malfoy, who had been lying on the ground, breathed a long sigh of relief after hearing Professor McGonagall's words.

Unfortunately, Malfoy was lying here listening to the professors' conversation. After so long, the ground has been warmed by his covering! As a result, what I looked around for was that no one came to see him!

Finally, it was the guy Menethil who mentioned him, and Professor McGonagall came to check on his injuries. Malfoy didn't even know if he should thank that nasty guy Menethil. Otherwise, he might have to lie down all night?

After hearing that he could not die, Malfoy finally let go of his worries and passed out neatly.

"For Mr. Malfoy, 20 points will be deducted."

Professor McGonagall felt her old face getting a little hot. For the first time in decades of teaching, the old professor felt so embarrassed.

Originally, Professor McGonagall planned to deduct 50 points from Malfoy just like Menethil. But now, she really has no shame in deducting so many points!

"In view of Mr. Malfoy's injuries, his confinement has been cancelled. As for you, Mr. Menethil, I will inform you by owl later about your confinement punishment. Don't put away your wand yet!"

Professor McGonagall stared at Bell. It was this guy who almost caused her to lose her life insurance!

Bell shrugged and put the wand he had forgotten to put away back into his sleeve.

Bell didn't care at all about the confinement.

There is no way, you have strength and you are so confident.

Snape was also satisfied with Professor McGonagall's punishment.

Slytherin House had only been deducted 20 points. Not only did they still firmly occupy the first place in house points, they also opened a gap with Ravenclaw in second place. In comparison, small things like Malfoy suffering a little more are not worth mentioning at all.

Young people, it is a good thing to suffer more. Only by enduring hardship can one become a master.

If there was anyone present who was dissatisfied with Professor McGonagall's punishment, it was Hermione.

"Professor McGonagall, this happened because of me, and I should be punished. Please punish me just like you punished Bell!"

The loyal little witch couldn't accept that her best friend was punished because of her, while she herself had nothing to do.

"No, Miss Granger, the cause of the matter is not you. If you insist on saying so, the cause of the matter should be these words on the wall. As for Mr. Malfoy insulting you, it is entirely his fault alone. You don't deserve to be punished."

Professor McGonagall flatly rejected Hermione's proposal.

It is really not easy for Gryffindor House to produce a few young wizards with serious and studious personalities. Not to mention, Hermione's character has many similarities with hers, so Professor McGonagall is reluctant to punish the little witch.


"Okay, Hermione, no more."

Just when Hermione wanted to continue to argue, Bell interrupted her.

Unlike him, Hermione, who has a serious personality, will definitely abide by the professor's requirements if she is also placed in solitary confinement. In that case, wouldn't he be able to cheat with magic?

And Hermione did not do anything wrong about what happened today. So as Professor McGonagall said, she shouldn't be punished.

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