The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 132 Who will Fina follow?

"Alas~! Okay, you win. The reason why I am here today is actually because of...Professor McGonagall!"

Hearing the exclamation of the Ravenclaw in front of them, everyone, including Katie, subconsciously looked towards the entrance of the lounge.

However, the entrance was empty, and there was no sign of Professor McGonagall anywhere.

Knowing that they had been deceived, the little lions turned their heads back angrily.

Katie swore that she would break the little eagle's wings to let him know that not everyone can provoke the lion's anger at will!


"Man! Where did that Ravenclaw go?"

Katie took a quick look around the lounge. After finding nothing, she turned her attention to the Gryffindors in the lounge.

The little lions looked at me, and I looked at you, and finally looked at Katie together, shaking their heads in unison.

"Why are you still standing there? Look for him quickly! No one has passed through the entrance, he must still be hiding here! Go and search in the boys' dormitory, even if you dig three feet, you have to find him! I want him to know The consequences for fooling Gryffindor!"

A group of people quickly rushed into the boys' dormitory area, searching dormitories one after another from the outside in, causing a commotion like a flying dog.

So where did Bale go?

In fact, he didn't go anywhere.

Taking advantage of the attention of the little lions being diverted to the entrance of the lounge, Bell quickly cast a disillusionment spell on himself. Then he just stood there calmly, watching a group of people hurried past him.

In order to be able to communicate directly with Hermione, Bell cast a spell on Fina so that his voice could come out through Fina's mouth. But because this magic spell was just a whim of Bell when he was playing with Fina, after spending some time and successfully developing it, he never used it again.

Bell has always taken the most cautious attitude towards unskilled spells. Even though in many cases that is not actually necessary.

Therefore, in order to ensure that the spell cast on Fina would not be invalidated due to the distance, Bell had to make sure that he always stood at the entrance of the girls' dormitory area.

As for what the little lions will do after they can't find him, or what kind of rumors will spread?

Who knows.

Bell was not willing to waste even a second of his time worrying about boring things.

Bell is so busy!

He is busy chatting and playing with his sister every day, playing with cats, reading books and learning magic.

Occasionally, I have to communicate with my mother to reduce my mother's jealousy towards my sister.

He even occasionally takes some time to help his father with advice.

He is such an old man, but he still has the nerve to ask a 12-year-old kid for help. Really not ashamed!

Therefore, it’s not that Bell doesn’t care about his classmates, but that he really doesn’t have time!

By the way, Fina has been in there for so long, why hasn't she found Hermione's dorm yet? Could it be that the little guy was so busy eating that he forgot about his assigned tasks?

Bell was a little worried about his pet's unreliable character.

‘So who did it follow? ’


Fina walked with her head held high in the girls' dormitory area, looking left and right as she walked, as if she was patrolling her territory.

No! Not like that! This is its territory!

That's right! Just now, Fina had decided to make this area her own territory. It just rubbed off several hairs and threw them in the corridor.

"Ah! What a cute kitten!"

A little witch saw Fina walking into the bedroom.

"Really! So cute! Whose cat is this? Why haven't you seen it before?"

Another little witch who was dressing up heard her roommate's shout and turned to look over.

"I don't know. Little kitten, come here quickly. Sister, there is something delicious here."

"Ah! It's here! It looks so cute when it eats!"

"Ah! It ran away! It's all your fault. Why did you suddenly hug it and scare it away!"

"Because it's so cute! I couldn't hold it back. How about we catch up."

"But didn't we make an appointment with Funi? It's almost time. She will be angry if we are late."

"But...well, I hope that cute kitten is still here when we come back."

'snort! Stupid humans! ’

Fina curled her lips in disdain at the behavior of the two previous female humans who only offered a small piece of bread and then wanted to hug it.

Fina felt that it was necessary for it to patrol here more often in the future and teach these humans what etiquette was.

Therefore, in order to facilitate future inspections, it is necessary for it to designate this place as its own territory.

Definitely not to get more delicious food. Absolutely not!

In fact, it's not like Fina has never visited the girls' dormitory area of ​​Ravenclaw before.

Just because when Bell didn't have class, Fina mostly stayed with Bell, and when Bell had class, most of the other little wizards also went to class.

Therefore, Fina has not enjoyed this kind of treatment.

Fortunately, Bell's magic power attached to Fina's body was always reminding it, otherwise the little guy would probably forget his mission and go further and further down the enviable road of begging for food.

Walking and stopping, Fina went in and took a look at every dormitory along the way. Unknowingly, a huge team formed behind Fina.

Some of the little witches were wearing private clothes, some were wearing pajamas, and some were disheveled and looked completely indifferent.

Rather than putting on makeup, they are now more curious about what the cute little guy in front of them wants to do? Who is its owner?

Fina always remembered her master's instructions.

For those female humans who wanted to hold it, Fina did not directly give them a paw once and for all, but nimbly avoided the other's hands and did not let anyone hold it.

Fina is not an easy beast. The pride of being a beast prevents it from close contact with other creatures.

So far, only four humans have hugged it.

Two of them are Belle and Shanna. As Fina's owners, they are entitled to hold her at any time.

The other two are Penello and Hermione. As Bell's friend, Fina would reluctantly let them hug her only when Bell was present.

In fact, Fina has been living in Hogwarts in bits and pieces for several months. Therefore, even without the instructions of its master, it will not harm these female humans who offer it food.

As for those guys who want to hold it without giving it anything to eat?


So Bell's advice is actually very necessary. After all, except for Shanna, no one knows the virtues of his pets better than him.

After going around and around, Fina finally discovered the female human named Hermione.

With proud steps, it jumped onto the table in front of Hermione, squatted down and looked up at the female who often appeared next to her master.

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