The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 133 Confused Hermione


Staring at the ring on her finger, Hermione felt strange lately.

She didn't know why, but since she separated from Bell on the Quidditch pitch last Sunday and returned to the dormitory, Bell's figure always appeared in her mind.

The way Bell is smiling, the way Bell is angry, the way Bell is serious, the way Bell is reading, the way Bell is eating, Bell...

In short, besides Bell, there is still Bell!

Hermione couldn't figure out why. She seriously suspected that Bell had added some evil magic to the ring.

Otherwise, why had she never been in this situation before Bell put this ring on her?

It should...never appear, right?

Moreover, Bell must have cast a magic spell on this ring that "once put on, it cannot be taken off." Otherwise, why would she be reluctant to take it off no matter when eating, sleeping, attending class, or even washing? This is so weird isn't it?

Damn Belle!


Looking out the window into the distance, Hermione felt that she must be sick, and that she was seriously ill.

She didn't know why, but whenever she thought about Bell, she would feel a sharp pain coming from her heart.

It felt like her heart was being roasted in a fireplace, torturous and suffocating.

But she didn't know why, even though it was such a painful thing, she just couldn't help but miss Bell.

The more I thought about it, the more painful it became, and the more painful it became, the more I thought about it. In the end, it was so painful that I couldn’t sleep, eat, or read... in short, I just didn’t want to do anything!

Since you are sick, it is natural that you should see a doctor.

Hermione had visited Madam Pomfrey as early as Monday. After a careful examination, Madam Pomfrey told her that she was healthy! ?

She looks healthy! ?

The most irritating thing was that Madam Pomfrey actually looked at her with comfort in her eyes, telling her not to be too anxious. What, there was still a long time before the final exam?

Does Hermione need anyone else to tell her this kind of thing? ?

Could she still not know that there were still 227 days until the final exam?

And who is she? She is number one in her grade!

She never... rarely gets anxious about exams!

In the end, Hermione only got a few bottles of tranquilizing potions from Madam Pomfrey. It is said to relieve anxiety and promote sleep.

After drinking the potion, Hermione found that...she still couldn't sleep!

Damn Belle!


Looking at the dark screen of the personal terminal in her hand, Hermione sighed for an unknown number of times.

She didn't know why, but she obviously wanted to send a message back to Bell, but every time she entered what she wanted to say, she felt a little awkward. It was as if those words were not what she really wanted to say.

And what she really wanted to say, she didn't know. So I could only keep inputting, deleting, and deleting the items I lost. I don’t know how many times I repeated it.

In the end, after so many days, she still failed to reply to a message.

Hermione felt that Bell must be very angry now.

If she sent so many messages to Bell, but received no reply from him, she would definitely go crazy.

The screen lit up again, and there was another message from Bell.

Hermione didn't even have time to read the content of the message before she rolled around happily on the bed.

For Hermione, who couldn't eat, sleep, or even read a book, lying in bed every day and looking forward to Bell's next message had become the only thing she could do, and it was also her only pleasure.

As for the weird looks from my roommates?

After so many days, Hermione had already gotten used to it and learned to ignore it.

Hermione was already considering whether to take a leave of absence from Professor McGonagall and go to the legendary St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Maladies.

I heard that it is the best hospital in the entire British wizarding world, and it is also the only hospital.

So, why are there so many uniques in the magic world?

There is only one wand shop, one magic school, and now there is only one magic hospital?

Don’t wizards know what antitrust is?

So what happened to her?

I obviously want to send a message back to Bell, but why can't I reply even one message?

She obviously wanted to see Bell so much, but why did she feel like a wall suddenly appeared in front of her every time she wanted to take a step forward, preventing her from taking a step forward?

After the smart little witch thought seriously for a while with her clever little head, she realized.

Sure enough, it was all Bell's fault!

Otherwise, why would she not feel any strange when meeting others, but when she thought of meeting Bell, so many questions would arise! ?

What further confirmed Hermione's judgment was the dream she had every night when she went to bed.

Every night when she finally fell asleep, she would wake up from her dream after a while. Then the process is repeated over and over again.

The experiences in dreams are all kinds of strange, and usually Hermione will forget them soon after waking up.

However, there was only one thing she remembered very clearly. That is, in every dream, Bell will definitely appear!

Annoying Bell!

With disheveled hair and wrinkled pajamas, Hermione sat in front of the table in a daze.

She hasn't taken care of herself for many days. She has no experience doing those things now.

Besides, what's the use of taking care of it?

Bell can't see it anyway!

‘By the way, it’s Bell again! ? What does this have to do with Bell! ? ’



Before Hermione could continue the thought she had repeated for an unknown number of times, there was a soft 'thunk' sound in front of her, which startled her.


Looking at the cute kitten that suddenly appeared on her desk and meowing at her, Hermione habitually reached out and rubbed Fina's little head.

"Fina, I have told you so many times that you are a cat, not a wolf. You should cry 'meow~' instead of 'oooo~'."

Fina gave Hermione a look of disdain. You are the cat, your whole family is a cat!

"Alas~! Fina, why did you come here? Didn't you accompany your master? I wonder what Bell is doing now? I haven't replied to his message. Is he angry? Without me watching, Did he go to class well? Did he abide by the school rules well? Did he..."

Hermione, who was more talking to herself than talking to Fina, failed to notice Fina's increasingly impatient eyes.

And Fina was no longer interested in listening to Hermione's ramble.

If it weren't for the sake of the seemingly good relationship between the other party and his master, and he didn't offer a lot of delicious food, why would he still dare to touch his own head?

Do you really think its little claws are disadvantageous? ?

And it just told this female that its owner wanted to talk to her. But the female didn't respond at all. Instead, she said a bunch of garbled and incomprehensible things. What exactly is she going to do?

"Hermione? Can you hear me?"


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